Calamity Frontier

Chapter 171 Broken

Chapter 171 Broken
"From now on, I will call you Xiao Zilong."

"Okay, my master." Xiao Zilong was quite a winking guy.

"I don't have those master-servant hobbies." Qiao Yu waved his hand. "Just call me Joe."

"Brother Joe."

Looking past the injury on Xiao Zilong's shoulder, Qiao Yu stretched out his hand, and Qiao Yu took out a light green energy nucleus.

"This is for you, I hope you like it."

"Energy core crystal?" Seeing the energy core crystal emerging from Qiao Yu's hand, Xiao Zilong screamed in surprise, his eyes almost staring straight.

He has been in this underground world for an unknown amount of time, and there is no energy nucleus for him to devour, otherwise, he would not be still in his infancy.

Qiao Yu tossed the purple energy nucleus crystal, and the little purple dragon stretched his body, holding the energy nucleus crystal in his mouth as fast as lightning, and then the energy absorbing device was quickly activated, and the energy nucleus crystal moved at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was absorbed by Xiao Zilong.

After absorbing the energy nucleus, the wound on Xiao Zilong's wings quickly healed.At the same time, Qiao Yu also saw that the metallic luster of the little Zilong's whole body seemed to be much brighter.

Qiao Yu stretched out his hand, and Xiao Zilong flew over cleverly and landed on Qiao Yu's arm, like a tame eagle.

"Although the attack ability is weaker, the speed and defense ability are terrifyingly strong. Even if I attack with all my strength, it will take several knives to cut through its armor. This contracted creature is worth it."

Immediately, Qiao Yu began to follow up.

Under Qiao Yu's operation, soon, the entire corpse of the huge purple demon mechanical life was burned by raging fire.

Qiao Yu estimated the time, and it took almost a whole night to completely melt this huge demonic machine.

"There's no need to worry about going back soon." Qiao Yu thought about it.

When the purple demon machine was burning, Qiao Yu came to the metal pyramid.

This metal tower also has the property of being indestructible, and Qiao Yu has nothing to do with this pyramid.

"Little Zilong." Qiao Yu asked when standing at the top of the pyramid. "The energy pulse here, you know?"

"Is it the violent and violent energy turbulence with extremely strong mechanical energy energy disturbance attributes just now?"

"Yeah." Qiao Yu nodded.

"That energy pulse erupted from the pyramid under your feet, Brother Qiao. There will be two or three waves of eruption every ten hours."

"Yeah." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.Immediately Qiao Yu's eyes fell on Xiao Zilong.

After staring at it for a while, Qiao Yu asked with some doubts in his heart. "Aren't you also a demon mechanical creature? Aren't you afraid of the energy pulse here?"

"Although I am a mechanical life form, we can also grow and evolve."

Xiao Zilong began to explain.

"At the beginning, I was also afraid of those energy pulses. Every time I burst out, I would run far away. But as the number of times I endured each time increased, my resistance began to gradually become stronger. With the After suffering enough times, I gradually discovered that I am no longer afraid of the impact of those violent energy pulses, not only that, but I can also absorb the violent energy contained in those violent energy pulses."

"Without those energy supplies, I would have been exhausted long ago."

"It turned out to be such a situation." Qiao Yu realized something.

"However, these energy pulses are indeed powerful. Once, when I entered the interior of the pyramid, I accidentally touched the core and caused a large explosion of energy. The intensity was more than ten times that of normal times. Fortunately, at that time, I am no longer afraid of energy pulses, or I would have died under that terrifying outburst." Xiao Zilong flew and landed on Qiao Yu's shoulder, and said so nonchalantly.

"Touch? Explosion?" Xiao Zilong's words made Qiao Yu's body tremble suddenly.

"You mean, you can touch the energy inside this pyramid, and then let them have a terrifying explosion?"

"Of course." Xiao Zilong nodded. "I've touched it several times."

After receiving Xiao Zilong's affirmative answer, Qiao Yu was startled for a while, and immediately, a bold idea was conceived in Qiao Yu's mind.

"This is really a surprise!" Qiao Yu laughed in a low voice.

In the early hours of the morning, Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in practice, opened his eyes.

At this time, the attribute furnace has completely melted the purple attribute demon.

At the same time, the harvest was also very fruitful. This huge purple demonic mechanical creature contributed 53 pieces of silver equipment to Qiao Yu.

It is enough to upgrade a level [-] silver equipment to level [-] silver.The power of the third-level silver equipment is much stronger than that of the first-level silver.

"Wake up!" Qiao Yu kicked Xiao Zilong, who was curled up and sleeping beside him.

The little Zilong who woke up was trembling all over, and the metal body all over his body twisted slightly, and he woke up immediately.

Ten minutes later, Qiao Yu brought Xiao Zilong to the surface of the lake.

Qiao Yu was on the raft of Sky Striker vines, while Xiao Zilong was flying freely on the lake.

Xiao Zilong, who flits across the lake from time to time, seems to be very happy.After all, he had never been to this lake for a long time.

Coming to this wide lake this time, something called freedom and comfort bloomed hotly in Xiao Zilong's icy body.

The lake is quiet and quiet, and occasionally, the wings of the little purple dragon will pass over the lake and make ripples.

Everything is so peaceful and beautiful.

Qiao Yu stood proudly on the raft and quietly looked at everything around him.

Suddenly, Qiao Yu's eyes flicked across the corner of the lake.

Suddenly, there was a slight ripple on the dark lake surface, slightly rippling.

There was something there, but Qiao Yu's attribute eyes couldn't find it.

Stretching out his palm, Qiao Yu gently rubbed his temples. "Long-haired water ghost, or something else, but I always feel that something is wrong."

The raft moved forward, but the danger did not come as Qiao Yu expected.

"Follow the rope in front, go up, and you will be able to reach the outside world, and you will be able to meet many of your fellow clansmen later."

"Meet the same family." Xiao Zilong's eyes were shining brightly.

In his bones, he is a weak and strong little Zilong, so he is very much looking forward to meeting his fellow clansmen.After all, only after meeting the same race can one tear apart the opponent's body, crush and absorb the opponent's energy crystal nucleus.

Only in this way can Xiao Zilong improve his strength.

Therefore, Xiao Zilong was very much looking forward to meeting his fellow clan.

All the way to the front of the rope, the danger did not happen.


Stretching out his hand to grab the rope, Qiao Yu stretched his arm.

The next moment, a sudden change occurred.

I see.

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound.

The long rope that Qiao Yu reserved——broken!
More than 100 meters of rope, from the top part.


(End of this chapter)

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