Calamity Frontier

Chapter 230 Cell Arming

Chapter 230 Cell Arming
"Cell armed?"

At this time, many people guarding the emperor's body did not understand what cell arming was, but they sounded very powerful.


There was a smile on Qiao Yu's face.

"I'll let you see what is called real art."

Between raising one's hand.

"Wow wow wow..."

All the burning black flames were absorbed by Qiao Yu into his body, and at the same time, the super mitochondria also stopped.

With a swing of his hand, Qiao Yu gathered the Hundred True Spirit Blades into his space ring.

"You don't even want weapons?" the old eunuch at the supreme level of martial arts said solemnly.

"Of course, in the cell armed state, my physical body is the most terrifying existence in the world. At that time, I didn't need any weapons." Qiao Yu said without hesitation.

"This cell arm is a work of art created by me and 'Brother An', born for battle."

While speaking, Qiao Yu's palm passed slightly in front of him, and Qiao Yu felt that the air was flowing slowly like flowing water.

At the same time, Qiao Yu's body became hot and golden from the inside out.

Cell armed, except for the most basic burst of three times the gene strength.

It also has many effects such as "phase perception", "dimensional acceleration", "simultaneous battle", "vector strength", "heaven and earth harmony", "entering the subtle realm".

It can be said that cell arming is a great form of battle outbreak that combines many aspects.

Once the cell armament is built, at that time, as long as there is enough ability to control it and enough energy to supply it, then Qiao Yu can fight crazily.

After all, cell armament is an almighty combat form.


Speaking of this, Qiao Yu felt his body start to heat up, and at this time Qiao Yu's body began to become orange and transparent.

Suddenly, the old eunuch made a sword with his fingers together, and the true energy between the palms surged.


A flash of sword energy shot out like lightning.

Qiao Yu turned slightly to one side.

That wisp of sword energy was directly avoided by Qiao Yu.

At this moment, Qiao Yu could feel that time passed through his fingertips like running water.The ripples of space oscillated and bloomed clearly in his mind.

The ability of phase perception, that is the all-round simultaneous perception and insight of holography without dead ends.

As long as it is within Qiao Yu's perception, there is nothing Qiao Yu doesn't know.This is the powerful ability of cell armed perception.


Qiao Yu let out a long breath.

All of a sudden, a heat wave surged.

At this moment, everyone felt that Qiao Yu was like a hot, red iron block.

Qiao Yu in the cell armed stage is indeed like a piece of red steel.

"My physical body is still too weak now. Although I have certain conditions for cell arming, I can barely raise it to about 40.00% of the first stage of cell arming. But..."

Suddenly, Qiao Yu raised his head and looked at the old eunuch.

"It's enough to deal with this old guy."

At this moment, in Qiao Yu's eyes, what was burning was the fiery fire of cellular arms.


Qiao Yu's figure swayed slightly, and the air exploded in an instant, like a thunderbolt exploded out of thin air.

Everyone has not reacted yet.

The old eunuch hadn't made any moves yet.

In an instant, the old eunuch let out a scream and threw it out heavily.

At the same time as the old eunuch threw it away, the old eunuch's chest sank, and his spine broke instantly.


The body of the old eunuch hit heavily on the slate wall behind him. The wall was cracked inch by inch and sunken in a lot. When the old eunuch fell down, he had no breath at all.

Kill with one hit!

This master of martial arts supreme level, in the state of half-step cell armed, directly kills with one blow.

No one even saw clearly what happened at this moment.

And Ji Tianyun's pre-existing eyes seemed to have seen a glimpse of the situation.

Suddenly, Ji Tianyun's body shook slightly, and he felt a chill in his chest.

He lowered his head leisurely, touched his chest, and suddenly found a huge blood hole in his chest, and the heart in it was gone.

"So fast."

Ji Tianyun fell headlong to the ground.


Killing a Martial Dao Supreme with one blow, and two great masters who are extraordinary and holy.

Qiao Yu also immediately disarmed the cells.

Qiao Yu was not very excited about killing two such powerful enemies with one blow. After all, Qiao Yu knew the horror and power of this cell weapon.

While everyone was still in horror and panic, Qiao Yu had already begun to assess his injuries.

"It's only 0.5 seconds, the injury level is 20.00%[-], and the strength is still about [-]%. If it explodes for about two seconds, I will be destroyed. At the same time, within a short period of time, the magic power of the abyss and the super mitochondria will also be destroyed. I can't explode, otherwise it will aggravate my injury."

"It's not very serious, and he will recover soon." Qiao Yu secretly said.

Then he stretched out his hand and turned, and Qiao Yu held the Hundred True Spirit Blade in his hand.

"Protect the emperor."

Seeing Qiao Yu approaching step by step, the many guards in Jin Yi screamed and rushed forward.

How can these guards with sparse and ordinary martial arts be Qiao Yu's opponents.

After a few knives, Qiao Yu chopped down all these brocade-clothed guards to the ground.

And those eunuchs and court ladies were lying on the ground trembling, not even daring to lift their heads.

at this time.

Qiao Yu stood in front of the young emperor who was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

And this young emperor with red lips and white teeth seemed to have no fear of death in his immature eyes.

Qiao Yu reached out and pinched the young emperor's neck, and the young emperor instinctively wanted to resist.


His neck was directly crushed by Qiao Yu.

Then Qiao Yu reached out and grabbed a small package on the dragon chair.Qiao Yu knew that there were many good things in this package.

"You have to remember my name. My name is Qiao Yu. I killed the emperor of your Great Jin Empire. Do you hear me clearly?"

Under Qiao Yu's questioning, these court ladies and eunuchs seemed to be dumbfounded.

"Do you understand everything?" Qiao Yu suddenly roared.

"Ming...understood." All of a sudden, there was a sound of weeping and wailing accompanied by sparse responses.

Qiao Yu threw the young emperor directly in front of many court ladies and eunuchs.

Seeing the emperor's corpse lying directly in front of everyone, the maids and eunuchs suddenly let out miserable howls of pain one after another.

"Your emperor is dead, and this imperial city is about to be destroyed. If you don't leave, I will kill you as well."

Qiao Yu threatened sharply with a smile on his face.

The remaining maids, eunuchs, and those injured guards in brocade clothes.Of course Qiao Yu wouldn't kill him, and Qiao Yu still expected them to tell the news and bring it out to increase his reputation!
If you kill them all here, you will be suffocated to death with the prestige gained from such a big event as killing the emperor.

Following Qiao Yu's roar, many timid court ladies and eunuchs got up one after another and fled along the passage.Of course, there were also some court ladies and eunuchs who were loyal to the emperor and stayed by the emperor's body and never left.

Qiao Yu ignored them and walked directly to the old eunuch's side.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly, "Did you explode the magic book?" Looking at the book that was released, Qiao Yu laughed.

But when Qiao Yu took the classic to have a look, Qiao Yu's face changed.

(End of this chapter)

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