Calamity Frontier

Chapter 234 Earnings

Chapter 234 Earnings

Qiao Yu opened his eyes, this Calamity Castle still felt as cold and suffocating as ever.

Qiao Yu, who had been in the Longgu Tianmai Mountain for a long time, survived until the last moment, and was finally sent back by the God of Calamity forcibly.

However, Qiao Yu's luck is really good.

On Qiao Yu's last day, his prestige in the world changed from "famous in the world" to "shocking the past and shining today".

Lifting his head, Qiao Yu looked at the sky of the Calamity Castle.

At this time, in the long river of time, many timelines are still straight along the long river of time and space.From the past, through the present, and then into the future.


Qiao Yu chewed this word in his heart.

This term, Xue Yu and Lie, have both said it, obviously this "Xingyao" is not simple.

Moreover, the mysterious man in the night of Jieyang also told Qiao Yu that after a month, some incredible things will happen in this world.

As far as Qiao Yu knew, this Xingyao was really extraordinary.

"For me, during this period of time, I need to quickly improve my strength, so that I can get more benefits when the star shines."

While thinking in his heart, Qiao Yu had already arrived at the tavern.

Sitting alone in the corner of the tavern, Qiao Yu began to check the income of this mission world.

First of all, the income from killing legion fighters in this mission world is not much.

Qiao Yu killed more than 20 legion soldiers one after another, and the value of the calamity coins provided by each legion soldier was between [-] and [-].

After killing the legionnaires, Qiao Yu accumulated 3234 Calamity Coins.

Compared with the previous mission world, the income of killing tens of thousands of legion soldiers is obviously much less.

But Qiao Yu's sixth-level peerless skill "Shenfengbu" and the divine qi method "Longyuan Zhendian", relatively speaking, Qiao Yu still makes a lot of money.

Then there is the settlement of Qiao Yu's mission and the mission rewards.

The first is task settlement.

The dark world of rivers and lakes: DD level.

Basic reward: 500 calamity coins.

Mission settlement, only the basic rewards of the current mission world.

Complete a task world completely, as long as the realization is good enough.can get this benefit.

Rings are mission rewards.

Main task [-]: Learn a superior martial art and practice it to level five.

Mission accomplished.

Obtained: 500 Calamity Coins.

Main task [-]: Kill a "Martial Arts Master" level master.

Mission accomplished.

get. 500 Calamity Coins.

Sub-quest [-]: Jianghu prestige.

Introduction: On the rivers and lakes, there are either admirable seniors of the righteous way, or the giants of the magic way that make people change their faces.He always has a reputation that is difficult to look up to.The more prestige in Jianghu world you get, the more rewards you will get when you return.

Current reputation: Shaking the past and shining the present.

Obtain a Silver Tier [-] Treasure Chest.

A total of [-] basic calamity god coins.

It fell into Qiao Yu's hand and turned into 9000 calamity coins.

Adding the previous 3234, the total is 12234.

Pretty good big payoff.

While drinking the bloody martini, Qiao Yu opened the third-level silver treasure chest.

What catches the eye is a translucent glass ball.

Props: Essence of Soul Essence
Level: Level [-]

Introduction: A treasure that can strengthen the soul, allowing you to resist the pressure of a stronger will.

Effect: After using it, it can make the soul more in line with nature, and make the soul more mysterious and magical. At the same time, you have a certain resistance to will coercion when facing powerful creatures.

Such good things that directly strengthen the soul's defense ability are relatively rare, and Qiao Yu directly used them.

As soon as he used it, Qiao Yu felt a very special sense of subtle insight, which bloomed in his own perception.

After the soul becomes stronger, all perceptions of the nature of the heaven and earth will become more acute, the manipulation of energy will become more delicate, and the resistance of the soul will also become stronger.

Then, Qiao Yu opened the store in the Calamity Tavern. Qiao Yu also got a lot of those useless little things, and some scattered low-level equipment. Sell ​​for one or two thousand calamity god coins.

Those legion fighters or disaster fighters often sell various small props, and the income they get may be higher than the income from the mission world settlement.

Qiao Yu, who was drinking, opened his permission bracelet with a thought.

If we talk about the last martial arts mission to the world, what is the biggest gain.Then it is undoubtedly this permission bracelet.

Choosing the mission world independently allows Qiao Yu to freely choose those good mission worlds that suit him with high benefits and low risks.

At the same time, the world of hidden missions allows Qiao Yu to have something that ordinary people can't match.

Of course.

The biggest function of this permission bracelet is to hunt down legion soldiers.


In Qiao Yu's view, this is the biggest function of this permission bracelet.

"But." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Those Legionnaires don't know that I have obtained this authority, so they will not be on guard against me. They will still send a large number of Legionnaires step by step according to their rules to enter those places that are extremely difficult to open with authority, and the benefits are very high." Gao's 'hidden world'. And I only have one chance to hunt down these legionnaires."

"After killing a large number of legion fighters in a mission world, the high-level legion fighters will know that I have permission items, and they will be on guard against me in every possible way. It is basically not very possible to chase and kill those legion fighters again later. gone."

"So..." Qiao Yu's eyes darkened.

"I'm going to choose a mission world with many people and easy to kill, and kill two or three hundred, or even three or four hundred legion soldiers in one fell swoop, so that I can harvest tens of thousands of disaster coins in one fell swoop." Qiao Yu squeezed Fist, secretly said in his heart.

"Now my evaluation has been raised from DD level to C level. The next mission world to hunt down those legion fighters will probably be C level. Those legion fighters who specialize in hidden mission worlds are often very weak, but I don't Can be careless."

While thinking, Qiao Yu moved towards the authority bracelet.

"In the next ten days, there will be a total of 300 hidden mission worlds in the C-level mission world. Today's mission world has already entered [-] of them, and there are still two hours before the start. The following In a few days, I will gradually study the number of these legion soldiers entering the mission world, so that I can maximize my killing benefits."

"Those legionnaires chased and killed me and even threatened me. It's time for me to pay back those vendettas and debts."

In the depths of Qiao Yu's eyes, there was extreme calm and coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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