Chapter 165
chug chu...

Da da da……

Puff puff……

call out--

call out--

The dense and staggered gunshots, cannons, and violent shells are the only sounds in the world at this moment.The air is filled with the strong smell of gunpowder smoke.

At this time, the 360-degree orientation of the metal barrier frantically resisted the attacks of those demonic mechanical creatures.

call out--

A missile flew in, and it happened that it went directly through a shooting window.

An unlucky disaster fighter was directly hit by this missile, and then the ballistic "Boom!" exploded violently.

This calamity warrior's defense ability is also very strong. He was blown more than 30 meters and then landed. He was not dead, but his arm was blown off. Effective recovery props.

The situation of this disaster warrior is just a microcosm of many situations in the entire metal barrier.

As the battle broke out, with the bombardment of these dense bullets, disaster fighters were constantly injured.

Either blown up by shells, or hit by bullets.

Fortunately, these disaster fighters have amazing defense, strong vitality, and various recovery props.Therefore, there is no need to worry too much for a while.

Compared to other warriors who are afraid of bullets or shells, Qiao Yu is basically not that afraid.

Qiao Yu's bullet defense of up to 60.00 points reduces the power of bullets by [-]%, and then reduces the power of bullets by [-] joules. In addition, Qiao Yu has a body as tough as steel.The bullet hit the body without itching.There was no threat to Qiao Yu at all.

Not to mention those ordinary missiles, at most they made Qiao Yu a little embarrassed, and they didn't pose much threat.

On the other hand, Qiao Yu, with the devil's fang in his hand, whoever dares to shoot at Qiao Yu's place to attack Qiao Yu, Qiao Yu immediately turned his gun to attack the enemy. Under the devil's fang, the enemy could not escape at all.

Killing, efficient killing, this is Qiao Yu's state at this moment.

With the continuous shooting, Qiao Yu's points rose crazily, even faster than those Calamity Warriors with unlimited bullets Gatling.

The battle goes on and on, going backwards in time.

Before I knew it, several hours had passed.

in battle.

People, or demonic mechanical creatures, died constantly.

Compared to the number of human deaths, demonic mechanical creatures died more.

chug chu...

Qiao Yu, who is hiding, is still steadily harvesting many disaster mechanical lives
During these few hours, the demonic machinery's steady attackers were either small-scale assaults or large-scale bombardments.Or the flying creatures forcibly rushed in, exhausted all means, and wanted to kill them.

However, with the joint efforts of many disaster fighters and survivors, everyone blocked the attack of the demonic mechanical creatures without any risk.

During the shooting, Qiao Yu's entire frontal battlefield was densely covered with the corpses of those demonic mechanical creatures.


A light green demonic mechanical creature was torn apart by Qiao Yu and then shot to death.

At this time, a light green rotor eagle flew across the battlefield.

Its eyes moved slightly, and it had already locked on to Qiao Yu.

Da da da……

The dense bullets roared in an instant and hit Qiao Yu's body. Unfortunately, these energy bullets hit Qiao Yu's body and could not cause any harm to Qiao Yu at all.

"court death."

Qiao Yu's body was slightly turned to one side, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the flying rotor warhawk.

When Qiao Yu's bullet fell on the Rotor Eagle, the Rotor Eagle immediately felt something was wrong.

With a click, the left rotating wing of the Rotary-Wing Warhawk snapped off.

"not good."

The body of the Rotorhawk swayed slightly sideways, and continued to fall towards the metal barrier below.

With a sound of "Peng!", the rotor warhawk landed on a weapon platform.

"Hello." At this moment, a voice sounded, and the Rotorhawk looked sideways, just in time to see the human being he attacked just now.

"Go to hell." The Rotary Wing Eagle was also fierce, and without fear of death, he wanted to turn his gun and kill Qiao Yu.

But Qiao Yu's reaction was obviously faster than its reaction.


A burst of dense bullets passed by, and the rotor warhawk that hadn't fired a shot was directly smashed into the energy transmission device.

Stretching out his hand, Qiao Yu forcibly pulled out the energy crystal nucleus of the Rotorhawk with many lines.

"I got three thousand bullets." Looking at the energy crystal nucleus in his hand, Qiao Yu said lightly.


Qiao Yu just turned around and put on the devil's tooth.

Suddenly, the low and melodious sound of the horn sounded slowly.

This extremely penetrating horn sound spread across the entire battlefield in an instant.

Hearing the sound of the horn, many demonic machines that had been attacking from various directions stopped attacking, but retreated at the same time with a tacit understanding.

At the same time, the firepower of the metal barrier gradually weakened.

"Haha, I finally retreated."

"I haven't killed enough of this group of smashers."

"It's not bad if you can keep it."

At this time, far or near, many survivors spoke one after another.

"Oh? Will these guys retreat after attacking for a few hours?" Qiao Yu was quite puzzled, so he grabbed a soldier wearing exoskeleton armor and asked.

"Huh?" Zhao Jian, an ordinary human warrior in exoskeleton armor, had a bad temper, and when he saw Qiao Yu grab him, he immediately became angry.But when he saw Qiao Yu's face clearly.He was slightly startled.

Just now, this Zhao Jian he saw with his own eyes, this young man with a calm face and wearing wooden rattan armor, at the entrance of the small arms platform, he did not know how many attacks he had endured, and even his prostrate body was densely packed with people. All kinds of bullets.This guy is not afraid of bullets.

Even Zhao Jian saw a small missile flying over, and the young man in rattan armor blocked it with his hands.

Block missiles with your hands.

What's even more frightening is that the damn thing actually succeeded.

The missile exploded, but the young man was safe and sound.It's just that the arm was blasted into a black mass, and the vine armor on the arm was slightly shattered.

After that, the rattan armor youth continued to fight the enemy with a gun.

Not afraid of bullets and blocking missiles with his hands, this subverted Zhao Jian's understanding of the world system.

However, Zhao Jian not only saw that the young man in front of him was not afraid of bullets, but also saw that many "wilderness warriors" were also not afraid of bullets.

But Zhao Jian could also see that the rattan armor youth in front of him seemed to be stronger.

Zhao Jian felt that this youth in rattan armor was stronger from the fact that other people would dodge some bullets while the young man in rattan armor did not dodge the bullets at all.

These "wild warriors" are not ordinary humans at all.

After some observation, this is Zhao Jian's conclusion.

"This time, with the help of these powerful and frightening 'wilderness fighters', the attack of the demonic mechanical creatures might be able to defend more easily." This is what Zhao Jian got from this day's battle.

"Is this guy deaf?" Qiao Yu looked at this ordinary human wearing exoskeleton armor in a daze, and said lightly in his heart.

"These demonic mechanical creatures, they will only attack during the day, because at night, the metal barrier will release mysterious energy pulses, and those creatures from the demon world will be far away from here. If they are relatively close, the mysterious energy pulses, It will kill them directly. Therefore, they will attack during the day, but at night they will retreat far away. Therefore, the metal barrier at night is very safe."

Zhao Jian, who came back to his senses, explained the doubts in Qiao Yu's heart.

"So that's the situation." Qiao Yu nodded to express his understanding.

"Thank you." Qiao Yu patted the armored soldier on the shoulder.

"Mysterious energy pulse?" Qiao Yu secretly thought about this word in his heart.

At the same time, Qiao Yu turned his gaze to the west, the sun had already started to set and approached the horizon, and the night was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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