Calamity Frontier

Chapter 222 Fire in the Palace

Chapter 222 A Fire in the Palace (Sixth Update)
Follow the crow all the way forward.

About an hour later, Qiao Yu came to the edge of an abandoned brick house on the edge of the imperial city.

The crow didn't fly away any more, and landed directly on the eaves of the brick house, then stopped there and began to close its eyes and meditate.

Qiao Yu thought for a while and walked aside, found a clean place to sit down by himself, and then sat cross-legged to practice.

Time passed by unknowingly, and in a blink of an eye, it was already dusk, and the night was approaching.

During the practice, Qiao Yu noticed that the air seemed to be filled with a certain burnt smell.

Soon Qiao Yu opened his eyes.

As soon as Qiao Yu opened his eyes, he saw the direction of the imperial city, and there was a faint fire.

With a leap, Qiao Yu had already jumped onto a half-dead locust tree with a crooked neck.

At this time, Qiao Yu saw that inside the palace, a palace was actually on fire. The flames soared into the sky, and half of the capital of Jin Dynasty could see it.At this time, many soldiers on the city wall looked in the direction of the burning palace, pointing from time to time.

"This fire is not easy to extinguish." Looking at the soaring fire, Qiao Yu secretly said.


At this moment, the blood-colored crow suddenly opened its eyes and called out.

Immediately afterwards, the blood-colored crow fluttered its wings, directly crossed the city wall and entered the imperial city.

Qiao Yu was also prepared and used a low-level invisibility item.

After using it, Qiao Yu's figure disappeared into the air, and then performed lightness kung fu. Like a bird, Qiao Yu easily crossed the city wall and glides for more than 20 feet before landing in a small courtyard.

"Huh?" As soon as it landed, Qiao Yu looked up and looked around, but the crow was nowhere to be seen.

With a wave of his hand, a blood-eyed bat flew into the air,

After the blood-eyed bat flew around, it also did not see the blood-colored crow, as if the blood-colored crow disappeared out of thin air.

"Disappeared?" Qiao Yu looked around.

"The promised never leave, what about the agreed vows? You actually flew away." Qiao Yu was slightly taken aback.

"I, Qiao Yu, travel all over the world, and I was tricked by a bird today."

"No!" After thinking for a moment, Qiao Yu shook his head.

"That crow is extraordinary, it won't bring me here for no reason. At this time, that guy disappeared, probably because of something important. At this time, the unknown palace is already on fire."

"Obviously the plot should have been triggered, and I have already entered the palace. I can go find the 'True Spirit Pill' by myself."

"Hurry up……"

At this moment, a series of dense footsteps sounded, Qiao Yu straightened his body, and hid directly and deftly on the eaves. At this time, the sky was already dark, and basically no one would notice if he hid here.

Soon, a group of sixteen or seventeen-year-old eunuchs quickly entered the courtyard, and then all entered a small room.

The attribute vision bloomed, and Qiao Yu suddenly noticed that this group of little eunuchs gathered together to gamble.

Looking at this group of little eunuchs, Qiao Yu thought for a while.

"It's very inconvenient for me to walk directly in the inner palace. It's much more convenient to wear the clothes of this little eunuch. Even if I'm found out, it's okay to have some excuses. Otherwise, I will fight and provoke many masters to chase and kill me." , when the time comes, there will be no chance to find that 'True Spirit Pill'."

"Besides..." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu thought secretly.

"I'm not familiar with the place in the Great Inner Palace, so I don't even know where the so-called treasure house is, and this place is most familiar to these eunuchs. When I find those chief eunuchs, I naturally have a way to tell them. It will be much more convenient then."

With that in mind, Qiao Yu fell down leisurely, then pushed the door open and entered.


The door of the room opened suddenly, and the six or seven young ladies who had just started gambling listened to the sound of the door opening, they were startled, and they all looked over.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" One of the eunuchs among the young eunuchs was quite stern, seeing that Qiao Yu was not an eunuch, he immediately reprimanded him.

Qiao Yu strode up and slapped him down at the same time.

With a sound of "snap!", accompanied by the sound of broken bones, the little eunuch was slapped and flew out by Qiao Yu.Then it slammed into the wall, and when it fell, there was no breath left.

Slapping one to death, Qiao Yu's hand directly shocked the other young eunuchs.

"Take off your clothes." Qiao Yu pointed at the little eunuch who was about the same height as him and said sharply.

Hearing this, the little eunuch's legs trembled slightly, then he knelt down on the ground with a puff, and said in tears: "Heroic man, spare me, I won't be a rabbit, but Xiaobao is a rabbit. Hero, please forgive me!"

"Damn it." Hearing this, Qiao Yu's forehead was covered with black lines.

Suddenly, he slapped the wheel.

"Crack!" sound.

This little eunuch was also crushed by Qiao Yu's slap, and he fell to the ground and you died.

Seeing that Qiao Yu was so fierce, he beat people to death if he disagreed with him, the whole body of the little eunuchs trembled and fell silent like silkworms.

"You guys take off his clothes for me." Qiao Yu threatened.

At this time, the few young eunuchs were stupefied and completely frightened, they all froze in place and did not move at all.

"If you don't obey my order, you will be killed." Qiao Yu shouted suddenly.

At this time, several little eunuchs suddenly realized, and quickly went up to take off the little eunuch's clothes.

Qiao Yu took the clothes and put them on, feeling that they fit quite well.

Then Qiao Yu Qiao Yu put the little eunuch's hat on, and then looked at the rest of the people.

"Who is your leading eunuch?" Qiao Yu asked.

"It's Eunuch Cao."

A young eunuch who looked rather clever spoke.

"Yeah!" Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

The next moment, Qiao Yu stretched out his hand to grab it, and the Baipi True Spirit Blade was already in his hand.

Then the knife flashed.Except for the little eunuch who spoke, the other four little eunuchs were directly killed by Qiao Yu.

Seeing this, the rather clever little eunuch shivered all over his body.

"You are very good." Qiao Yu patted the little eunuch on the shoulder.

"What's your name."

"My name is Xiaobao."

"Well, now take me to see your Eunuch Cao, don't play tricks on me on the way, otherwise, killing you is no different from crushing an ant."


The body called Xiaobao nodded slightly trembling.

Soon, Qiao Yu followed the little eunuch named Xiaobao out of the small courtyard, and walked into the dark passage of the imperial city wall.

"By the way, what's your last name?" Qiao Yu asked as he saw no one around as he was advancing.

"My surname is Yi."

"Oh, Yi Xiaobao, right?"


"Do you know the treasure house in the palace?"

"Treasure house? I don't know." That Yi Xiaobao shook his head and said.

After thinking for a while, Yi Xiaobao said: "Although I don't know about the so-called treasure house, my lord, I do know that there is a very evil place in the palace."

"Oh? An evil place?" Qiao Yu suddenly became interested.Immediately said: "Tell me and listen."

(End of this chapter)

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