Calamity Frontier

Chapter 149 Skills and Equipment

Chapter 149 Skills and Equipment
In the calamity world system, in the face of all kinds of fantasy and magical magical creatures, wizards and mages, which tend to be close to nature, will always make these magical creatures have more harmony.

When the two magical creatures Gumball felt the thick abyssal magic power in Qiao Yu's body, the two of them immediately put away the spears in their hands.

"Honorable Master Wizard."

There was a trace of respect in the red Gumball's tone, but also a trace of guard.

"Our Unbelievable House welcomes all kinds of guests who are in awe of nature, and at the same time we will resolutely reject those enemies who offend nature."

The red Gumball said in a soft and hard way.A magical creature like Gumball is born with an extraordinary sense of closeness to nature, which is also the nature of many magical creatures.

With the power of natural magic, magical creatures are naturally full of respect for nature.

Qiao Yu nodded slightly, agreeing, and then walked over the two of them towards the Unbelievable Cabin, but the two Gumballs did not stop him.

Enter the Unbelievable Cabin.What came into view was a small house of a very ordinary magical creature.

On the walls are licorice in winter, some magic feathers, a few potion candles that bloom brightly, and antlers, claws, furs, etc. of some beheaded creatures as decorations.

At this time, in the middle of the room, next to a table with a nine-square grid, a huge and old Gumball with a diameter of two meters was crawling there.

As soon as Qiao Yu entered the hut, the old and huge Gumball opened his eyes and stared at Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu could feel that the old Gumball in front of him contained extremely abundant and strong magic power, and he was obviously a master of magic.

"Dear wizard, where do you think the destination of life is?" When Qiao Yu sat down, the old Gumball waved his magic wand, tapped the nine-square table, and asked Qiao Yu .

Qiao Yu opened his eyes and looked at the nine-square table.

At a glance, Qiao Yu knew that this was the old Gumball's consideration for himself.

At this moment, there are nine squares in the Jiugong grid on the table. Qiao Yu saw that eight of them were full of life force, and only the square in the upper left corner was filled with the breath of death.

Obviously, the destination of this life, the death in the square in the upper left corner is the answer.

But is the question really that simple?

Qiao Yu has never been so quick to make an exact decision on a question that needs to be considered.

With a thought, a large amount of abyssal magic power gathered in Qiao Yu's eyes.

Looking at it, Qiao Yu saw the problem.

At this time, Qiao Yu saw the grid in the middle of the Jiugongge. Although it was filled with the breath of life, there was more breath of death wrapped inside.

Perhaps this middle one is the answer.

But Qiao Yu was not in a hurry.

After taking a light breath, Qiao Yu gently closed his eyes.

While breathing, Qiao Yu entered a state of silence, and at the same time, a mysterious feeling of "fine detail" bloomed in Qiao Yu's soul perception.

In the "fine detail", Qiao Yu felt the true face of this Jiugongge meticulously.

After a while, Qiao Yu opened his eyes.

With a light wave of his palm, the magic power of the abyss surged, and Qiao Yu suddenly moved slightly towards Jiugongge.

In an instant, Qiao Yu's abyssal magic power entered the nine-square grid table.

The next moment, the entire Jiugongge table, in front of Qiao Yu and the old Gumball, began to wither, wither, then rot, decay, and finally turn into ashes. The whole process took less than ten seconds.

The old Gumball just looked at all this without changing his face.

"As you can see, death is everywhere." With a smile on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth, he looked at the old Gumball.

"Death is everywhere."

"Dear wizard, your manipulation of magic power is really amazing." The old Gumball said so.

"If you choose the upper left corner, then I will open the ordinary Unbelievable House store for you."

The old Gumball began to explain slowly.

"If you choose the position in the middle, then I will open a high-quality Unbelievable House store for you."

"And now, you have seen where the real death location is, then..." The staff in the old Gumball's hand slightly moved. "I will also open the real boutique store in the Unbelievable Cabin for you."

With Gumball's slight touch, a blue light bloomed in front of Qiao Yu's eyes.

There are only five props in this azure blue light curtain, but each of them is just like what the old Gumball said, all of them are real masterpieces.

"However, you can only buy two." The old Gumball's voice came slowly.

"Should I buy two? It's not bad. If it's really a high-quality product, it's enough to increase my strength enough." Listening to the old Gumball's words, Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

The first item that caught Qiao Yu's eyes was a piece of silver equipment.A piece of first-class silver equipment worth as much as thirteen hundred calamity coins.

This is a long gun, not suitable for Qiao Yu.

Then Qiao Yu set his sights on the second prop.

Ability: Super Mitochondria

Level: Level [-] (Exclusive)

Introduction: With it, even a dying old rabbit can kill a cow with one punch.

Effect: Let you have the extremely terrifying "super mitochondria". If you can control it, you will become a "little superman".

When Qiao Yu saw this exclusive third-level super mitochondria, Qiao Yu was a little puzzled at first.

But when Qiao Yu gradually thought deeply, a hint of surprise gradually came to Qiao Yu's heart, and then a burst of ecstasy unfolded.

"It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it." Looking at this "super mitochondria" skill, Qiao Yu secretly applauded. "This 'Super Mitochondria' matches my 'Cell Armament' so well."

Qiao Yu's great idea "Cell Armament", as can be seen from the name, started from the cell level.

Mitochondria are the energy suppliers in the cell structure, which are equivalent to the engine of the cell.

The quality of an engine directly determines the strength of the cell's power, and the strength of the cell's power determines the level of Qiao Yu's basic power.

Once you have this "super mitochondria", it is equivalent to installing a fighter jet engine on a car.One can imagine the horror of this super mitochondria.

Then Qiao Yu looked at the price of this super mitochondria.

2400 disaster coins.

"Two thousand and four hundred calamity god coins are almost catching up with the second-level magic pool and heart worth three thousand, but this super mitochondria is also worth the price." Looking at the price, Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

According to the base price, the base price of this exclusive skill is [-] Calamity Coins,
Upgrading to the second level requires 1000 calamity coins, and upgrading to the third level requires [-] and [-] coins.

So this third-level exclusive skill is worth [-] God of Calamity Coins.

Such a high price is comparable to the benefits of a complete world of disaster fighters in an EE-level disaster world.

(End of this chapter)

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