Calamity Frontier

Chapter 228 The Secret Path

Chapter 228 The Secret Path
The capital of the Great Jin Dynasty, the imperial city.

The entire Jin Dynasty is the most sacred, authoritative, solemn, and commanding place in the world.

In the past, the place where countless people wanted to squeeze in, but at this moment it has become a cemetery where everyone is buried.

The flames shot up into the sky.Almost illuminated the entire sky of the entire Dajin capital.

At this time, almost all the people in the capital of Jin Dynasty held their heads high and looked towards the direction of the imperial city.

But at this time, within the imperial city, it really looked like a purgatory on earth.

A large area of ​​houses collapsed, a large area of ​​palaces caught fire, and a large number of people from the rivers and lakes, legionary soldiers, and disaster fighters burned, killed and looted everywhere.

A large number of court ladies, eunuchs, imperial concubines, and soldiers swarmed around the palace like headless chickens.

Howling, screaming, roaring, screaming, the collision of weapons, the howling of flames.

All of this shows that the entire Imperial City, the capital of the Great Jin Dynasty, is about to be destroyed.

In a palace.


A legionnaire flew out backwards, crashing into the burning wooden door.


Haven't waited for him to speak yet.

The dark silver saber swings leisurely with a thick and strange feeling.


A big head was thrown away.

Immediately, Qiao Yu jumped up and flew directly onto the roof more than ten meters high.Then Qiao Yu's eyes that contained the magic power of the abyss bloomed.

A moment later, a legion soldier fell into Qiao Yu's eyes.

Qiao Yu sneered, and with a movement of his body, Kamikaze Steps were deployed, and the whole person rushed towards the unknown location of the legion soldier.

At this time, there was chaos in the palace.

Those legionnaires took the opportunity to come in and search for all kinds of treasures in the palace.

After all, there are quite a lot of treasures in the palace, and Qiao Yu found many good things in just a short while.

Qiao Yu saw the many legion fighters at this time, so he naturally wouldn't be soft-hearted. After all, in this DD-level mission world, the value of those legion fighters is not low, between [-] o'clock and [-] o'clock, the value is remarkable.

Every time Qiao Yu kills a legionnaire, he will earn hundreds of Calamity Coins.

So at this time, Qiao Yu hunted down those legion soldiers while searching for many treasures.

A remote corner of the imperial city.

With one jump, a Spearman Legion soldier entered a small courtyard.

With a flying kick, a wooden door was blasted open with a bang.

The spear soldier walked directly to a hut on the side. Using a prop just now, the spear warrior could see that the things in the secret passage nearby are the most precious.

When he came to the bed, the legionnaire lifted the quilt and revealed the secret door under the bed. He stretched out his hand and pulled it, and a secret passage emerged under the door.

"There is a secret passage?"

Suddenly, a playful voice sounded leisurely behind the spear warrior.

"What?" The legionnaire was startled suddenly.

Before he could turn his head back, a dangling silver saber approached leisurely to kill him.

This legionnaire was once again knocked down by Qiao Yu.

Just now, Qiao Yu noticed that the soldier of the legion was a little sneaky, so he followed him cautiously, and he really gained something.

Kicking the legionary soldier away with one kick, Qiao Yu beckoned, and a Sky Striker Vine appeared, and then the Sky Striker Vine jumped into it.Immediately afterwards, Qiao Yu jumped up and followed closely behind.

The secret passage was paved with blue bricks, and a musty smell permeated it. Obviously, few people came into this place.

The Sky Striker and Demon Vine moved forward all the way, and this secret passage was safe, without any traps or traps.

About thirty meters ahead, Qiao Yu's attribute vision found a small stone gate on the left.

With a thought, the Sky Striker Vine pushed towards the hidden door.

After a push, the secret door couldn't be pushed.


With a thought in Qiao Yu's mind, the Sky Striker Vine burst out with great force.

clack clack...

The secret door was slowly opened.

The secret door just opened.


Dense hidden weapons and poisonous needles rushed out densely.

These hidden weapons and poisonous needles hit all of them, I'm afraid even Qiao Yu can't bear it.If it were ordinary disaster fighters, I'm afraid they would die immediately.After all, in some DD-level mission worlds, the powerful toxicity contained in those poisonous needles can really kill people.

But Sky Striker and Demon Vine accepted it calmly.The face and chest were densely covered with all kinds of poisonous needles and said that this is nothing.

Afterwards, Sky Striker Demon Vine took out two small jade-carved boxes from it.

When he opened it, Qiao Yu just smiled.

Among the two boxes, one contained three True Spirit Pills.

The other one contained three level three experience pills.

"It's wonderful." Qiao Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw that the income was so rich.

Prior to this, Qiao Yu had obtained three times the True Spirit Yuan Pill, which increased Qiao Yu's neural response ability by 60.00%.Now Qiao Yu has obtained three True Spirit Pills again, which can directly increase Qiao Yu's reaction ability by an additional [-]%.

Without hesitation, Qiao Yu directly used the three True Spirit Pills.

Suddenly, a mysterious feeling bloomed in Qiao Yu's body.

"The faster the neural response ability, the more obvious the effect of 'Phase Simultaneity' will be. When fighting with other people later, the more dominant you will be."

"These three experience pills can add 18 years of cultivation effect to me. With the addition of some I just obtained, it is more than enough to upgrade to level five, but it is still a little short of level six."

"This kamikaze step is a top-notch skill. The second level is equivalent to five years of practice, the third level is equivalent to 15 years of practice, and the fourth level is equivalent to 30 years of practice. At the fifth level, it is already quite terrifying. It is equivalent to Practice for 50 years."

"Once you reach the fifth level, it's not a big problem to fly across the river easily."

"And once it reaches the sixth level, it will be even more terrifying."

"The two fragments of mine, together with each other, can raise this kamikaze step to level six. We must obtain enough experience yuan pills to directly upgrade this kamikaze step to level six in this mission world. That Sometimes, in the following mission world, with such a six-level skill in hand, there will be no problem whether it is fighting, or escaping, or traveling long distances, or short-distance raids."

After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu raised his head and thought about the deeper part of the secret passage.


With a thought, the scarred Sky Striker Vine continued to open the way ahead.

Qiao Yu has also explored places like the Imperial City in disaster games many times.

Qiao Yu understood very well that when the emperors were building the palace, they had already dug secret chamber passages underground so that they could escape at any time when something abnormal happened.

At this time, Qiao Yu speculated that if he was lucky, he might be able to enter it and catch the emperor first.

Killing the emperor of the Great Jin Empire was enough to make him famous all over the world.How could Qiao Yu miss this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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