Chapter 232
While practicing enlightenment, in order to go north with the passenger ship, three or four days have passed without knowing it.

this day.


The cold wind blows and the north wind howls.

At this time, in the Lijiang River, a passenger ship was going up the river alone.

Between the sky and the earth, white snow is flying, and the wind is fierce, covering the heaven, earth, mountains, rivers and mountains of the northern country with a layer of silver.

And Qiao Yu was still wearing thin clothes, but the magic armor phantom vine quietly wrapped Qiao Yu's body close to the body.Protecting the host from the cold and warm, this is the characteristic of the mysterious parasitic abyssal plants like the magic armor phantom vine.

The windy and snowy scenery in the northern country is really beautiful, but this is not what Qiao Yu is looking at at this time.

What Qiao Yu looked at was his own prestige in the world.

It has to be said that Qiao Yu killed the emperor that day and then used many court ladies and eunuchs to release the news is very clever.

In just four short days, Qiao Yu's reputation has changed from "emerging" to "little famous" and then "rising to fame" and then to "famous".

And just now, Qiao Yu received a message prompt.His prestige has changed from "famous and popular" to "famous all over the world."

"This move is really a clever plan." Qiao Yu couldn't help laughing.

Being famous in the world is already a manifestation of great prestige.And Qiao Yu still has the bonus of the calamity fang talent.

In this way, Qiao Yu's prestige income will be unprecedentedly rich.

After closing the task page, Qiao Yu looked towards the towering mountains in the north.

"The Longgu Tianmai Mountain is in the depths of these overlapping mountains. Fortunately, my qinggong has reached level six, otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to climb over these overlapping mountains."

Standing straight, Qiao Yu left the boat directly against the cold wind, and rushed out quickly.

At this moment, the surface of the river was covered with floating snow, Qiao Yu stepped lightly on his feet, and walked directly on the snow.

With one step, Qiao Yu leaped over thirty feet, at a frighteningly fast speed.

After a while, Qiao Yu was already approaching the majestic and steep ridge.

Qiao Yu is a brave man, facing the precipitous place of death in the eyes of ordinary people, Qiao Yu walks on the ground as if walking on the ground.

With a light step, Qiao Yu's whole body touched the leaves of a tree, and then his figure took off rapidly.

When climbing more than twenty feet, Qiao Yu's feet once again touched a snow piled up on the rocks, and then his figure rose rapidly again.

Step by step, Qiao Yu's physical strength was boundless, and he climbed up the steep and precipitous ridge at an extremely terrifying speed.

A few minutes later, Qiao Yu stepped on the thousand-foot peak.

At this time, the strong wind whizzed past Qiao Yu's cheeks, and the cold snow slapped him even more.

Qiao Yu was agitated.


There was a long howl, which spread out suddenly, and echoed in the empty valley for a long time.

Looking at the direction, Qiao Yu jumped, and the whole person directly faced the wind. Facing the thousand-foot peak, Qiao Yu directly performed lightness kung fu and glides down.

Go all the way, or through the mountains, or through the basin canyon, or over the ridge, or over the peak.

Relying on lightness kung fu, a deep abyssal magic power, and strong and abundant physical strength, Qiao Yu headed towards the unknown dragon bone Tianmai Mountain at an extremely fast speed.

In this way, Qiao Yu ran for five or six hours.When the sky was a little dark, Qiao Yu finally reached the edge of the Longgu Tianmai Mountain.

Standing on top of a towering mountain.

Qiao Yu looked at the Longgu Tianmai Mountain in the distance.

This Longbone Tianmai Mountain is really magnificent and vast, with extraordinary momentum.

The keel Tianmai Mountain is like a [-]-meter-long giant dragon coiled among the precipitous and strange peaks of this cluster of mountains.

It is said that it is a mountain, but in fact, its form is an ancient prehistoric dragon with a length of [-] meters.

It is said to be a dragon, but his physical body has long been turned into a rock, turning into a mountain peak and rock, and has been entrenched here since ancient times.

But even though it has been petrified, the form of the ancient real dragon still stands on the top of the mountain.

Not to mention anything else, just his high head is a full three thousand feet high.I don't know how long it has been, but its shape is still vivid and wonderful.

"Only in this catastrophic world can there be such a grand and majestic environment." Qiao Yu couldn't help admiring the arrogance of the ancient real dragon looking down on the world.

"It is rumored that there are many ghosts and ghosts in this Longgu Tianmai Mountain. Today I want to see what these so-called ghosts and ghosts are."

Immediately Qiao Yu flew down the ridge towards Keel Tianmai Mountain.

It was only when the night was dark that Li Gan approached the foot of the Longgu Tianmai Mountain.

After slightly adjusting his breath in a corner, Qiao Yu ate some food, and he lifted his spirits, ready to enter the Longgu Tianmai Mountain.

As soon as he approached the Longgu Tianmai Mountain, Qiao Yu felt an invisible barrier blocking his way.

With a flip of his hand, Li Qian had already taken the dragon scale into his hands.


The dragon scales burst into hot golden light in Qiao Yu's hands, and then formed a golden passage about ten meters in front of Qiao Yu.

If there is no dragon scale, even if you come to the Dragon Bone Tianmai Mountain, you will never get the slightest benefit.

Passing through this ten-meter-long passage, the biting cold wind, icy low temperature, and whistling snowflakes were all abandoned outside this invisible barrier.

Qiao Yu raised his steps to enter the keel Tianmai Mountain.

Just now.


The bloody crow's quacking sound suddenly sounded.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately looked to the side.

I saw, on this side of the raised black volcanic rock.

The blood-colored crow was standing there impressively.

"It's still the same crow." Qiao Yu recognized it at a glance.

"This crow is so mysterious." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qiao Yu understood very well that the crow led him to get a lot of good things, and this crow came and went without a trace, let alone the slightest sign, which was really mysterious and terrifying.


The blood-colored crow rattled twice at Li Gan, and then flew directly upwards.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu straightened his body and rose directly from the ground.Chase the crow and climb upwards.

All the way through the rapid travel.

It wasn't until Qiao Yu climbed to a higher place that Qiao Yu could see clearly.

The crow actually flew directly towards the dragon head of the keel Tianmai Mountain.

Moreover, the trajectory of the crow's flight is also very mysterious.For a while left, for a while right, and sometimes stop for a while, it seems to be avoiding something.

"Are you trying to evade the 'Dragon Head Up Divine Light Formation'?"

Qiao Yu thought secretly.

Dragon Bone Tianmai Mountain, where the dragon head is located, is very mysterious.Qiao Yu vaguely knew from memory that the dragon head of Dragon Bone Tianmai Mountain was really impossible for ordinary people to enter.The reason is that where the dragon's head is, there is a "dragon raising its head divine light array".It is said that once touched, it will be brushed off by the divine light and return to the lowest position.

And this "Dragon Raises its Head Divine Light Array" is invisible, colorless, traceless and qualityless, and it cannot be sensed at all.

Qiao Yu also had no way of noticing it, so he could only follow the bloody crow and strictly follow its guidance.

(End of this chapter)

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