Calamity Frontier

Chapter 233 Communication

Chapter 233 Communication
Climb straight up along the dragon's spine.

Fortunately, Qiao Yu has plenty of physical strength and a long breath, and at the same time has a sixth-level lightness skill.Otherwise, it would be really difficult for Qiao Yu to climb the nearly [-]-meter mountain in one go.

After a stick of incense time.

Only then did Qiao Yu follow the bloody crow all the way to the top of Dragon Bone Tianmai Mountain.

The blood-colored crow neighed, and then directly drilled in along the already hollow left eye of the ancient giant dragon that had turned into rock.

Qiao Yu's eyes flicked around, and then he followed the hollow left eye of the giant dragon to get in.

This huge pupil channel is very wide, and its height alone is more than 20 meters.

Qiao Yu went deep all the way, and when he reached a full 80 meters, his eyes suddenly opened up.

Qiao Yu reckoned that he had almost reached the head of the giant dragon in the Dragon Bone Tianmai Mountain.


Qiao Yu turned his eyes slightly to one side, and Qiao Yu looked at the blood-colored crow. At this time, the blood-colored crow landed on the edge of a stone basin protruding from the wall.

Around here, there are many similar stone basins, and there are always more than twenty of them.

Moreover, the water quality in these stone basins can even emit a mysterious light.


The crow on the edge of the solid plate neighed twice at Li Gan, and then moved slightly, submerged into the stone basin, and then disappeared.

Qiao Yu walked over in three steps in parallel.

Looking at the stone basin where the bloody crow disappeared, what caught his eye was a pool of milky white light.

The blood-colored crow has disappeared.

"What a wonderful place." Looking at the many mysterious scenes around Qiao Yu, Qiao Yu secretly said.

Just when Qiao Yu was about to leave the stone basin to go to other places to have a look, suddenly there was a surge of vision in the stone basin.

Qiao Yu stared at the past carefully.

Inside the stone basin, a touch of black emerged.Moments later, these blacks emerge to form words.

"I'm Lie, I manipulated that crow to bring you here."

"As expected." Qiao Yu secretly said.

The crow was very strange. Qiao Yu had long guessed that Lie was manipulating it, but now it seemed that it was indeed the case.

"Actually..." The text continued to surge.

"You entered this mission world, and I chose it for you."

"The reason is because of the Six-Phase Color Rubik's Cube?" Qiao Yu asked with a frown.

"Yes, but neither."

"With you, it can be confirmed." Qiao Yu said lightly. "In this mission world, the number of legion fighters is very small, and they are distributed in a wide range. I haven't killed many people at all. Up to now, I have barely killed more than [-] legion fighters. The income of this mission world , but very little, all the credit is due to you."

"Although you get less God of Calamity Coins, the acquisition of the permission item is enough to offset all the disadvantages." The words continued to emerge.

"Okay!" Qiao Yu shrugged.

"Having said that, but..." At this point, Qiao Yu glanced around.

"But this is the Dragon Bone Tianmai Mountain. It is said that there are god-grade exercises here. You must know that those god-grade exercises are comparable to the existence of gold equipment. If you can communicate with me here, you must be able to manipulate this place a little bit. ability."

"Then..." Qiao Yu's eyes gradually became sharper. "I need a very powerful and very powerful exercise, can you help me get it?"

"You have a piece of dragon scale. Originally, when you entered the Dragon Bone Tianmai Mountain, you could only obtain the remnants of the divine grade exercises. However, since you and I cooperate, there is no reason for me not to help you. Besides, Xingyao is coming, and you also need to improve your strength again."

Hearing what the man named Lie said, Qiao Yu laughed.

"Throw all the six-color Rubik's Cubes in here. I will use some permissions and abilities to let you obtain the top and most suitable step-by-step complete divine skills in this martial arts world."

"Just this divine grade skill alone is enough to make you struggle in the following world."

"Okay!" Qiao Yu nodded simply.

Qiao Yu has always done things, if you believe in it, you will do it firmly, if you don't believe it, you will resolutely not do it, it is extremely straightforward.

Qiao Yu is not ashamed of the kind of behavior that he wants to get benefits but is afraid of the enemy's vicious calculations, and he is timid and hesitant.

Since he is willing to cooperate, he should be straightforward and never leave the water. This is Qiao Yu's style.


Qiao Yu put the five six-color Rubik's Cubes into the stone basin respectively.

As soon as the five six-color Rubik's Cubes entered the stone basin, they disappeared immediately, obviously taken away by that Lie.

A moment later, in the stone basin, a golden silkworm scroll with silver borders emerged.

Cultivation method: Longyuan Zhendian

Quality: Divine

Introduction: The untold secret of the memory of the ancient real dragon.

Effect: Use the practice method of obtaining the Dragon Yuan True Code, and obtain the divine grade true energy "Longyuan True Qi".

Note: It can be fused with advanced basic abilities to form perfect special energy.

After staring at the Long Yuan Zhendian for a while, Qiao Yu laughed.

Needless to say, this Longyuan Zhendian is a top-notch practice method.

Of course, Qiao Yu has no interest in learning this so-called "Dragon Origin True Qi".

What Qiao Yu hopes is to combine the exercises of "Long Yuan Zhen Dian" with his own abyss magic pool.

Let the magic power in your own abyss magic pool evolve into a special energy-mozhen qi.

This kind of magic qi not only has the characteristics of abyssal magic power, but also has the characteristics of true qi.

The magic power of the abyss has many characteristics that fit all things, mysterious, flexible, and perceive the nature of the world.

And this Long Yuan Zhen Qi, from the strength to the sun, is powerful and powerful, and under the transformation of the true Qi, it is invincible.

Once the two are combined, it is a combination of rigidity and softness.

It will definitely make Qiao Yu's strength greatly improved.

Moreover, once the special envoy's "Magic True Qi" is fused successfully.In the future, it can continue to improve with the improvement of Qiao Yu's Abyss Demon Pool.

Generally speaking, it is absolutely terrifying to be able to obtain a powerful special energy to improve one's own strength.

"After I go back, the Calamity God Coin will be settled. With the Calamity God Coin, I can integrate it. At that time, my strength will be stronger, and I will be even more powerful after chasing and killing those Calamity Warriors."

Immediately, Qiao Yu opened his mission log.

Qiao Yu has already completed the main task [-] and the main task [-].It's just that several side missions have not been completed.There are no penalties for those side missions, but it doesn't hurt much.

"Although I can return now, it's better to delay the time later. Maybe in the next few days, my reputation can continue to rise. The more it rises, the more I can wait until I return. At that time, at that time, the mission rewards will be more."

After some thinking, Qiao Yu has decided that he will practice here and wait for the mission world to end.

(End of this chapter)

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