Calamity Frontier

Chapter 201 Desperately

Chapter 201 Desperately
The blade swept across, and the black bone chest was cut open by Qiao Yu, and blood sprayed into the entire night sky.

"It's a magic weapon."

Seeing the dark silver saber in Qiao Yu's hand, it was like breaking the qi and breaking the weapon.

Many martial arts people look at it with envy and jealousy.Who wouldn't want to own such a magic weapon.

After beheading the black bone with one blow, Qiao Yu didn't stop at all, and ran directly to the third bloody warbler again.

At this time, everyone could also see clearly that Qiao Yu was clearly in the rhythm of killing all of them.

"He really is a cruel and merciless generation." Many people thought secretly.

But at this time, the disaster fighters who were watching were not surprised. Qiao Yu's vicious reputation had already spread throughout the disaster world.It's normal for Qiao Yu to kill all the people, but if he doesn't kill people, it's not normal.

Seeing Qiao Yu rushing towards him with the mighty sword god in his hand, the Bloody Oriole could not escape Qiao Yu's pursuit even though it ran at full speed with lightness kung fu, so it couldn't help screaming loudly for help.

"Brother! Help me."

"Save you? Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes today, you will die."

Chasing up, Qiao Yu blatantly tore down with a knife.

With one slash, the bloody warbler's back was torn with a bloodstain, and then fell headlong to the ground.


Suddenly, a roar resounded all over the field.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade happened to stop on the neck of the bleeding warbler.

Everyone looked up one after another, only to see that at this moment, Meng Tiancan was holding that Bu Mengzhi hostage.

Seeing that he couldn't stop Qiao Yu, Meng Tiancan actually grabbed Bu Mengzhi directly, and then used it to threaten Qiao Yu.

"Put down the knife, or I'll kill your fiancée." Meng Tiancan roared threateningly.

"Oh?" Qiao Yu laughed. "You dare to threaten me?"

"Yes, put down your knife, or I will really kill her." Meng Tianchan seemed to think that Qiao Yu didn't hear clearly, so she repeated it again.

"It's a little bit interesting now."

"It's true that Qiao Yu even put his fiancée here, hey! He's a young man, he's not sophisticated enough."

"Indeed, after all, he is a young man with little world experience. He dared to let his fiancée be around. Now that it's all right, he was kidnapped."

At this time, when everyone saw that the woman that Meng Tiancan had caught was actually Qiao Yu's fiancée, they all started whispering.

His gaze passed over that Bu Mengzhi, only to see that Bu Mengzhi's face was pale and frightened.

"This is really a choice that is difficult for normal people to decide." Qiao Yu's tone was calm.

"Hmph! Be sensible, put down the knife quickly." Meng Tiancan seemed to have firmly grasped Qiao Yu's handle, and continued to threaten.

"In fact, compared to putting down the knife..." Qiao Yu slowly explained. "I have a better choice."

"The choice is, how about we count to three and kill the hostages together?"

Qiao Yu looked at the dream silkworm and said.

"What? Kill the hostages together?"

The people around watching the battle were startled, so was Meng Tiancan.Such a choice is unheard of.

However, Qiao Yu's decision is always one step ahead.

Without waiting for everyone to react, Qiao Yu already opened his mouth to count.

"Three!" Qiao Yu raised his saber at the same time as he spoke.

"One!" The saber fell blatantly.


As Qiao Yu's saber fell, before the onlookers could react, Qiao Yu directly killed the hostage in his hand.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but change their expressions in awe. This guy didn't even care about his fiancée's life.How ruthless this guy is.

Seeing this, many disaster fighters nodded slightly.They also knew that this approach was very Qiao Yu.

"Oh?" Qiao Yu looked at the dazed Meng Tiancan.

"Aren't you willing to kill her? If so, then I will help you kill her."

With a slight step, Qiao Yu suddenly rushed out.

"Go to hell!"

That Meng Tiancan was a villain after all, he slapped Bu Mengzhi on the back with his palm and slapped it towards Qiao Yu.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade swayed slightly, and Bu Mengzhi, who was flying towards him, was cut in half by Qiao Yu with a single knife, and his death was extremely tragic.

And the surrounding people in the world have already seen that this guy named Qiao Yu is really a ruthless, lawless and vicious person.


Qiao Yu had already killed the dream silkworm at this time.

Seeing that he even killed his fiancée, Meng Tiancan has completely understood who this guy is in front of him. Even if he catches his father at this time, he may not be able to hold him back at all.

"It seems that if you don't kill this guy, this guy won't let it go." Meng Tianchan flipped his hand, and Meng Tianchan swallowed a blood-red pill in one gulp.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade slashed across a piece of dark silver horses.

Meng Tiancan's left and right palms staggered, Zhang Xu's two palms burst out vigorously.After taking the pill, Mengtiancan's palm power has increased by as much as [-]-[-]%.

Qiao Yu moved lightly to avoid the attack.


The two chapters came under bombardment, and the gable wall collapsed with a bang, the power was very strong.

"So fast."

Seeing Qiao Yu coming in pursuit, Meng Tianchan stepped back quickly.

At the same time, one of his palms slapped out, and the strong wind roared out, and with a "boom", the thick wall was directly blasted out of Zhang Xu's exit.

"The speed of escaping is quite fast. However, my speed is still faster." Qiao Yu also followed the wall bombarded by Meng Tiancan, chasing and killing him.

The speed of the two of them is extremely fast, like a gust of wind and lightning, and the distance between a figure jumping is already more than ten feet away.

Qiao Yu, who was faster, quickly chased and slashed down with hundreds of true spirit blades. The dexterous Mengtiancan twisted slightly and suddenly moved seven or eight meters sideways.

Under the slash of the Baipi True Spirit Blade, where the blade passed, two pillars as thick as buckets were directly cut off in the middle.

Meng Tiancan, who fell into the rockery courtyard, took a deep breath, and his true energy surged, and his palms were suddenly drawn to his waist.

"Thousands of Mountains Destroyed!"

At the same time as there was a sudden roar, the true energy in Meng Tiancan's body exploded crazily, and a powerful stunt to save his life was unleashed.

His palms are opened left and right at the same time, and the wind and energy in his palms are like the waves of a great river, surging endlessly.

All of a sudden, as his palms erupted, dozens, even hundreds of Zhang Xu's palms with infinite power roared towards him.

The palm wind roared, and the power exploded completely. The corridors, pavilions, rockeries, and even the gables more than 20 meters away, under his unique palm technique, were smashed to pieces like being bombarded. .


Even the house more than 20 meters away suddenly collapsed under this stunt.

"It's so powerful." The surrounding people couldn't help but secretly thought to themselves when they saw Meng Tiancan's palm technique so fierce.

Those masters in the rivers and lakes have always been so fierce in force, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

This unique palm technique came and went quickly, and hundreds of palms erupted in an instant.

At this time, everyone turned their attention to the middle area of ​​the palm. They saw just now that Qiao Yu was attacking the core area of ​​the palm.

(End of this chapter)

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