Calamity Frontier

Chapter 150 Ascension

Chapter 150 Ascension (No.18)
Two thousand and four hundred calamity god coins, for other calamity fighters, that is undoubtedly a sky-high price, and it is simply unaffordable.But for Qiao Yu, this is not a problem at all.

Entering this demonic mechanical world, Qiao Yu has not lost the calamity coins.

So far, Qiao Yu has killed about 60 legion soldiers.Now Qiao Yu's calamity coins have accumulated to 4608, which is more than enough to buy this powerful skill - super mitochondria.

After spending [-] God of Disaster Coins, Qiao Yu got this third-level exclusive skill——Super Mitochondria.

"This is a very terrifying and powerful skill. If you can't control it, please don't activate it at will." At this time, the voice of the old Gumball came softly.

"Thank you for letting me know. I will remember your teaching." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

Then Qiao Yu continued to browse the props behind.

The third item is a powerful "exclusive level" dimensional concealment skill. After learning it, you can enter the hidden state anytime and anywhere, and it is in a dimensional state, so that ordinary attacks cannot cause damage to it. For those dark killers As far as it is concerned, this is a divine skill.

But this skill is not suitable for Qiao Yu's route.

Then came the fourth prop.

Rare: Iron Fruit

Grade: Level [-] (Diguo)

Introduction: The mysterious and yellow fruit of heaven and earth, the mysterious true fruit located in the "earth" position.

Effect: After absorbing it, you will have a steel-like body, and you will get an additional +10 defense attribute.

"A powerful mysterious fruit." Qiao Yu frowned slightly when he saw this treasure.

Compared with equipment, skills, and various props, Qiao Yu is particularly fond of such treasures that directly increase physical strength and attributes after use.

Qiao Yu looked at the price. The price of this steel fruit is not low, [-] calamity coins.

Then Qiao Yu set his sights on the last piece of equipment.

Equipment: Dreadnought Helm

Grade: Tier [-] Silver

Introduction: It is the favorite of fanatics. With it, you will feel that your life is burning crazily all the time, and you will enter a state of extreme excitement.

Effect: frenzied state +10, mad state +10, unparalleled state +10.

"Another good thing." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

After staring for a moment, Qiao Yu shook his head slightly. "Unfortunately, it still doesn't suit me."

The unparalleled state is certainly suitable for Qiao Yu, but the crazy state will greatly weaken Qiao Yu's perception ability. Maybe it doesn't matter to others, but to Qiao Yu, it is dangerous to have no perception ability state.

"It's more practical to take the steel fruit. After all, when I go back, I have enough calamity coins in my hand, and I can also obtain silver-level good equipment."

Later, Qiao Yu bought the steel fruit.

The steel fruit plus the super mitochondria are worth [-] God of Calamity Coins, which is expensive.Fortunately, Qiao Yu was able to take it.

When he took the two into his hands, the [-] calamity coins on Qiao Yu's body became [-].

After purchasing, Qiao Yu bid farewell to this old Gumball, and then left this strange hut.

When Qiao Yu returned to the ridge and looked back at the unbelievable hut, he found that the unbelievable hut had also entered a dilapidated stage.

Regardless of the Unbelievable House, Qiao Yu accelerated towards the south.

"With these two things, my strength can be improved a lot again." Qiao Yu smiled as he moved forward.

First of all, Qiao Yu directly learned the third-level exclusive skill, super mitochondria.

With the study of this super mitochondria, Qiao Yu's five equipment bars are already full.If Qiao Yu wants to learn more skills, he needs to buy additional skill bars, and the extra skill bars are worth a lot of money.

Then, Qiao Yu used the steel fruit.

After using the steel fruit, Qiao Yu clearly felt the effect of his own defensive power superimposed instantly.In addition to the defensive attributes, Qiao Yu can also feel that his body has gradually strengthened from the inside to the outside. Qiao Yu's body strength is about ten times that of a normal person. At this time, with the addition of this steel fruit The combination of the two makes Qiao Yu's body not only have the high-strength defense of steel, but also have the toughness of a human body.

After all, this steel fruit is more expensive than Qiao Yu's magic pool and heart, and its effect is also more than that of the magic pool and heart.

"With this steel fruit, my defense ability has reached 26 points, and the bullet defense ability has reached [-] points. This level of defense, coupled with my physical body, hail of bullets, and frontal missile bombardment, I can I won't be too scared." As he was advancing, Qiao Yu suddenly squeezed his fist and laughed secretly.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu focused on the skill of super mitochondria.

Before learning, you can only see a brief introduction. After learning the skill, Qiao Yu can view the detailed introduction of the skill in detail.

After some inspection, Qiao Yu confirmed that this super mitochondria is indeed a very powerful skill.

The more energy-consuming cells in the human body, the more mitochondria are needed. After all, mitochondria are the "engine" of cells.

And this super mitochondria is a super engine.

However, at this time there is a problem.

Just having a powerful engine without energy supply is a very big problem.

Just like this introduction, after a dying rabbit broke out, he punched and killed a cow with one punch, but after that, needless to say, the rabbit must have run out of fuel and died.

Even for a powerful disaster warrior, after using this super mitochondrial skill, even if he is not dead, he will enter a stage of weakness.

After using it, it enters the stage of weakness, which is the disadvantage of this skill.

But for Qiao Yu, this problem should not be a problem.

The reason is, Qiao Yu's - the power of Qing Gang.

The power of Qinggang can make Qiao Yu's endurance, tenacity, and durability extremely long.

The essence of the reason is that these "green powers" permeating Qiao Yu's body cells can accumulate a large amount of energy by themselves, and then when Qiao Yu consumes them, they can continuously replenish them.Therefore, this also led to Qiao Yu's long endurance, and now Qiao Yu's Qing Gang power has increased again from the previous seven points to the current eighteen points, allowing Qiao Yu's body to accumulate energy become thicker.

The powerful hidden energy accumulated by the power of Qinggang can supply the "super mitochondria" for a period of time, and there is no problem at all.

It can be said that the large amount of energy accumulated by the power of the green gang, and the crazy explosion of the super mitochondria during the stoppage time, completely complement each other.

For Qiao Yu, after the super-mitochondrion erupts, he just enters a normal state and will not be weak. With the power of Qinggang, he can recover his physical strength soon.

In this way, Qiao Yu's super mitochondria are completely in a state of fast cooling, long-lasting, and no negative effects-the unparalleled state!
That's why Qiao Yu said that this super mitochondria is very suitable for his powerful skills.

(End of this chapter)

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