Calamity Frontier

Chapter 231 Mirage Gold

Chapter 231 Mirage Gold
"Sunflower Book"

Yes, this is the martial arts practiced by that old eunuch.

"To practice this skill, draw a knife from the palace, concoct alchemy and take medicine, so that you can understand both inside and outside."

After looking at it for a while, Qiao Yu shook his head. This "Sunflower Treasure" is a top-grade internal martial arts, but it's a pity that most people dare not practice it.

However, Qiao Yu already has dragon scales, and it is possible to obtain the martial arts of the gods, so he naturally dismisses the so-called Sunflower Book.

"For some people, this "Sunflower Treasure" is really wonderful. It can be taken back and sold in taverns and shops. After all, it is a complete top-grade martial arts, and it may be sold for hundreds or even thousands of disaster gods. currency."

After searching in the cave and finding nothing else, Qiao Yu went back the same way.

Just as Qiao Yu came out along the passage, what he saw was a sea of ​​flames.

This palace house has somehow caught fire.

Qiao Yu jumped out of the sea of ​​flames.

Qiao Yu, who came to the courtyard, stepped lightly on his feet again, and jumped directly onto a higher roof ridge.

Qiao Yu looked around, and under the moonlight in the sky at this time, the entire palace was already a sea of ​​flames.

More than [-]% of the houses and palaces were blazing with fire.

"Someone must have set the fire on purpose." Qiao Yu shook his head lightly. "The imperial city of the Great Jin Empire has been destroyed. Maybe the Great Jin Empire will also perish because of this."

At this moment, a figure leisurely rushed towards Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu slid away from the figure.


The figure hit the ground heavily, making a big hole in the ground.

Qiao Yu took a closer look, and the person who fell into the big pit on the ground was the mirage master.

"I thought this guy was so stubborn, but in the end, he honestly told me everything." The weird voice suddenly appeared beside Qiao Yu.

"Senior." Qiao Yu said quickly.

"Call me Xue Yu!" the strange man said softly.

"Senior Blood Feather."

"Xingyao in the long river of time and space is coming, is it true or not?" asked the blood feather.

"I only know that in the long river of time, many timelines have become extremely neat, and they all follow the direction of the river of time, and then flow slowly."

"That's it." Xue Yu nodded slightly.

"It's a good time to come out this time." Xue Yu said.

Immediately, Xue Yu's eyes fell on the mirage master.

"This guy's strength is at the pinnacle of Martial Dao Supreme. Even half of his feet are at the level of 'human immortal'. Unfortunately, for me, he is still too weak."

"Now this guy has been beaten half to death, so I'll leave it to you. After killing him, some good things should pop out."

"Thank you senior."

"If you respect me as a senior, then you can listen to my advice." The blood feather thought for a moment and said.

"Senior, please speak."

"The soldiers of the legion are stronger than you think, and there are many methods emerging one after another. You are certainly not weak, but after all, two fists are no match for four hands. Be careful when you do things in the future."

"The younger generation remembers."

"En!" The blood feather nodded slightly, and then, with a step, it disappeared.

Qiao Yu moved his gaze from the place where the blood feather disappeared to the mirage master lying motionless on the ground.

With a vertical posture, the saber leisurely cut down.

The mirage master's head was directly chopped off by Qiao Yu.

Then, a golden light bloomed in the mirage master's arms.

This mirage master is a top-level expert, and it can even be said that he may be the top boss in the world, close to the human immortal level, that is extraordinary, and naturally he can burst out good things.

The thing that emits golden light is about the size of a fist.

Props: Mirage

Grade: Sixth grade

Introduction: A gem beyond words.

Effect: You can directly upgrade level [-] silver equipment to level [-].

"Good thing." Seeing the effect of the mirage, Qiao Yu suddenly laughed.

"I just need to upgrade my weapon to level five, and then I can use this mirage to directly upgrade to level six. Silver equipment at level six will be even more powerful." Qiao Yu thought so.

Then Qiao Yu's gaze swept across the entire imperial city, and the flames in the imperial city intensified.Many martial arts figures and those disaster fighters are fleeing abroad at this time.

"It's time to leave here." Qiao Yu looked at the flames rising everywhere, and knew that basically everything here was searched clean. Even if there were still a few, it was difficult to find in this area full of fire. .


With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu flew away from the imperial city while jumping on the roof.

After leaving the palace, Qiao Yu crossed the city wall non-stop.Then head straight to the pier.

Now, the plot of the Great Jin Capital has been triggered.

The last plot left is the plot of the five supreme sects of martial arts today.

As soon as the plot of the five supreme sects ends, many people will be forcibly teleported away from this mission world.And those who did not complete the task at that time were uniformly obliterated.

Qiao Yu has dragon scales, so it is naturally not suitable to participate in the plots of these five supreme sects.

Qiao Yu only needs to hold the dragon scale, enter the Dragon Bone Tianmai Mountain, and then wait for the opportunity to obtain the Supreme Supreme's divine skill.

Soon Qiao Yu found a passenger ship heading upstream.

In the night, the passenger ship cruised slowly upstream.

And the imperial city, the capital of the Great Jin Dynasty, was already covered in a sea of ​​flames, and this sea of ​​flames really lit up half the sky.

Inside the passenger ship, Qiao Yu sat cross-legged.

Before I knew it, half an hour had passed.

While breathing, the abyssal magic power in Qiao Yu's body gurgled and circulated. As the abyssal magic power surged, the injuries on Qiao Yu's body recovered quickly.

However, those cells that have been consumed and transformed into armed cells cannot be recovered again.

"Although it consumes a lot of my armed cells, but." Qiao Yu gradually laughed.

"Killing the emperor this time, the harvest is also remarkable."

After killing the emperor, Qiao Yu got that package.

There are four True Spirit Pills in the package, as well as five Level [-] Experience Pills, and two Level [-] Experience Pills.

Qiao Yu first used the four True Spirit Yuan Pills directly.

At this time, Qiao Yu's reaction speed has increased by an additional [-]%.

In other words, Qiao Yu has three times his own reaction speed under normal conditions, which is already very scary.

"Five three-level experience pills, that is, 30 years of training time, two four-level ones, 20 years of training time, a total of 50 years of training time. Let my 'Kamikaze Step' practice to the sixth level More than enough."

With a flip of his hand, he took out the two-point omnipotent scroll, and Qiao Yu used it directly.

Qiao Yu's original kamikaze step with the upper limit of level four has directly changed to level six.

Then Qiao Yu began to consume his experience Yuan Dan to improve his kamikaze step.

After a while, Kamikaze Step was promoted to level six by Qiao Yu.

"Come and try."

Feeling the sixth-level kamikaze step, Qiao Yu felt itchy, then opened the window and jumped into the river.

At this time, the rippling water surface of the Lijiang River is sparkling under the moonlight, which is really beautiful.

Qiao Yu performed the sixth-level superb lightness kung fu.A little water under your feet.Immediately, Qiao Yu felt a strong force surging from the surface of the water.I can fly and wander easily on the surface of the river wantonly.


With a vertical posture, Qiao Yu flew across the river like a bird on the river.

"When I reached the fifth level of lightness kungfu, I was able to float easily on the water for a long time. Now that I have reached the sixth level, I can fly directly across the river with ease, extremely relaxed."

Feeling relaxed and happy, Qiao Yu ran freely on the surface of the Lijiang River, happily flying away.

"With this sixth-level lightness skill in hand, in the future, in any world, you can be happy and at ease." Qiao Yu was so happy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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