Calamity Frontier

Chapter 225 Release

Chapter 225 Release

Qiao Yu's face moved slightly when he felt the other party's voice coming directly through the black shielding layer.

Qiao Yu could feel that the guy locked by the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube was really extraordinary.

And according to his words, it seems that this strange man has been here for quite a long time.

At this time, Eunuch Cao moved across the shady scene.

"Greetings, senior." Eunuch Cao said fairly.

"Greetings, Senior." Qiao Yu also walked over and said so.

"Huh, Calamity Warrior?" The strange man's eyes immediately fell on the strange man.

"Exactly." Qiao Yu nodded.

"Well, not bad." The weird man stared at Qiao Yu for a moment, then nodded slightly. "In this era, disaster fighters of your level are rare."

"I think back then, I was one of the first batch of disaster fighters. I didn't expect thousands of years to pass by like this. Hey... Time really flies."

"Back then, many recruited warriors roamed the 'Dark Realm', oh... no, this world is no longer the 'Dark Realm' world. It should be called the Calamity World. Back then, many warriors roamed the Calamity World, but they could go up the ladder Slaughter God, you can go down to the abyss to destroy the Demon God, under the sway of the army, those powerful beings are all terrified."

"And the current calamity warriors have long been out of control. That group of legionnaires, holding some authority to domineeringly, are lingering and proud of themselves. Hehehe...the world is really impermanent." While speaking, This strange man had a desolate and lonely look on his face.

"The original calamity warrior, who roamed the dark world? Thousands of years ago. Legion warrior, authority?" Qiao Yu's heart throbbed slightly.

There is a lot of information contained in these words.

"I haven't known what's going on in Calamity Castle and Starry Sky Demon City for a long time. Since you are a Calamity Warrior, you should also know what's going on in Calamity Castle." Immediately, the strange man looked at Qiao Yu.

"En!" After thinking for a moment, Qiao Yu nodded, and immediately, Qiao Yu began to slowly tell everything he knew.

After talking about it, the weirdo nodded. "It's not much different from before."

Immediately this looked at Qiao Yu.

"You are also a disaster warrior, and I am also a former disaster warrior. Unfortunately, I was suppressed here. Although I am immortal, I cannot escape the suppression of this six-color Rubik's Cube after all."

"If not, I can really give you some good things. After all, in this world system where disaster fighters are gradually declining, it is already quite difficult for you to get this far in the DD-level mission world."

Qiao Yu was silent after hearing this, and began to think about it.

After a while, Qiao Yu asked slowly. "What is the origin of this... six-color Rubik's Cube?"

"Six-color Rubik's Cube is a very special existence in this world. It can be said that it is an evolution product of authority, extremely mysterious, but it has no effect on people who do not have authority. Even if it is People with authority cannot move it. After all, he is not only a product of authority, but needs some special existence so that they can move and manipulate the six-color Rubik's Cube."

"Can ordinary people not be able to move these six-color Rubik's Cubes, even put them into a space ring?" Qiao Yu asked with a frown.

"Of course." The weirdo nodded unceremoniously. "It can be said that in this world, basically no one can move this six-color Rubik's Cube."


"It's true."

"Okay!" Qiao Yu nodded after getting the exact answer from the weirdo.

Immediately, Qiao Yu walked to the side of the six-phase color, and stretched out his palm to touch the six-phase color Rubik's Cube.

"Boy, don't waste your energy in vain." The strange man said lazily.

He has been stuck here for too much time, and countless Legionnaires and Calamity Warriors have tried to move or collect this six-color Rubik's Cube.But no one has ever succeeded.

When Qiao Yu gently held the six-color Rubik's Cube, a feeling of lightness like a feather bloomed in Qiao Yu's feelings.

With a slight movement, the six-color Rubik's Cube moved slightly with Qiao Yu's strength.


Qiao Yu thought about it.

The next moment, the six-phase Rubik's Cube was directly collected by Qiao Yu into his space ring.

"Huh?" When he saw that the six-color Rubik's Cube in Qiao Yu's hand disappeared, the strange man was startled for a while, and he thought he was hallucinating.

His head shook, and when he looked carefully again, he suddenly came to his senses.The six-color Rubik's Cube was taken away by Qiao Yu.

"This..." The strange man said in shock. "how is this possible?"

He stared at the disappearing Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube in Qiao Yu's palm, then looked at Qiao Yu again, and was stunned for a moment.

"Hahaha..." An unprecedented burst of laughter raged.

The laughter was so ferocious, Qiao Yu felt a huge force pushing him back just from the energy sound waves, and he even felt a little unsteady on his feet.

Seeing the ferocious laughter of this strange man, Eunuch Cao's expression changed in shock.

After a few breaths, the haha ​​laughter stopped.

"Okay, okay..." The weird man exclaimed loudly with great excitement, his brows and eyes were full of ecstasy.

He has been trapped here for thousands of years by the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube. At this time, a guy who can take the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube away appears, which makes him unhappy, how unhappy.

"Boy, hurry up and gather all the six-color Rubik's Cubes." The strange man laughed loudly.

"Senior." Qiao Yu was not in a hurry to collect the remaining Rubik's Cubes, but asked instead.

"Senior's strength is extraordinary, but this junior released senior, how does this junior know that senior won't attack this junior?" Qiao Yu said solemnly.

"This is very simple." The weird man laughed. "because……"

Speaking of this, the strange man suddenly looked at Eunuch Cao who was standing aside.

The strange man opened his mouth, and saw that Eunuch Cao flew directly into the mouth of the strange man, and the closer he was to the strange man, the smaller the body of that man, and when he got close to the strange man's mouth, he had already become like a thumb size.

The weird man swallowed that Eunuch Cao in one gulp.

Qiao Yu was shocked when he saw this scene.

This master of extraordinary and holy level was swallowed by this weird person directly.

"Because, I don't need to let go of the six-color Rubik's Cube to kill you." The strange man grinned. "But I have never killed you. Is this reason enough?"

Seeing this, Qiao Yu smiled embarrassingly.

"Senior's methods are strong, but this junior is ashamed."

Immediately Qiao Yu stopped hesitating, and stretched out his hand to slowly manipulate and collect the Rubik's Cube with a six-phase color.

At the same time, Qiao Yu asked again: "Senior, do you know that there is a mysterious existence called 'Lie'?"

"What? Lie?"

Suddenly, the strange man's voice suddenly raised a tone.

 I owe eight shifts, and I will make up for it today!
(End of this chapter)

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