Calamity Frontier

Chapter 202 The Golden Fragment

Chapter 202 The Golden Fragment
The palm technique whizzed past, and the first person to see Qiao Yu was the dream silkworm.

At this time, Qiao Yu was standing in the corridor of the pavilion. Although the surrounding pillars, the rockery behind him, and the pavilion on one side were all destroyed by the wind and clouds.

But Qiao Yu stood there, his whole body was burning with faint black flames, holding the Hundred Pieces True Spirit Blade in his hand, it was astonishing that nothing happened.


Seeing that Qiao Yu actually blocked his peerless palm technique, Meng Tiancan was so frightened that his liver was torn apart.

"Then Qiao Yu actually blocked this blow." Many people around Jianghu secretly admired him. Few of them wanted to block this stunt, but Qiao Yu was able to block it without any injuries.No one can match this skill alone.

"This expert in the world of Chinese martial arts does have some tricks, and the normal state is really hard to deal with. I need to burst out the magic power of the abyss. However, this guy is so strong, presumably after killing him, the dropped things will definitely be It's not weak."

With such thoughts in his mind, Qiao Yu's murderous heart suddenly became serious.

With a slight step, Qiao Yu rushed towards him.

"Let's go." At this time, Meng Tiancan was frightened, his strongest tricks were broken by the opponent's magic weapon, and he no longer had the courage to fight Qiao Yu any longer.

But he wanted to leave, but Qiao Yu might not be willing to let him go.


Qiao Yu, who was rushing towards him, opened his mouth leisurely, and let out a deep and strange roar, like a wild beast, and swept towards the dream silkworm.

Suffering this blow suddenly, Meng Tiancan was stunned, and immediately slowed down a bit.With such a slight gap, Qiao Yu has already chased after him.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade cut through the air and slashed down quickly.

The poor Meng Tiancan was directly thrown to the ground by Qiao Yu, and the beheaded body was separated.Of course it can be clothed into a shirt.But it still couldn't stop the silver-level Baipi True Spirit Blade.

"Soul attack is a good way after all." Qiao Yu walked over and smiled faintly. "At the same time, only legal professions can unleash these soul powers."

The disaster warrior woman who was hiding, saw Qiao Yu easily beheading the martial arts master who turned into a gas, and said directly and resolutely: "It's time to go, I'm afraid this Bianzhou city is not suitable for us. It is quite difficult for us to deal with martial arts masters who are full of energy, but Qiao Yu can kill them easily. Even Qiao Yu didn't use any powerful methods at all, but just burned and exploded his own abyssal magic power. This Qiao Yu I'm afraid that Yu is no longer on the same level as us. With Qiao Yu's current strength, it is better not to be that innocent soul who died under the knife. If you continue to stay here If you don’t leave, I’m afraid that after a while, you won’t be able to leave even if you want to.”

The calamity woman saw Qiao Yu's horror, and prepared to retreat directly.Several other people also nodded upon seeing this.

Not only this woman's team, but also some other disaster warriors watching the battle have made similar decisions at this time.To evacuate this Bianzhou city.

As for those legionnaires, knowing that Qiao Yu was here, they had already fled far away, and did not dare to approach at all.
Of course, in Bianzhou City, some people also discovered the Yeshen Pagoda, the place where the "disaster event" occurred, and at the same time, some people knew about the "Awakening Spring Thunder" event from other sources.

Of course, after they withdrew, the many gains would be equivalent to handing over to others, but with Qiao Yu here, they had no choice but to retreat.

When the disaster fighters left, many martial arts figures also left one after another.

When he came to the corpse of Mengtian Silkworm, the magic power of the abyss bloomed in Qiao Yu's eyes.

"Huh?" In an instant, Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly.

Qiao Yu stretched out his palm and touched Meng Tiancan's arms.

The next moment, Qiao Yu took out a palm-sized remnant scroll that exuded golden light and seemed to be some kind of practice technique.

"The golden scroll?"

Qiao Yu was also slightly taken aback when he saw the fragmented scroll.

The golden-level inner strength method is a powerful existence comparable to gold equipment.

Even if it is a fragment, it is also of extraordinary value. Qiao Yu did not expect that he would get the mental method of the fragment of inner strength by killing this dream silkworm.This surprise really came too suddenly.

However, Qiao Yu's surprise was not over yet, and the cold voice of the God of Calamity had already struck.

"Submission triggers."

A few simple words, but it represents extremely important information.

Qiao Yu quickly opened his mission log.

At this time, there is already an extra side mission.

Side Quest: Peerless Remnants

Introduction: A mysterious and peerless kung fu book, no one knows what kind of spiritual skills are contained in it.This time, if you take this exercise fragment from the "Dian Mirage", you will be hunted down endlessly by the "Dian Mirage".Moreover, holding the fragment of the mental method can feel the existence of other fragment holders.

After carefully reading the mission three times, Qiao Yu turned off the mission log.

"First of all, it goes without saying that this mysterious exercise must be an extremely terrifying existence." Qiao Yu looked calm and indifferent as always. "After all, it is a golden exercise, and it is one of the core methods."

Qiao Yu understands very well that this kind of practice is very powerful, and it is the core of many strong people.

"At the same time." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Based on how the holders can feel each other, I'm afraid that those guys who can get the fragments of the mental method are all top masters. In this way, a battle between dragons and tigers will naturally be inevitable."

"But it's okay, although struggle is inevitable, but the fragments can still be collected after all." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.At the same time, Qiao Yu also felt that there are currently four fragments that echo this one.

Feeling it slightly, Qiao Yu restrained his perception.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu went back to the Taoist house and began to practice.

And the servants of Qiao's mansion started to clean up the battlefield outside and the remains of many corpses,
Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, restrained his mind. After a while, as the magic power of the abyss bloomed, Qiao Yu began to look inside.

At this time, inside Qiao Yu's body, under normal circumstances, the state of the cells is a silent and chaotic state.

But at this moment, Qiao Yu's all-victorious cells were tightly packed and arranged in an orderly manner, as if they were neatly lined up with armed soldiers.

This effect is the mystery of "vector static", which makes the cells of the whole body orderly and perfectly coordinated with each other.

At the same time, among the neat and orderly cells, there are quite a few cells blooming with cyan light.

These cyan-colored cells are the cells that have evolved into super cells.The number of supermitochondrion in these cells is about three times that of the same type of cells.At the same time, the material strength of the cell membrane, nucleus, centrosome, mitochondria, and many other basic organizational structures are about three times that of ordinary cells.

That is to say, once Qiao Yu completes the transformation of the cyan cell arm, then Qiao Yu will basically be three times that of the same type of existence. Even with the same 100 points of gene strength, Qiao Yu can still bloom the effect of 300 points of gene strength.

This is the power of "cell armed".

The further you go, the more difficult it is to increase the life strength. It is easy to increase to [-] points, but it is very difficult to increase to [-] points. It is even more difficult to increase to [-] points.But Qiao Yu has cellular weapons, but he can easily stack them up.

After all, this cell arm is one of Qiao Yu's core methods.

Of course, the superposition of the basic strength.It is just one of the basic abilities of this cell arm, and the power of cell arm is far more than that.

At this moment, Qiao Yu's cellular armament, as Qiao Yu devoured a large amount of all kinds of food in the past two days, and with Qiao Yu's special tempering method, the small amount of armed cells in Qiao Yu's body have begun to gradually transform.It is a very slow process at the beginning, and its change curve is exponential. As long as it reaches a certain stage, the cell arming will be completed soon.

(End of this chapter)

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