Calamity Frontier

Chapter 235 Blue Star Clan

Chapter 235 Blue Star Clan

Returning to Calamity Castle, the comfortable and comfortable practice time always passes so quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was already three or four days later.

In the tavern.

A group of disaster fighters chatted and laughed happily.

"Before I knew it, it was C-level." Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Qiao Yu's heart moved slightly and he looked to one side.

I saw a strong man with a scar on his face, holding the wooden wine glass like a small wine barrel in one hand, drinking wine while making loud noises wantonly.

"I envy the C-level boss."

"It's already C-level, amazing!"

Many people around heard that this guy was already C-level, and they immediately praised him.

"That's terrible, the higher the level, the faster the death." The man with the scar said loudly, a little drunk.

In the calamity world, it is quite good to be able to reach the C level.

After all, the further you go, the fewer high-level disaster fighters there will be.

But just as the man with the scar said, the higher the level, the faster the death.The more advanced the mission world, the more difficult it can be said.

"Before I knew it, I was also C-level." Qiao Yu looked at his own level evaluation and shook his head slightly.

I have been in this calamity world for several months, but Qiao Yu is busy practicing and improving his strength, so he doesn't have much time to worry about other things.In a blink of an eye, Qiao Yu was already C-level.

Immediately, with a thought in Qiao Yu's mind, the picture on the permission bracelet came to mind.

In the past few days, Qiao Yu has also discovered the rules of these legionnaires entering these hidden mission worlds.Relatively speaking, the larger the mission world and the less dangerous the mission world, the more people they enter.In some large-scale mission worlds with extremely low risk and high returns, more than 900 legion fighters have entered it, which is an astonishing number.

"It's been a few days of rest, and it's time to strengthen it. Once the strengthening is completed, there will be a suitable world behind, and those legionnaires will enter more, so I can kill it." Staring at the light curtain of the authority item, Qiao Yu secretly road.

Then Qiao Yu opened the store in the tavern to check the things he had hung on it.

After seeing it, Qiao Yu couldn't help but startled.

"Hey, the Sunflower Book was really bought by someone."

Originally, the "Sunflower Treasure" was a superior inner strength method after all, but the method of drawing a knife from the palace was really not something ordinary people could bear.

Qiao Yu originally priced it at the price of 1000 or two hundred calamity coins.After all, the price is not low.

However, Qiao Yu did not expect that someone actually bought it.

"Maybe it's someone with special needs!" Qiao Yu thought about it.

"This "Sunflower Treasure" plus other things sold 420 and [-] God of Calamity Coins, which is quite a lot."

When Qiao Yu was looking at things, a figure suddenly appeared on Qiao Yu's table, and sat down calmly in front of Qiao Yu.

"If I were you, I wouldn't sit in that position rashly." Seeing that someone dared to sit in front of him, Qiao Yu's voice passed over coldly.

Nowadays, in the entire calamity world, there are basically few people who don't know the name of the demigod's hand——Qiao Yu.

At the same time, in this tavern, Qiao Yu's reputation is like thunder. Basically, anyone who is a disaster fighter will call Qiao Yu "Brother Qiao".

Therefore, few people dare to sit in front of Qiao Yu so directly.

"But you are not me, so I can sit here." The voice with a bit of arrogance and momentum came slowly.

Qiao Yu raised his head and looked over, his eyes moved slightly.

The person in sight is obviously not human.

this creature.The human body shape looks slightly taller than ordinary humans, a full two meters.On their foreheads, there are two tentacles. At the same time, they have four ears and two arms, but their bodies look extremely thin, like bamboo poles.

The most astonishing thing is that their bodies are azure blue, and it is now night in this calamity castle.As for this alien creature, azure blue starlight bloomed all over his body.

"Blue Star Clan?" Qiao Yu asked softly after staring for a moment.

"As you can see." The Blue Star creature spoke slowly, his words were flat and elegant.

The Blue Star Clan is a very special existence in the calamity world.

Like Legionnaires, they have extraordinary privileges.

But in fact, they are very weak.

The reason for their weakness is simple, that is, the legionnaires slaughtered them crazily.

The pursuit and killing of these Blue Star Clan fighters by the Legionnaires was even more serious than the pursuit and killing of the Calamity Warriors.

According to Qiao Yu's understanding, as long as the soldiers of the Legion find that the soldiers of the Blue Star clan have entered the disaster world, they will absolutely chase after them crazily.

The privileged Blue Star Clan is obviously a much greater threat to the Legion than the Calamity Warriors.

And the Blue Star Clan fighters are not as numerous as the Calamity Warriors. Therefore, facing the pursuit of legion soldiers, the Blue Star Clan can basically be described as heavy casualties. Later, the Blue Star Clan almost getting weaker and weaker.Up to now, it is a bit high to describe them as lingering, and it is more appropriate to describe them as precarious.

Nowadays, it is rare to hear some information about the Blue Star Clan, and Qiao Yu also found it in the forum information in the Calamity Castle.

"It's rare for you Blue Stars to appear in Calamity Castle." Qiao Yu said with a light smile.

"I came here with the sincerity of cooperation." The Blue Star clan said indifferently with confidence.

"Cooperate with me?" Qiao Yu asked lightly.

"of course."

"Cooperate with me?" Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Do you know what my title is?" Qiao Yu's tone was a bit playful.

"Hand of the demigod——Qiao Yu." said the Blue Star warrior.

"Do you know how many legionnaires died at my hands?" Qiao Yu asked again.

The Blue Star warrior shook his head.

"Countless." Qiao Yu said lightly.

"And those who used to cooperate with me, basically, those who could die, died in my hands. If you dare to cooperate with me, you are not afraid that I will kill you all?" Qiao Yu showed his sharp fangs.

"I believe that any killing exists for profit. If there are enough benefits, Your Excellency will restrain the desire to kill." The Blue Star creature said lightly.

"Oh?" Qiao Yu nodded slightly. "You understand that very well."

"The Fragment of the Black Nirvana Spear, Have You Heard of It?"

Afterwards, the Blue Star creature said cautiously.

"Shards of the Black Nirvana Spear?"

Hearing this, Qiao Yu's faint smile subsided, replaced by a trace of seriousness.

(End of this chapter)

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