Calamity Frontier

Chapter 223 Induction

Chapter 223 Induction
"After worshiping the Yinxiang Hall in the 24th Hall, there is a large park there, where the flowers, plants and trees grow very lushly."

"And there is a special cellar there. I heard the old people in the palace say that there is a monster locked in that cellar. The monster seems to be locked in the cellar."

While walking, the little eunuch said.

"The cellar, and even the entire park there, are heavily guarded all year round, and they won't let anyone get close at all."

"Oh?" Qiao Yu raised his head suddenly, then pointed in one direction and asked. "Is the Yinxiang Hall you mentioned in that direction?"

That Yi Xiaobao looked up in the direction Qiao Yu knew, then nodded, "Yes."

At this time, Qiao Yu's eyes were slightly fixed.

"Six-phase Rubik's Cube."

Just now, as he walked forward step by step, Qiao Yu felt the slightest call.

This mysterious feeling of summoning is exactly the same as Qiao Yu's feeling when he got the six-color Rubik's Cube.

"The six-color Rubik's Cube is needed by the mysterious existence called 'Lie'. It is useless to me, but since I have cooperated with that guy named Lie. If there is a chance later, I can go there to get it When you get to the six-phase color Rubik's Cube, just take it by the way. If you can't get it, forget it."

Qiao Yu thought about it in his heart.

Along the way, when passing by various places, there will inevitably be some investigations, but with Yi Xiaobao here, there is no need to worry.

After more than ten minutes, Yi Xiaobao brought Qiao Yu to a rather spacious courtyard.

"The place is here." Yi Xiaobao said.

"Go in." Qiao Yu said lightly.

Just as the two were about to go in, a little eunuch appeared behind the door and stopped them.

"Eunuch Cao is not feeling well today, and we don't see any guests, you two should go back," said the little eunuch.

As soon as his voice fell, Qiao Yu stretched out his hand and reached over.

"Crack!" A sound.

The little eunuch's neck had already been broken by Qiao Yu.

"Close the door." Qiao Yu said lightly.

That Yi Xiaobao didn't dare to resist Qiao Yu's order at all, obediently dragged the corpse aside, then closed the door and stuck the bolt to death.

Yi Xiaobao, who had just finished all this, glanced slightly, and he already saw the smile on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

Seeing that faint smile, Yi Xiaobao suddenly felt something was wrong, he had observed very carefully before, whenever this guy killed people, there would be traces of this sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Not good!" Yi Xiaobao secretly thought it was not good, and wanted to run away.


His neck was directly twisted by Qiao Yu.

Throwing Yi Xiaobao's body on the ground, Qiao Yu walked towards the brightly lit main room.

Qiao Yu just walked to the middle of the courtyard.

A figure suddenly appeared at the main door.

This man was thin, with a white face and beardless, about 40 years old, with a pair of arms drooping, but his eyes were shining brightly in the dark night.

Needless to say, this person is that Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao glanced over the two young eunuchs lying on the ground, and his expression was slightly throbbing.

"If you have something to ask the miscellaneous family, why hurt the innocent." Eunuch Cao said slowly.

"In this imperial palace, there are such high-ranking people as Eunuch Cao. It's really disrespectful and disrespectful." Qiao Yu stared at Eunuch Cao and said slowly.

At this time, in Qiao Yu's attribute vision, this Eunuch Cao, with his thick and pure zhenqi, is as thick as a mountain.

At this time, Eunuch Cao stared at Qiao Yu for a while, and then slowly said: "Even if the miscellaneous family has been meditating in this deep palace for more than forty years, they may not be comparable to your Excellency."

"Not necessarily." Qiao Yun said in a deep voice, "It must be."

When Eunuch Cao heard the words, his expression moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

"I'm here today and I just want to ask you, do you know where the treasure house in the palace is?"

"Treasure house?" Eunuch Cao was obviously taken aback when he heard that.

Immediately he shook his head and said: "Miscellaneous families have been in the palace for more than forty years, but they have never heard of a treasure house in the palace, but there is a lot of gold and silver in the treasury, but I think your Excellency is not interested in these yellow and white things. "

"No?" Qiao Yu thought to himself: "Could it be that the legionnaire lied to me?"

"Really didn't understand the so-called treasure house?" Qiao Yu asked again.

"Although I have never mastered all the secrets in this palace, I also know that this palace is definitely not without the treasure house that your Excellency said." Eunuch Cao said firmly.

"That legionary soldier must have lied to me." Qiao Yu said harshly.

"Then..." Qiao Yu asked again after thinking about it. "Have you ever heard of the 'True Spirit Pill'?"

"True spirit pill?" Hearing this, Eunuch Cao's expression changed, and he nodded immediately. "It is said that this pill was refined by Taoist priests on the Penglai Island in the east, and it has extraordinary uses."

"The true spirit pill, where is it now?"

"Some time ago, a lot of medicines were offered on the Eastern Penglai Island, but, as far as I know, all these pills have been sent to Yinxiangdian."

"Yin Xiangdian?" Qiao Yu narrowed his expression. "What are you sending it to Yinxiangdian? Could it be that you are giving it to the monster in Yinxiangdian?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do?" Eunuch Cao replied softly.

"Can monsters also eat pills?"

"What a monster, it's just an extraordinary person."

"A weird - person?" Qiao Yu frowned slightly.


"It seems that we still need to go to the Yin Xiangdian. But it's also good, by the way, we can also solve the six-color Rubik's Cube together."

Immediately, Qiao Yu took a look at Eunuch Cao, who was at this extraordinary level.

"If this person is killed, most of the extraordinary good things can be revealed, even inner strength and mentality. However, it is not suitable to fight here at this time. In the inner palace, this eunuch who is retreating in seclusion has The strength at the level of 'extraordinary and holy'. If there is another master at the level of 'martial arts supreme', I am afraid that I will only be able to escape."

Martial Dao Supreme is an expert who is more powerful than the extraordinary and holy level, and Qiao Yu is not willing to easily compete with him now.

With that in mind, Qiao Yu leaped and fell to the roof.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu looked sideways.

I saw that Eunuch Cao jumped to the roof with him.

"What are you going to do?" Qiao Yu said coldly, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab it. The Baipi True Spirit Blade suddenly appeared and Qiao Yu grabbed it in his hand, and a murderous intent emerged.

"God has the virtue of loving life, and I hope that Your Excellency will not do too many killings in this palace." That's what Eunuch Cao said.

"Hmph! If those people don't come to disturb me, I won't kill them." Immediately Qiao Yu stared at Eunuch Cao. "the same as you."

"Your Excellency, don't worry, if you don't kill people, I definitely won't hinder you in the slightest." That's what Eunuch Cao said.

After a cold snort, Qiao Yu didn't bother with this Eunuch Cao, but just took a step forward, and then flew towards the direction of the "Yin Xiangdian".

Eunuch Cao stepped lightly, and followed behind Qiao Yu without slowing down.

(End of this chapter)

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