Calamity Frontier

Chapter 224 Mirage Master

Chapter 224 Mirage Master (Seventh Update)

Between the roofs of the palace pavilions.

It was already dark at this time, and there was a fire in the palace at this time, and there were noises everywhere. Qiao Yu walked through the heights, but no one noticed.

In a short while, Qiao Yu had arrived at the location of Yin Xiangdian.

As soon as he reached the roof of a building on the edge of the Yinxiang Hall, Qiao Yu stopped.

"Huh?" Before Eunuch Cao got close, he could already smell a strong smell of blood.

Immediately, his figure also came to the roof of the building where Qiao Yu was located.

At a glance, Eunuch Cao's expression darkened.

I saw that at this time in the huge courtyard in the Yinxiang Hall, the more than a hundred soldiers standing guard fell to the ground in disorder at this time, and they all died.

At this time, Eunuch Cao looked at Qiao Yu and shook his head after thinking for a moment.He has been following Qiao Yu all the time, and these hundreds of people must not have been killed by him.

At this time, Qiao Yu was thinking about whether these people were killed by people in the Jianghu, or legion soldiers, or those disaster fighters.

After thinking about it for a moment, Eunuch Cao flew towards the Yinxiang Hall like a flying swallow, obviously his lightness kung fu is extraordinary.

As soon as Qiao Yu jumped, the fourth-level kamikaze step was launched, and his figure flew away like a wild goose.

With lightness kung fu and body skills in hand, there is an indescribable mystery and naturalness between the leaps and bounds of this figure.

That Eunuch Cao landed in the wide courtyard of Yinxiang Hall, and immediately stepped forward to check the soldiers who fell on the ground.

Qiao Yu's attribute vision bloomed, and he could see clearly the cause of death of these people in an instant.

All of these soldiers had broken bones and damaged internal organs. Looking at the injuries of these people, Qiao Yu deduced that the murderer used palms.

"What a powerful palm technique." Even looking at several people, Eunuch Cao could tell that the murderer used palm technique.

Immediately, Eunuch Cao looked at the Yaotian Monument on one side, then at Qiao Yu, and said softly, "Don't talk, come with me."

Then, Eunuch Cao walked carefully along the passageway of the stone platform under the Yaotian Monument.

Qiao Yu thought for a moment, and then followed Eunuch Cao carefully into the passageway of the stone platform.

After entering the underground, Qiao Yu could see clearly that the underground passage was paved with blue bricks and slabs, and it looked quite clean, obviously being cleaned frequently.And the passage is very wide, two people can walk side by side.

The two walked forward together with a distance between them.

After walking for a while, Qiao Yu saw a black energy shield in front of him.

This layer of energy shielding separates the movements on both sides from each other, and Qiao Yu doesn't know what's going on on the other side.

And that Eunuch Cao had already stopped at the edge of the black energy layer.

Qiao Yu thought for a moment, then quietly came to the edge of the energy shielding layer from one side, and then slowly put his palm on the energy shielding layer.

When Eunuch Cao saw Qiao Yu like this, his expression changed slightly.

When Qiao Yu's palm was attached to the energy shielding layer, the subtle realm bloomed, and Qiao Yu felt the situation on the other side of the energy shielding layer in his heart.

"Six-color Rubik's Cube." Qiao Yu immediately saw an incredible scene after checking it.

At this time, in an underground grotto ahead, a total of five Rubik's Cubes of six phase colors were suspended in the air.

Moreover, five colorful energy chains as thick as thumbs emerged from the five six-color Rubik's Cubes, locking a strange man with disheveled hair in the air.

Five chains locked the limbs and head of this strange man respectively.

Five chains locked this strange man tightly, preventing him from moving.

At this time, in front of this strange man, a tall and burly man in a dark golden battle suit was standing in front of this strange man.

"Old thing, you really still don't want to hand it over." The burly man threatened in a low voice.

"Hehehe..." The strange man laughed in a low voice. "Don't think I can't see it, your time in this world is running out."

"If you don't get the power of my treasure, when you return to the legion, with your status as a traitor, I'm afraid you will be cut into pieces."

"I'd really like to see you cut to pieces in the hands of those legionnaires. Hehehe..." Speaking of this, the weirdo laughed somberly.

"Legion soldier, traitor?" Qiao Yu's heart moved slightly.

Among the legionnaires that Qiao Yu knew, there was always an iron bucket, but Qiao Yu didn't know that there were actually traitors in this legion.And it seems that this traitor seems to be a very important person.

After a long confrontation between the strange man and the burly man.The burly man asked again.

"What is it about you that you are willing to give that treasure to me?"

"I've told you this, countless times, as long as you move the five six-color Rubik's Cubes away, I'll give you the supreme treasure." The strange man said in a normal tone.

"Hmph!" The burly man snorted coldly.

"It's not like you don't know how weird this six-phase Rubik's Cube is. Don't talk about me, even the top SSS-level powerhouse, or even the venerable-level powerhouse, can't move it."

"Do you think I can move with my current strength?" the burly man said angrily.

"Since you can't move, then get the hell out of here, don't waste my sleeping time here." The weirdo expelled him unceremoniously.

"Toast, don't eat fine wine, the Brood Zerg is about to dig out that thing from the depths of the ground. When the time comes, I have mastered the power of the meme, and then I will deal with you."

"The power of memes, hehehe." The weirdo sneered. "It's not like you didn't know that in the last era, that horrible existence killed countless people in order to kill the 'meme', yet you still dare to come into contact with the 'meme'"

"The last era has long passed, and the meme is no longer that uncontrollable terrifying thing. When I get the meme and go back, even the venerable may not be able to kill me. At that time, I see you hand over the meme. Don't hand it over." The burly man threatened deeply.

"Since that's the case, then go and get your meme power as soon as possible, and it won't be too late to threaten me after you get it, hehe!" After finishing speaking, the weirdo simply closed his eyes and rested his mind.


The burly man let out a cold snort, and turned into a blood-colored crow, and then flew straight through the black barrier and flew away quickly.They didn't even look at Qiao Yu who were outside the barrier.

"Not this one." Looking at this crow, Qiao Yu shook his head secretly.

Until now, Qiao Yu still has a heart for the escaped crow.

"Since you're already here, don't stand outside, come in! No one has come in to chat with me for a long time." At this moment, the strange man spoke leisurely.

Its sound directly passed through the black shielding layer and entered the ears of the two of them!

(End of this chapter)

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