Calamity Frontier

Chapter 173 Killing.

Chapter 173 Killing.


A burst fireball hit Qiao Yu impartially, and then exploded violently.

The violent fireball explosion caused a burning pain in Qiao Yu's back.

At this time, the magic armor phantom vine on Qiao Yu's back was blown to pieces, and a large amount of blood bloomed.

Except for the back, Qiao Yu's face, left shoulder, calf, and many parts of his body were all injured and stained with blood.

Facing the attack of more than 100 people, although Qiao Yu tried his best to dodge around, he still inevitably got injured.

Qiao Yu is strong, but he hasn't reached the level where he can face more than 100 enemies of the same level without being injured.

Facing so many enemies, even Qiao Yu would be injured.

But even if he was injured, it was not a fatal injury. Qiao Yu deliberately avoided those powerful attacks.

While evading, Qiao Yu ascended at a strange and efficient speed.

Only by going up can Qiao Yu be invincible.

"Kill!" A deep and bloody roar roared in Qiao Yu's throat.

A reflexive leap, during the leap, the Black Flood Demon Devourer suddenly slashed on the wall, Qiao Yu again relayed the firepower and jumped more than 20 meters, just over 20 meters, there were three ice cones and two curses, plus a A small grenade fell on Qiao Yu's body.

During this race against time, Qiao Yu would be attacked every second.

Qiao Yu, who was carrying the opponent with all his strength, and his enemies, those legionnaires, were in a state of fear and horror at the moment.

So many attacks fell on Qiao Yu, but Qiao Yu seemed to be invincible, and his state didn't even decrease much. He just dodged left and right like this, and then pierced the rock with a sword, and then rose up relay.

"Is this guy still a human?" Such a terrifying thought appeared in everyone's heart.

"The distance is less than 30 meters, it's almost enough." Squinting his eyes slightly, Qiao Yu suddenly said in his heart.

When he jumped to the opposite wall with a long step, Qiao Yu flipped his hands and took out a slightly blue bomb.


With a sudden burst of strength in his arm, Qiao Yu directly threw the slightly blue bomb upwards with all his strength.

When the blue bomb rose all the way to the hole.


Qiao Yu thought about it.


The blue bomb exploded with a bang.

However, when the blue bomb exploded, what exploded was not a destructive and lethal shock wave.Unleash the deadly powerful billow storm.


With the explosion of the blue bomb, the terrifying air wave bloomed wildly around with the blue bomb as the core.

"Be careful." At this time, there were also sensitive people who immediately noticed the death and came out, but it was too late.

Along with the huge waves and storms blooming, violent storms of almost level [-] rushed towards the surroundings.

Almost at the same time, the more than 100 people around were all scattered away.

With so many people gathered in such a small area, the effect of this blue air wave bomb has been brought out to perfection.

"good chance."

The more than 100 people were all dispersed, and the firepower that suppressed Qiao Yu disappeared immediately.

Stepping suddenly, Qiao Yu rushed up like a missile.

In less than two seconds, Qiao Yu flew to the edge of the cave.

"Finally came up." Qiao Yu, who was covered in scars all over his body, felt cold in his heart.

"Since it's here, the killing feast is about to begin."

Qiao Yu's pace has not yet stabilized.

Suddenly, four figures flickered over at the same time.

The four assassins wrapped Qiao Yu in front, back, left, and right, and wanted to kill Qiao Yu from four directions.

"Go to hell."

But they underestimated Qiao Yu's extremely explosive state at this moment, and underestimated Qiao Yu's terrifying strength.

Experts like Jian Qiushi and Kong Kongli are not Qiao Yu's opponents, but these guys are Qiao Yu's opponents.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife surged loudly, the terrifying speed was completely an afterimage.


A piece of black horses directly forcibly crushed and swept past.

Before the daggers of the four assassins touched Qiao Yu's body, Qiao Yu's Black Flood Demon Devourer had already chopped off all four assassins in one stroke.

Killed four people with one knife, and Qiao Yu left with the knife.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Saber moved against the wind.

At this time, Qiao Yu was cold, ruthless, and bloodthirsty like a wild beast. He was in a state of frantic explosion and in a state of calm observation and perception.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife was harvesting crazily. At this time, some legion soldiers who were blown down by the storm, or just stood up, or were just about to escape, were all Qiao Yu's harvest targets.

At this time, Qiao Yu was completely in the state of a killing machine.


"Run away, that Qiao Yu is coming up."


The female mage who had just screamed had half of her head chopped off by Qiao Yu before she could finish her sentence.

When Qiao Yu was harvesting, the numerous legionnaires were completely defeated.It's a state of total chaos.

Maybe they are united and may not be able to kill Qiao Yu.

But at this time, once the defeat is highlighted, who still has the confidence to fight.

"Want to run?" After beheading more than [-] people in a row, Qiao Yu chased and killed them all the way along the escape route.


At this time, the little Zilong also fell off and turned into a mechanical flying dragon. The two small Gatling barrels on its chest, which were as thick as thumbs, fired rapidly.

Regardless of the small size of the barrel, the power of its bullets is not weaker than that of ordinary assault rifle bullets.

Da da da……

Under the intensive shooting of bullets, in this space, five or six fleeing legionnaires died at the muzzle of this guy.

Although Xiao Zilong is small in size, he is really not soft at all when he kills people.

When many legionnaires fled along the passage to the safe zone, Qiao Yu also put on the devil's fang and started chasing and killing them.

chug chu...

Under the dense bullets, none of the guys who were chased by Qiao Yu could survive.Xiao Zilong followed Qiao Yu all the way to shoot and kill.

In the past, these legionnaires had a great time firing, but now that Feng Shui has turned, it's time for Qiao Yu to shoot recklessly.

All the way to kill, all the way to the corpse, but the distance is not far, in less than a minute, Qiao Yu chased to the end.

I have to say that the speed of these legionnaires is really not slow when they are escaping.


Roaring and roaring, the little Zilong flew over.

"Don't rush." ​​Qiao Yu stopped Xiao Zilong's movements.

Xiao Zilong carried out Qiao Yu's order decisively, turning around in the air and landing on Qiao Yu's shoulder.

"Why let them go?"

"Because, the safe zone has arrived. If I kill again, I will suffer a loss."

(End of this chapter)

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