Chapter 172
It is known that a blood-eyed bat can carry a weight of 0.3kg.

Qiao Yu weighs 76kg.

So, how many enemies are there above?


When the rope broke and fell downwards, the question Qiao Yu thought about was how many enemies were there above.

The rope will not break by itself, and now that the rope is broken, needless to say, it must be the work of the enemy.

Qiao Yu has many enemies, including the entire legion.

But the question is, how many enemies are there?
"There are enemies up there."

At this time, Xiao Zilong also noticed the above situation and screamed.

"Okay, now, the enemies above probably know that I'm coming." Qiao Yu waved his hand.

"The area above happens to be located outside the safe zone. Once I try to climb up, those guys can attack me unscrupulously."

"Build a defensive network on top, and want to trap me directly below? This is a good method."

"Do you need me to go up and kill them?" Xiao Zilong volunteered at this time.

"Kill them? If you dare to go up, I'm afraid they will kill you first. Those people are far stronger than you."

"Then what should I do?" Xiao Zilong asked as she landed on Qiao Yu's shoulder.

"The upper rock formation is more than 30 meters away from me, and the passage is about 260 meters away."

"Under the full burst, there is no problem in rushing forward."

"However, when I charge, countless attacks will fall."

"If I have enough time, I can search to see if there are other moves, but now, it's early in the morning, and I don't have much time left. Or..."

Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Let's charge!"

Long-term practice, promotion.The purpose is to be able to break through the situation strongly at this critical moment and seek a way out.

"Little Zilong, adjust your form."


Another important reason why Qiao Yu dared to charge directly was that Xiao Zilong, a powerful purple-level creature, had the ability to transform into forms.

He can transform from his normal wyvern form into an ion spray state.

The little Zilong entrenched Qiao Yu's waist, and then quickly transformed into a powerful engine with vector ion injection with two nozzles.

"How many kilograms of thrust burst out at full power, and how long can it last?"

"Close to 1 kilograms of thrust, up to [-] minute."

"1 minute." Qiao Yu grinned in a low voice. "enough."



As Xiao Zilong's vector ion jet began to enter the full power state, a deep roar sounded.

Qiao Yu could feel an extremely powerful force lifting him up. The thrust of [-] kilograms was enough for Qiao Yu to offset most of the gravity.

Qiao Yu squatted slightly, his strong strength gathered on his legs, and at the same time, the strong magic power of the abyss gathered.

At the same time, the abyss magic pool also erupted.

A thin layer of black flames bloomed on Qiao Yu's body.

"Super Mitochondria."


The sound of super mitochondria in Qiao Yu's body roared.

"What's this sound? It feels so exciting." Xiao Zilong said immediately when he noticed the roar of the super mitochondria.

"I'll tell you when I get out."

After the words fell, Qiao Yu's legs burst into strength.


The Sky Striker Raft under Qiao Yu's feet exploded, and Qiao Yu was ejected like a missile.

With the help of Xiao Zilong, Qiao Yu leaped to the height of 30 meters in less than a second.

"He's coming up, open fire."

As soon as Qiao Yu moved his steps, the roaring sound from above suddenly agitated.

In an instant, this straight passage with a diameter of 20 meters was surrounded by hundreds of people.

At the same time, in the hands of hundreds of people, some are armed with assault guns, some are equipped with sniper rifles, some are equipped with Gatling guns, and some even carry rockets, and some of them are long-distance, and use staffs to display skills, and even, Directly twist the half-meter-thick stone roller and throw it down.

chug chu...

Da da……

call out……


For a moment, there was a roaring sound, terrifying and intense.


"Fuck that bastard Qiao Yu to death."

During the fight, there was the roar of these legion soldiers.

Among these people, some of them were killed by Qiao Yu, and some escaped from Qiao Yu's pursuit.At this time, when they attacked Qiao Yu, they naturally would not be soft in the slightest.

This crazy outburst lasted for more than 20 seconds.

"You guys attack like crazy!"

At this time, Qiao Yu hid in a sunken groove near the bottom of the rock wall.None of the many attacks fell on Qiao Yu.

The first wave of attacks was undoubtedly the most turbulent.Trying a wave of charge and then hiding, can completely let the opponent waste a lot of firepower and momentum.

It would be best for Qiao Yu to charge again after the enemy's first wave of firepower passed.

"Stop, stop, that Qiao Yu didn't come up." An extremely thick voice roared.

Hearing that the fire seemed to cease, Qiao Yu reached out and grabbed the Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife.

"Let's go!" Suddenly, Qiao Yu strode across more than 20 meters and came to the opposite rock wall, and then the black flood knife was easily inserted into the rock wall, and then suddenly exerted force, Qiao Yu directly followed the rock wall upwards run away.

"That Qiao Yu seems...he's coming up again." At this time, the master with attribute vision suddenly roared loudly.


chug chu...

Da da……

Intensive firepower broke out again.

But the firepower at this time was significantly weaker than that of the first wave.

Facing such a dense crowd of more than 100 people, Qiao Yu couldn't avoid all the bullets like raindrops.

However, Qiao Yu didn't need to dodge too much. Those ordinary bullets fell on Qiao Yu's body, and they couldn't cause any damage to Qiao Yu at all.

Against the hail of bullets, Qiao Yu directly carried out a fearless charge.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife suddenly slashed on the rock wall, using this force, it rose rapidly.

"Be careful, that Qiao Yu is coming up."

"Everyone be careful." A wind elemental mage roared loudly.

At this time, Qiao Yu had forcibly ascended more than 100 meters and was only 30 meters away from the entrance of the cave.

The elemental mage waved his staff, and the power of a large number of wind elements gathered together.

"go with!"

Following the whisper of the wind elemental mage.

A large wind blade swept over.

These skill attacks are much more powerful than those bullets.Even though Qiao Yu's defense was as high as 26 points, if Qiao Yu resisted the attack head-on, he would inevitably be injured.

With a sudden movement of his feet, Qiao Yu jumped directly to the opposite side of the rock wall.

The large wind blade that swept across directly cut the rock wall where Qiao Yu was before like tofu.

Qiao Yu can still dodge those non-locking skills, but Qiao Yu can't dodge some locking skills.


Suddenly, a powerful curse skill appeared on Qiao Yu.

The effect of drowsy sleep, weakened will, physical and mental exhaustion and other effects emerged on Qiao Yu's soul.

Seeing this, Qiao Yu suddenly gave a deep grin.

"Get out of here!"

A roar was like thunder, and at the same time Qiao Yu's terrifying will bloomed like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the negative curse effect was forcibly torn apart by Qiao Yu.

At this time, Qiao Yu's wizard profession, the effect of soul strength began to bloom.

Originally, the priority of the wizard profession is the soul, and Qiao Yu has never stopped understanding the soul. Now Qiao Yu's powerful soul ability makes Qiao Yu not afraid of negative curses, decline, sinking, lethargy, illusions, etc. and other control capabilities.

"how can that be."

The powerful plague reaper saw that Qiao Yu directly forcibly tore apart the four powerful curse effects on him, and was immediately horrified beyond measure.

Da da……



All kinds of voices came and went, and madness bloomed.

While Qiao Yu was frantically dodging left and right, he quickly pushed upwards.

(End of this chapter)

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