Calamity Frontier

Chapter 183 Small talk

Chapter 183 Small talk
"Excellent flattery."

Qiao Yu glanced past this charming woman's face, and then Qiao Yu's eyes fell on the glass of bloody martini.

After a while, Qiao Yu spoke slowly.

"Legion fighters and disaster fighters have different camps. If you distinguish carefully, you will be able to find the feeling of opposing camps."

"The aura carried by the disaster warrior has a very strong smell of death and imprisonment."

"Those legionnaires have a very slight taste of death and imprisonment."

"From the feeling on your body, it is obvious that you are a legion soldier, but a legion soldier like you appeared in the castle of the disaster fighters. I am quite curious, what is the purpose of your coming here this time? ?”

Yes, in Qiao Yu's eyes, this beautiful woman is a legion soldier.

"My name is 'Xunyue', and I'm from the Mo'anhua Army." The woman Xunyue didn't go around with Qiao Yu, and said directly.

"Is it the Mo'anhua, one of the three legions who took out [-] calamity coins and offered a reward for my head on Qiao Yu's head?"

"If you insist on saying that, then I have no objection." Xunyue said lightly.

"Thank you for the martini." Qiao Yu gently picked up the glass of martini. "Tell me, what can you do with me?"

"Machine Demon Mission World War I, Your Excellency is indeed very powerful. However, you must know that the strength of the legion is far from that.

"And then?" Qiao Yu sipped the martini lightly.

"Our Demon's Flower Legion is far more terrifying than you think, if you insist on fighting against our legion..."

Hearing this, Qiao Yu waved his hand lightly. "Don't worry about this, I won't target you specifically."

"Oh!" Xunyue frowned slightly when she heard this.

"After all, there are many people I want to kill, not just your family. You can rest assured that I will not single out your people to kill. I will kill everyone fairly, openly, and justly." Qiao Yu gently laughed.

Na Xunyue's face froze slightly when she heard that.

Not only this Xunyue, but the two burly men behind this Xunyue also looked a little stiff.

Qiao Yu could tell that these two burly men were terrifyingly powerful.

"So, your Excellency is really going to fight against our legion?" Xunyue's face returned to the usual calm.

"If you insist on saying that, then I have no objection." Qiao Yu returned the sentence intact.

Choked by Qiao Yu's words, Xunyue's eyes gradually became sharper.

"In this world." Qiao Yu stared at Xunyue's eyes without any fear. "After all, it is a world where strength speaks."

"Just like before, in order to deal with me, you took out a full [-] calamity coins to chase and kill me. Fortunately, I was lucky and strong, so I was not killed by you. If I am weaker, I'm afraid I will be killed by you. I will remember this grudge."

"So, don't waste your time trying to carry out so-called threats, intimidation, recruitment and other actions."

"At the same time..." Qiao Yu's tone elongated slightly.

"I, Qiao Yu, don't accept any form of surrender from your three legions. Go back and wait for your death! One day, I, Qiao Yu, will definitely kill Shangdu and kill all the soldiers of your legions, regardless of men, women, old or young. As for what I, Qiao Yu, want to say to your three legions, I hope you can convey it for me."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Yu drank the remaining bloody martini in one gulp.

Sure enough, Qiao Yu's words made all three of them look extremely ugly.

"What kind of thing are you? What right do you have to shout about?" Among the two burly men, the man carrying the holy shield directly opened his mouth and scolded loudly.

"Just because I am Qiao Yu." Qiao Yu raised his eyebrows and squinted at the man carrying the holy shield.

"Just because I can kill you in the mission world I have experienced is as powerful as killing chickens and dogs. I, Qiao Yu, dare to say that, what can you do to me?"

"And, I also remember you. One day in the future, when I see you, I will never let you go." Qiao Yu threatened in front of this man unceremoniously.

"Aren't you convinced?" Seeing the angry look of the Holy Shield man, Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"It's not that I look down on the soldiers of your legion. I can tell you openly that the next mission world will be DD-level in a month. I'm afraid that your legion is really afraid to come."

The Holy Shield warrior obviously had a bad temper, and was trembling with anger at Qiao Yu's words.

"I'm a BB-level expert, how could I be afraid of you bastard." The Holy Shield warrior snarled directly at Qiao Yu.

"Oh? So it's a 2B master, very powerful." Qiao Yu said calmly.

"Ha ha……"

"2B, there's no one else here."


As soon as Qiao Yu spoke, the whole tavern burst into laughter.

As early as when Qiao Yu was talking with this woman, many people around noticed it.After all, with Qiao Yu on the one hand and a legionnaire on the other, it's not difficult to not be noticed.

"Very good, a very pleasant conversation." At this time, Xunyue said with a stiff face.

"Walk slowly." Qiao Yu responded softly. "And thanks for the bloody martini."

"Let's go!" Xunyue's face became cold when she turned around.

Soon, Xunyue left the small bar with two teammates.

After a while, Xunyue who came to Jia Luo opened the connection and made a call.

"What's the matter?" A somewhat hoarse voice sounded from the other end of the call.

"A rebellious, outright thug, there is no reason at all. This guy must not stay." Xunyue replied in this way.

"That's true." The voice said after a pause.

"You know everything, and let me come." Xunyue said a little bit displeased.

"Hearing is deceiving, seeing is real. Well, you all come back! I already know the situation. The next mission world is the time of this Qiao Yu's death."

"I know." Immediately, Xunyue hung up the call.

Time passed quietly.

Unknowingly, the incident about the lunatic Qiao Yu and his demonic mechanical creatures spread rapidly among many disaster castles.

In front of the metal barrier, Jian Qiushi, a soldier of the legion, was beheaded in the first battle, and the two masters were Kong Kongli.

At the same time, among the rumors about Qiao Yu, the death of that cloud orange and moon night, and some related information about the devil's mechanical purple pet quickly spread.

Originally, Qiao Yu's name was only known by the people because he was wanted by the soldiers of the legion.

At that time, it was only a little famous.

But this time, Qiao Yu not only was not killed in the hunt of many strong men of the legion warriors, but killed all the masters of the legion warriors.

Its strength is strong, its methods are vicious, and its style is unique.

With the narration of many disaster warriors who witnessed the events before and after this time, it was gradually known by many people.

(End of this chapter)

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