Calamity Frontier

Chapter 221 The Crow Guides the Way

Chapter 221 The Crow Guides the Way
"True Spirit Pill" is a very mysterious pill, which can improve the reaction ability of the physical body.What's more valuable is that this kind of elixir can be superimposed continuously, which can make the body's reaction speed reach a terrifying height.

However, the "True Spirit Pill" is a specialty of the world of martial arts, once you miss it, you will basically never encounter it again.

And in the disaster store, these things will not be sold.

That's why Qiao Yu wanted to pry out the ins and outs of the true spirit pill from these guys.

Qiao Yu's previous normal state was enough to suppress the three of them.At this moment, Qiao Yu burst out with black flames again, which naturally crushed the three of them directly.

After some fighting, Qiao Yu saw an opportunity, cut off the thin man's arm with one knife, and then killed him with one knife.

Among the three, one was lost, and the remaining two were naturally even more unable to deal with Qiao Yu.

Soon the battle situation was completely under Qiao Yu's control.

A slash hit the bearded man's strong, thick force, and the bearded man flew upside down and smashed through a wall. The huge and hideous fatal wound on his chest made him scream and wail. Gained the power to fight again.

The last armored warrior fell to the ground after being cut off by Qiao Yu with a knife, crying out in pain.

After a fight, the small courtyard was turned into a mess by four people. The surrounding walls and houses were pierced and many collapsed.

"Now..." Qiao Yu stepped on the armored man's chest and said. "Could you tell me about the True Spirit Pill? Of course, you can keep silent, but I think you should know how I treated those legionnaires before. That kind of cruel method, Do you want me to try it on you?"

The corner of the armored man's mouth twitched, but he was willing to die after all.

After a while, Qiao Yu, who knew everything, killed the armored man with a single knife.

"Is it the treasure house in the palace?" Qiao Yu thought secretly. "That place is not easy to enter. It seems that we still need to wait until the plot of this place breaks out before we can fish in troubled waters. After all, there are many masters in this palace."

Then Qiao Yu got the magic skill fragment from the bearded man.

Then Qiao Yu upgraded the kamikaze step to level four.

But at this time, Qiao Yu only had two first-level experience pills left.

"As long as I upgrade this kamikaze step to level five, I can complete the mission. I can choose to leave the mission world directly. I can also continue to obtain more benefits in this mission world. But even if I continue to stay in the mission world, I will wait until the follow-up The plots at many points have all exploded, and I still have to leave. For me, I need to get more benefits in this limited time."

While thinking, Qiao Yu had already left the small courtyard and came to a small street.



At this moment, a deep crow sounded in the sky.

Qiao Yu looked up and saw a group of more than 20 crows flying towards the sky.

If it was an ordinary crow, it would naturally not be able to attract Qiao Yu's attention, but this group of more than 20 crows were all blood red, which was a rare blood crow.

After staring for a moment, Qiao Yu then looked away.

That day, when Qiao Yu was on the boat, he heard crows neighing in the dark.

At that time, that crow was this bloody crow.

"The scarlet crow's neighing that day was related to the Mirage Palace. Today, in the imperial city, a large number of blood-colored crows neighed in the air again. Could it be that the Mirage Palace is going to make trouble here?"


All the while, the bloody crow fell rapidly towards Qiao Yu.

Then the bloody crow landed on the edge of the eaves in front of Qiao Yu.

Immediately, the blood-colored crow stared at Qiao Yu, his eyes sparkling.

When the crow stared at Qiao Yu, Qiao Yu also stared at the bloody crow. Qiao Yu could tell that the bloody crow was not simple.

"Disaster Warrior?"

Suddenly, the crow spoke.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. "Who are you? Know my identity?"

"Time is running out." The crow said so.

After hearing this, Qiao Yu became more and more puzzled. "Time? Why is time running out?"

"Hahaha...time is running out, hahaha...time is running out!"

The crow didn't care what Qiao Yu said, it just laughed and kept talking.

"Time is running out, time is running out."

"Hahaha...uh uh uh..."

The Scarlet Crow, who was still talking, suddenly seemed to have a disc stuck in his throat, and felt a strange sound.

"Where is the master, dare to control my mirage master's crow." Suddenly, a majestic roar came from the crow's mouth.

Qiao Yu has not yet reacted.

"Bang!" A sound.

The flesh and blood of the bloody crow flew all over the place, leaving only a few feathers flying in the air.

Staring at the location where the bloody crow exploded, Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slowly. "What does it mean that time is running out? And that mirage master, it seems that someone has snatched his crow control."

"The amount of information in this is really not small."

Qiao Yu thought about this in his heart, and suddenly another crow landed.

But this time the crow landed at the end of the alleyway, and the crow landed without speaking.He just looked straight at Qiao Yu.


The crow quacked at Qiao Yu twice, Qiao Yu's heart moved slightly, and then he walked towards the crow.

Just walked to the door of the small alleyway, suddenly.The bloody crow flapped its wings and flew towards the street on the left.

Qiao Yu realized something, and followed the crow directly.

When Qiao Yu followed the crow all the way.

In the capital of the Great Jin Dynasty, in a dark underground palace.

A man's face was extremely distorted.

"The crow that can manipulate me, who is it? Is there some mysterious existence that robs me of the many resources of this world?"

Thinking of this, the man's face suddenly sank.

"No matter who you are, as long as I am here, you all have to get out of the way." With this in mind, the man named Mirage Lord suddenly clenched his fists.

"It seems that the plan has to be stepped up. More and more legion fighters and disaster fighters are coming, and my time in this world is running out. I need to get those treasures out quickly, otherwise , once you leave, decades of hard work in this world will be wasted."

Immediately, under the control of this mirage master, many messages were quickly sent out.

As these news spread, there were undercurrents surging in many corners of the entire Great Jin Capital.

(End of this chapter)

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