Calamity Frontier

Chapter 182 Earnings

Chapter 182 Earnings
Calamity Castle.

As always, deserted, silent, and suffocating.

In the dark night, Qiao Yu slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was still the quiet castle of disaster in the dark night.

In this quiet Calamity Castle, there is a place of hustle and bustle, the sound of noise blooming slightly, that is the tavern of Calamity Castle.

Qiao Yu came to the tavern with ease.

Then he sat down gently in a corner and ordered a bloody martini.

Drinking this bloody martini, Qiao Yu enjoyed a rare leisure time.

In the calamity world, other people's nerves are tense, Qiao Yu is relaxed on the surface, but in fact, his nerves are also tense.Months of constant fighting in the Calamity World had already exhausted Qiao Yu mentally and physically.Although Qiao Yu is a little different from others, he is also a human being, who is also tired, exhausted, has desires, and likes to enjoy himself.

Looking slightly away from the improvement of the evaluation of the God of Calamity, Qiao Yu shook his head slightly and smiled.

"DD level. I was directly promoted to DD level. The Lord of Calamity really thinks highly of me."

Generally speaking, starting from the F-level mission world, the order is FF, E, EE, D, and after D, it will be DD.

As far as the normal process is concerned.

A calamity fighter enters the calamity world, and enters the previous E-level world, and must first go through at least two mission worlds.

And Qiao Yu only experienced one.

As for Qiao Yu's current evaluation of DD, at least he has experienced three, four, or even five mission worlds.

Qiao Yu, on the other hand, has reached the DD level after only experiencing two mission worlds.The speed of this improvement is really as fast as riding a rocket.

"If it's too fast, it's not a good thing." Qiao Yu rubbed his temples.

"Too fast promotion, I will face more and more powerful legion fighters in the future, and experience one or two more mission worlds. For me, there is time for both cultivation and strength improvement."

"It seems that we have to restrain ourselves a little in the future. But..." Qiao Yu frowned slightly as he thought so.

"According to the news here, once you enter the D-level mission world, the time in the disaster world will become shorter, and the main mission will become the mainstream."

"F-level and E-level mission worlds take a long time, and it takes a few months to get it right. This is mainly for training, improving, and those novices who have newly entered the disaster mission world."

"And once you enter the D-level world, more difficult and more terrifying disasters will emerge one after another, and the time will be much tighter, and there will be more and more D-level masters, after all Those who can survive are all guys who have been baptized through layers of life and death, and the further they go, the more terrifying these guys are."

"The further you get to the back, the more you can't take it lightly."

While sipping a bloody martini, Qiao Yu's eyes flicked slightly around.

"Many new faces have appeared, and many familiar faces have disappeared." Qiao Yu secretly said.

In the disaster world, many times, life and death are not up to you.

Immediately, Qiao Yu began to check the income of his mission world.

This time in the world of mechanical demonic creatures, Qiao Yu can be said to have gained a lot.

First of all, Qiao Yu got a full 180 pieces of bronze equipment pieces and 97 pieces of silver equipment pieces.

This income alone is very terrifying, but these things cannot be converted into calamity coins, and can only be used by Qiao Yu himself.

Even so, Qiao Yu was extremely satisfied.

Then it was the calamity god coins that beheaded the legion soldiers this time to earn.

5256 Calamity Coins.

It is the benefit that Qiao Yu has obtained from beheading the soldiers of the legion.

If you add what Qiao Yu consumed before, I'm afraid there will be more.

Then the task world is settled.

Devil Mech World: EE Class

Basic reward: 300 calamity coins.

Performance reward: 300 calamity coins.

Mission completed: 200 calamity coins.

A total of [-] points of God of Calamity Coin rewards.

In a world that has reached the EE level, many disaster fighters will benefit from the mission world, and sometimes it will be much more generous than the disaster rewards.

The reward of 4800 points became [-] in Qiao Yu's hands.

"A total of over [-] in total, and some scattered other scattered equipment. If you sell them, you can get hundreds of God of Calamity Coins."

With that in mind, Qiao Yu directly opened the tavern's own trading store.

In the previous F-level mission world, Qiao Yu himself didn't have any surplus, so naturally he wouldn't sell anything.And now that there are surplus items, they can be traded in the trading store.

However, there are very few good things in this disaster store, and they are basically ordinary things, and the prices are extremely expensive.

Qiao Yu hung up the equipment that he didn't need, and the price was only at a reasonable price. If there is a need, he should take it.

If these things go out, I can probably get about [-] God of Calamity Coins, no more, no less.

"More than 1 calamity god coins are enough for me to strengthen it." Qiao Yu thought so as he drank the last bit of martini in his glass.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu's heart moved slightly, and he set his sights on the last reward.

A first-level silver-level treasure chest.

This time in the mission world, Qiao Yu jumped directly from E-level to DD-level.The treasure chest rewards are not unreasonable.

Under the six times the reward, a silver-level treasure chest appeared directly.

"I hope I can give you a good piece of equipment." Qiao Yu secretly said.

Although there are many disasters in the disaster world, the coupling explosion rate is still very gratifying. There is a high probability that you will be able to burst out good things that satisfy you, and there is a small probability that something that is more suitable for you will burst out, and the probability is extremely small. Something that doesn't work for you.

Relatively speaking, Qiao Yu is still very likely to get a good thing.

As Qiao Yu opened the box, three pieces of silver equipment appeared in front of Qiao Yu's eyes.

The first piece of equipment that came into view was a wizard's silver-level staff, which was very powerful, but it was a pity that Qiao Yu didn't follow the pure wizard route.

The second piece of equipment is a wizard's silver-ranked arcane ring, which is also an extremely impressive piece of equipment.

Finally, Qiao Yu set his sights on the third piece of equipment.

When he saw the third piece of equipment, Qiao Yu had a knowing smile on his face.

Equipment: Baipi True Spirit Blade
Level: Silver Level [-]

Introduction: It is a magical weapon tempered by Taihao real fire and Taiyin real water through the intersection of nine layers and three yangs.

Effect 15 (spiritual blade): sharpness +[-].

Effect 15 (Blazing Light): Sensitivity +[-].

Effect 30 (Heavy Mountain): The power of the sword +[-]%.

"Very good." Qiao Yu was very satisfied when he looked at this Hundred True Spirit Blade.

"This attribute is not worse than the current Black Flood Demon Devourer Knife. Besides, I still have a lot of silver equipment fragments on my body. As long as his level is raised, its power will naturally be powerful against the sky."

With a light touch, Qiao Yu chose the silver-level Baipi True Spirit Blade.

"The devouring growth attribute of the Black Flood Demon Devourer Knife is quite rare, but it can be melted in an attribute melting furnace, and then the growth attribute can be extracted, and then integrated into the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade. After all, the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade Spiritual Blade, if there are no accidents, it should be with me for a long time."

"Waiter, give me another..."

Qiao Yu just opened his mouth to order another bloody martini.

At this moment, a glass of bloody martini was pushed over by a snow-white and slender arm.


Qiao Yu raised his eyes slightly, and what he saw was a young woman in a feather gauze gown.

The appearance of this woman is slightly different from that of ordinary humans.

First of all, its body is slender and its face looks extremely beautiful, like an elf in a magical world.

The most special thing is its double pupils, among which are orange pupils.And in the pupils, there are faint stars blooming.

"Some kind of special human race." Qiao Yu secretly made a judgment.

In the calamity world, relatively speaking, there are generally normal human species, but there will also be some rare special human species.

"It is said that His Excellency Qiao Yu is a peerless man, and he is the most outstanding person in the current calamity world. When I saw him today, he is really extraordinary." The young woman's voice came gently.

(End of this chapter)

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