Calamity Frontier

Chapter 164 Steel Torrent

Chapter 164 Steel Torrent

bang bang...

The torrent of bullets is completely you coming and going, densely intertwined.

Now that Qiao Yu's physical body has entered the high-level level of "Vector Static", coupled with Qiao Yu's quintessential abyssal magic power permeating the physical body, it can be said that Qiao Yu's physical body is precisely controlled, which is already very precise.

Qiao Yu, holding the devil's fang, blended the pure magic power of the abyss into it.

The mysterious effect of "contact fusion" bloomed, and the devil's fang was completely integrated with Qiao Yu's precise control.

The attribute vision opened up, and the densely packed demonic mechanical creatures fell completely within the range of Qiao Yu's precise shooting.

Although Qiao Yu is not afraid of ordinary bullets, let alone ordinary missiles, it is better not to bear the attack if he can bear it.

Qiao Yu’s hiding place is very good. It’s on the wall of a metal barrier, 30 meters above the ground. It’s a slightly forward concealed attack post. The view here is relatively wide. At the same time, it’s very hidden and can be attacked by Very little attack.

chug chu...

Dense bullets roared out from the muzzle of Devil's Fang, venting the will to kill.

Many demonic machines that rushed from the front, one after another, continued to die under Qiao Yu's gun.

After all, the firing speed of fifteen bullets per second is not covered.

Of course, in addition to Qiao Yu's own firearms that shoot fast, Qiao Yu also saw that some other disaster fighters also have good attribute firearms and equipment.

Even Qiao Yu saw a guy Gatling with infinite bullets.

The Gatling with unlimited bullets had a rate of fire of a terrifying sixty rounds per second.The bullets released crazily are a torrent of death.

The gun barrel is aimed at the target, and it is either dead or injured. The power of firearms equipped with this attribute is still very terrifying.

Many people are envious when they see other people's equipment with unlimited bullets.

Burst blasting, rifling wear, jamming, impact pin damage, and other non-attribute firearm equipment will definitely not appear on attribute equipment.

So this kind of Gatling with unlimited bullets can roar 24 hours a day as long as the trigger is not released.

Although there are not many similar high-tech equipment with unlimited bullets and high rate of fire, there will always be some people who are lucky enough to get them.

At this moment, in the face of this terrifying torrent of demonic machines, these equipment with high rate of fire and unlimited bullets are undoubtedly the most advantageous.

Although Qiao Yu had a relatively smooth journey, he didn't get the extremely valuable unlimited bullets.

However, this devil's fang has a super clip. An ordinary green energy nucleus can be shot more than 2000 times, and a dark green energy nucleus can be shot more than 5000 times.There are dozens of green energy nuclei in the super magazine, even if it is not an infinite magazine, it is almost the same.

At this time, the confrontation of this technological weapon, and the individual's ability pale in comparison in front of this hot weapon.

And those owners of unlimited bullet equipment are the most dominant in this battle.

chug chu...

In aiming and shooting, the firing speed of the Devil's Fang is incomparable compared to those purely high-firing equipment.

But the gun power of the Devil's Fang is not comparable to that of ordinary equipment.

With one shot, Qiao Yu can kill an ordinary demon mechanical creature.

Even with thick armor, Qiao Yu would definitely die with one shot. Those green demonic mechanical creatures only needed four or five shots, and Qiao Yu could kill them.

Qiao Yu's killing efficiency is simply terrifying.

Under the roar of the devil's fang, enemies died under Qiao Yu's gun almost every second.

During the shooting, the mechanical wolf, armored ox, giant mechanical elephant, mechanical black mamba, mechanical lizard, mechanical lion, armored wild boar and other mechanical demonic creatures that came at the first attack, they all rushed forward. Died under the guns of everyone.

Qiao Yu aimed at it, completely forming a death penalty zone.


The rumbling impact of the demonic mechanical creature shook the ground.

Da da da……

chug chu...

The demonic mechanical creatures that came on the impact, they still poured firepower on the metal castle during the impact.

Bullets, artillery shells, all kinds of missiles, rockets, and incendiary bombs also fell on the metal barrier in large numbers without mercy.

Crazy and fiery battles are densely intertwined. This is a confrontation between blood and death, and it is also a contest for victory and justice.

call out--

A large missile roared over.

"Be careful."

"Get down."

Immediately someone shouted loudly.


The large missile bombarded the metal barrier on the side of Qiao Yu and exploded. Seven or eight unlucky guys were directly blown away by the terrifying shock wave.

Those ordinary humans fainted from the shock, and even bled from their noses, while those strong disaster fighters were just a little bit embarrassed, and there was no serious problem.

And Qiao Yu, who was only 20 meters away from the missile explosion point, acted nonchalantly.

Qiao Yu couldn't be killed even with a frontal hit from the missile, and Qiao Yu ignored the shock wave.

As the disaster fighters gradually strengthen, each disaster fighter will become stronger and more terrifying, and every disaster fighter that survives will become a terrifying—super fighter.

Looking slightly over the metal wall that was bombarded by the missile, Qiao Yu found that the metal wall was only slightly dented, which was harmless at all.

"This metal barrier has more 'indestructible properties'. These demon mechanical creatures, their thermal weapons attack, can't destroy this metal barrier at all. As long as they rely on this metal barrier, they may not be able to hold it for three days."

"But..." With that in mind, Qiao Yu moved his gun and aimed at the dark green flying cannon shooter.The heavy weapon bombardment just now was fired by it.

"These high-level threats must be eliminated first."

With that in mind, the bullets of Qiao Yu's Devil Fang roared wildly.

The roaring bullets from Devil's Fang easily tore open the armor of the dark green cannon shooter, and then Qiao Yu's bullets shattered its internal energy transmission lines.Once the energy transmission line is torn, these demonic mechanical creatures are basically dead.

After eliminating the dark green cannon shooter, Qiao Yu turned the gun slightly and started to continue harvesting.

While killing continuously, Qiao Yu's eyes also quickly glanced over his disaster log.

Calamity log prompt: kill ordinary mechanical magic wolf, get 0.1 points.

Calamity log prompt: kill ordinary armored bulls, get 0.1 points.

Disaster log prompt: kill the centipede machine (light green), get 1.1 points,

Calamity log prompt: kill the cannon shooter (dark green), and get 2.3 points.

Calamity log prompt: kill...

"Ordinary calamity creatures are easy to kill, one or two shots will blow up one, but the score evaluation is also very low. On the other hand, killing these green disaster creatures, the benefits are pretty good."

"My firearms are not as good as those guys with unlimited bullets, so I can't kill them recklessly. After all, this is a protracted battle. Besides, if I want to win the top few and get extra benefits, I must be efficient."

During the battle, Qiao Yu also maximized his profits based on the current situation.

(End of this chapter)

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