Calamity Frontier

Chapter 227 Theft

Chapter 227 Theft
Then, with a thought, Qiao Yu looked at the six-color Rubik's Cube.

"That mysterious existence called Lie, according to what the weirdo predecessor said just now, seems to be a very wonderful existence, and the predecessor said that the guy named Lie had left. But..."

"However, the Lie I came into contact with seems to have returned? What is hidden in the depths of this calamity world? How could there be a strange existence like Senior who has been trapped in a mission world for thousands of years?"

Qiao Yu rubbed his temples.

The more he knew, the more Qiao Yu discovered that the world was becoming more and more confusing.


Suddenly, a loud roar shook the sky, like a thunderclap resounding out of thin air.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu looked there.

I saw a large group of blood-colored crows gathered in the main hall of the palace.After a while, the many blood-colored crows gathered into a burly man, and this burly man was exactly the same as the man with the blood-colored crow just now.

At this time, this burly man was on the roof of the main hall of the imperial city.

"Lord Mirage, you don't recognize me so soon?" A lazy voice came out.At the same time, the strange man in tattered clothes appeared directly on the other side of the roof of the palace out of thin air.

"It's impossible, how could you come out." Suddenly, the mirage master said in shock.

"Hahaha... I have practiced in seclusion for 3000 years, and now I have finally achieved a magical skill. I escaped from that bondage today, and I am here to kill you. I thought that the main body is not here. Who would have thought that your main body is still here. It doesn't matter." I spent a lot of time running around."

The weirdo also knew that he didn't tell about Liuxiang Rubik's Cube and Qiao Yu.

At this time, the mirage master was completely in horror.

Before, that long howl, he just thought it was the roar of that strange man.

However, he never expected that this strange man would break free from the shackles of the six-color Rubik's Cube and escape.

What's even more frightening is that the other party escaped, but he actually bumped into the other party's gun.

The mirage master knows that he has used various methods to deal with this strange person during the years he has been here, but he has never succeeded.And now that the other party has escaped, one can imagine how the other party will retaliate against him.

"Don't struggle, you'd better die in my hands obediently!" The strange man laughed and pressed down his palm leisurely.

"not good!"

The mirage master turned his body, and walked quickly like the wind and lightning, avoiding the palm.

boom - boom -

Under the palm of that strange man, the five or six zhang high, magnificent and vast Golden Palace Hall was directly shattered by his palm.

"It does have some strength." The strange man smiled lightly, and then he straightened his body and waved his palm again.

With the movement of his palms, the sky and the earth surged with the wind, and under the slap of his palms, he was destroyed.In his hands, the entire imperial city was like a sculpture on a sand pile, wantonly destroying it.

The mirage master with the strength of the supreme level of martial arts, in the hands of the strange old man, is like a small boat drifting in the wind and waves, and can only drift lonely.

"Quack..." Just when Qiao Yu was looking fascinated, a crow's neigh sounded beside Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu couldn't help being surprised when he saw it.

"You actually came back again."

This crow is obviously the one that abandoned Qiao Yu earlier.

"Quack!" The crow yelled at Qiao Yu, then shook its wings and took off directly.

Qiao Yu tapped his feet lightly, and followed the crow as quickly as a bird.

At this time, the night was deep and dark, and in the distance, there were even more strange people and mirage masters fighting each other.The entire palace was in the hands of the old man, and it was in complete chaos.

This is a great time to fish in troubled waters.

In the darkness of night, Qiao Yu followed the Scarlet Crow, advancing rapidly all the way.

A few minutes later, the crow stopped at a rather remote small palace.

At this time, there were more than 20 guards in the small palace.


The bloody crow called out to Qiao Yu twice, then landed on the eaves without moving.

Qiao Yu realized something.

Stretching out his hand to grab the Baipi True Spirit Blade, Qiao Yu fell directly into the courtyard.


As soon as Qiao Yu fell, the guard guarding here shouted sharply.

Qiao Yu didn't pay any attention to him, and hacked the guard to death with a knife in his hand.


Seeing this, the other guards around roared loudly, drew out their sabers and charged forward brazenly.

These average-strength guards were Qiao Yu's opponents. After a flash of saber light, these guards fell to the ground one after another.

Immediately, Qiao Yu pushed the door open and entered, and was greeted by a strong scent of incense and lamp oil.

As soon as he entered the door, Qiao Yu saw the situation here clearly. It was a place for offering incense.Seems to be some ancestral bodhisattva or something.

As for what was specifically enshrined, Qiao Yu didn't bother to look at it.

Because Qiao Yu has already seen what he needs.

A box containing the true spirit pill was placed on the altar impressively.

Qiao Yu took it over.

Props: True Spirit Pill

Level: Level [-]

Introduction: A mysterious elixir that enhances the comprehensive nervous response of the whole body.

Effect: After use, the speed of nerve response transmission +20%.

Ordinary people's neural perception transmission speed is very slow, generally about [-] meters per second, and with the strengthening of disaster fighters, this value will continue to increase. Now Qiao Yu's gene strength is [-].

Then Qiao Yu's nerve perception transmission speed is about 600 meters per second.With strengthening, this transmission speed will become faster and faster.

But this is not enough for Qiao Yu. Qiao Yu also needs to greatly improve his comprehensive response ability in all aspects.And this true spirit pill is a very good prop.

After this kind of props are superimposed, Qiao Yu can completely give Qiao Yu twice or even three times the ability to respond to terror under normal conditions.

"very good."

Qiao Yu got this pill and used it without hesitation.

Such props that increase soft power are often rare in number, extremely valuable, and extremely difficult to obtain.


As soon as Qiao Yu came out, the bloody crow immediately started quacking.Then fly away in another direction.

Qiao Yu followed directly.

At this moment, Qiao Yu already understood that the Scarlet Crow was obviously trying to guide him to obtain the various pills he needed.

When Qiao Yu followed the crows to gradually search for various panaceas scattered throughout the palace.

The entire Palace Lord has become a mess.

Under the repeated bombardment of the old man's attack, all the buildings in the palace were shattered by his bombardment.

The many harem concubines, maids, eunuchs, guards, etc. in the entire palace, under such a terrifying attack, naturally suffered death or injury.

In addition, some legionary warriors and calamity fighters are good at fishing, killing people and setting fire.

At this moment, the imperial palace directly turned into a purgatory on earth, with screams and wails everywhere, and flames bursting into the sky everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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