Calamity Frontier

Chapter 174 Little Purple Dragon

Chapter 174 Little Purple Dragon

After Qiao Yu's explanation, Xiao Zilong soon understood what a safe zone is.

"This is really irritating." Xiao Zilong, who understood the meaning of the safe zone, growled dissatisfied.

"The God of Calamity is such a fashion leader, you can't accept it. It follows the law, and everyone only has to obey the orders. His rules are the laws of this world, and his thoughts, even the world must obey them." yield."

Qiao Yu put away his devil's teeth and said so.

"Okay." Looking at the safe area, Qiao Yu didn't intend to go in, but turned back into the space below.

"You search to see if there are any survivors, and if there are any, kill them."

"Okay." Xiao Zilong, who is keen on killing, happily carried out Qiao Yu's order.

And Qiao Yu just sat up cross-legged on the spot.

In the charge just now, Qiao Yu was completely in a state of extreme explosiveness, so he rushed up like a god, if it were any other person, it would be impossible to charge up.

In that short battle of almost 2 minutes, Qiao Yu's physical strength and abyss magic power were almost exhausted. After all, it was Qiao Yu's peak state.

At the same time, Qiao Yu was also seriously injured.

And later, the demon mechanical siege battle outside will begin, and Qiao Yu needs to be in a good state.

"When I entered below, I was very concealed. Given the level of strength of those legionnaires, the chances of finding me are very small. Besides, those legionnaires are also extremely far away from where I am, unless it is one of the calamity fighters. , and a master who is good at concealment, even a master who can hide from my perception, revealed my tracks to the legionnaires. That's why there is such a siege. Then the problem comes."

Qiao Yu carefully analyzed and calculated in his heart.

"Who is this guy who leaked my tracks and even served as a legionnaire?"

While thinking about it, several candidates have already fallen into Qiao Yu's calculations.

Among the disaster fighters, Qiao Yu has seen several guys who are capable but not well-known.

The extraordinary restraint ability, as well as the extraordinary essence, qi, spirit, body, and attitude, may be able to hide it from others, but it can't be hidden from Qiao Yu at all.

Qiao Yu will naturally find out who leaked his tracks, and then Qiao Yu will let that guy experience the process of death.


Half an hour later, Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged in the dark and practicing, opened his eyes.

At the same time, a faint smile appeared on Qiao Yu's face.

After half an hour of recovery, Qiao Yu's physical strength and abyssal magic power were all restored.

Qiao Yu has returned to his peak state, and the effect of the power of Qinggang has given Qiao Yu an extraordinary recovery ability.

"Okay, it's time to go out."

Clenching his fist, Qiao Yu secretly said in his heart.

"Little Zilong."

With a thought in his mind, Qiao Yu summoned Xiao Zilong along the soul connection.

After confirming the contract, Qiao Yu can call Xiao Zilong from a long distance.


Deep in the soul, Xiao Zilong's response resounded.

After a while, Xiao Zilong quickly flew up along the passage below.

"What are you doing down there?" Qiao Yu asked as he walked towards the outside.

"Kill those water ghosts." Xiao Zilong landed on Qiao Yu's shoulder and said arrogantly. "In the past, I was trapped below. Every time I entered the water, those water ghosts bullied me. Now that I am on the surface, I am not afraid of them."

"He's quite a vengeful guy." Qiao Yu touched Xiao Zilong's metal head and smiled.

"When you have an advantage, it's natural to drive out the enemies, or you'll have to wait for them to get up." Xiao Zilong is worthy of being a "demon type" creature.Although he is still in his infancy, he still has an extraordinary understanding of the rules of this world.

"That's good, that's good, it won my heart." Qiao Yu laughed.

When Qiao Yu brought Xiao Zilong to the metal barrier.

The battle has already begun.

chug chug...

Da da……

bang bang...

The burning flame, the wave of the explosion, the whistling of the bullets, the wail of death, and the permeation of gunpowder smoke.

The entire battlefield is completely in a hot state.

"Many of the same race." Seeing so many demon mechanical creatures on the battlefield, Xiao Zilong trembled with excitement.

"I want to eat up their energy nuclei." The little purple dragon waving its metal wings roared loudly.

"Don't worry, with your current strength, you can deal with ordinary demon machines, but you can't deal with green-level machines. After all, you are still too young." Qiao Yu stretched out his hand to comfort Xiao Zilong.

"Later..." Qiao Yu's gaze swept across the entire battlefield, and Qiao Yu quickly constructed a battle plan that he cooperated with Xiao Zilong.

"The area you are in is in the area in front of you. Don't worry about those ordinary demonic mechanical creatures during the battle. I will attack those green demonic mechanical creatures first, and I will use bullets to open gaps in them. Once I kill them , you immediately follow the gap and eat the energy nuclei of those green demonic mechanical creatures. The plan is like this, once someone attacks you, you hide, and the corpses of the demonic mechanical creatures below are piled up everywhere. You can dodge them. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Xiao Zilong said excitedly, waving his wings.

"Okay, let's go!"

As soon as Qiao Yu finished speaking, Xiao Zilong flew out like a sharp sword.

Xiao Zilong's speed is very fast, 50 meters in one second, his body is so small, and he flies so fast that few people can hit him.

Lifting the devil's fang, Qiao Yu aimed directly at a light green mechanical bull.

chug chu...

A series of bullets shot out, and the armor on the back of the mechanical bull was directly pierced by Qiao Yu.

"go with!"

With a thought, Qiao Yu stopped firing bullets at the same time.

Xiao Zilong got the order like a dexterous loach, and with a straight body, he followed the gap and entered the body of the mechanical bull, biting off the energy crystal core of the mechanical bull.


The mechanical savage bull fell to the ground and died before it even let out a roar.

After more than ten seconds, Xiao Zilong digested the energy crystal nucleus of the mechanical bull, and got out along the gap.

"There is a mechanical feathered armored dragon here, eat it."

And in these ten seconds, Qiao Yu has killed a large number of demonic mechanical life forms, and also shot down a light green mechanical feather armored dragon.

The little Zilong, whose body was moving rapidly through the air, found the mechanical feathered dragon at the position given by Qiao Yu in three seconds, lying on the ground with its energy transmission system broken.

"Purple...Purple King...there is a Purple King..." The mechanical feathered armored dragon saw the little Zilong flying rapidly from one side, and suddenly an indescribable horror bloomed in his heart. He growled in horror.

The existence of the purple level, in the world of demon machines, is the highest level except for the Orange Emperor.

And the opponent is still a small purple king, for the small purple king, the energy nuclei of all injured and low-level mechanical life forms are the best food for their growth.

"no, do not want……"

The screaming mechanical feathered armored dragon sensed the little purple king, got into his body, and roared with all its might.

Then the sound stopped abruptly, and its energy nucleus was directly crushed by Xiao Zilong, and then absorbed.

(End of this chapter)

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