Calamity Frontier

Chapter 236 Cooperation

Chapter 236 Cooperation
Black Nirvana Spear.

In the world of disasters and disasters, that is an artifact that belongs to the long river of time.

Generally speaking, good equipment at the dark gold level can already be called a small artifact.

After all, dark gold-level equipment is the best equipment that disaster fighters can obtain.

However, above the dark gold, there is a kind of equipment that cannot be obtained through the mission mode in the mission world.They can only be obtained through "authorized sacrifices", they are real artifacts - eternal legendary equipment!

As for those who have the "authority to sacrifice", looking at the entire disaster world, there are only legion soldiers.If you insist on counting, the Blue Star Clan should also be counted as one.

However, there are a lot of sacrifices that need to be paid for authorized sacrifices.

Basically, it can be said that things at the level of "legendary equipment" are too expensive.

Even on the side of the legion, there are very few "legendary equipment".

However, every piece of legendary equipment is extremely terrifying.

In addition, legendary equipment is also known as the artifact in the long river of time.

From the day they were born, they can experience the erosion of time.And they can absorb the power of time to make themselves stronger continuously.

In other words, the longer the legendary equipment existed, the more terrifying their power would be.

Some ancient legendary equipment is several times, even ten times more powerful than the newly born legendary equipment.

And the "Black Nirvana Spear" is an extremely ancient piece of legendary equipment that has been scoured by thousands of years. It is the oldest legendary equipment in the existing era.

However, the Black Nirvana Battle Spear is a piece of broken ancient legendary equipment.

No one knows why it broke.

It seems that in very old rumors, the Black Nirvana Spear is such a broken piece of equipment.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean by mentioning the Black Nirvana Spear?" Qiao Yu's eyes became sharp and he looked at the Blue Star Warrior.

"The fragments of the Black Nirvana Spear are the rewards for the cooperation between our Blue Star Clan and Your Excellency. I wonder if Your Excellency is interested?"

"Do you have fragments of the Black Nirvana Spear?" Qiao Yu was slightly surprised.

The Black Nirvana Battle Spear flows in the long river of time, you are an extremely ancient existence.Even the legionnaires had no way to retrieve those fragments.

"The authority of our Blue Star Clan is much higher than that of those legionnaires." The Blue Star Clan said cautiously.

"But you were killed by those legionnaires and dare not even enter the mission world." Qiao Yu revealed the cruel fact unceremoniously.

Sure enough, when Qiao Yu said this, the face of the Blue Star warrior suddenly became extremely ugly.

It took a long time for the Blue Star warrior to relax that ugly face.

"Indeed." The Blue Star warrior nodded slightly. "Our Blue Star Clan is indeed being suppressed by that legionary soldier. But this does not mean that our Blue Star Clan will never stand up."

"As long as we seize the opportunity, our Blue Star Clan will definitely be able to step on those legionnaires." The Blue Star Clan soldier clenched his fists and said solemnly.

Qiao Yu listened, and gently waved his hand, interrupting the self-paralysis of the Blue Star warrior.

These Blue Star warriors have already lost their former glory, but they are still blindly paralyzed, thinking that they can restore the past.

In fact, when the decline is inevitable, what needs to be done is not to blindly restore the glory of the past, but to adjust oneself in time, adapt to the form of decline, admit the decline of oneself, and then stabilize the current position, and finally Gradual recovery and revival.

After talking with this Blue Star Clan, Qiao Yu could already see a little bit.

These Blue Stars, even though they have reached the point where they are dying, still maintain a haughty attitude, as if, I used to be awesome, and now I am still awesome.

Even reluctantly taking out the fragments of the artifact, just to pray for cooperation with others, is this kind of power really awesome?

Obviously not like that.

Indulging in the glory of the past will make you gradually sink in the glory and then be destroyed.

In the end, he fell in blood and flames.

Of course, Qiao Yu would not remind the other party of nothing. Of course, Qiao Yu also knew that the Blue Star Clan, who was in a sinking state but indulged in the glory of the past, would not listen to Qiao Yu's opinion.

And what Qiao Yu needs to do is to remove a few more planks from the entire ship that is about to fall to make himself stronger.

After all, even if the Black Nirvana Spear is broken, it is still very powerful, if it is integrated into ordinary equipment.

For example, if it is integrated into Qiao Yu's Baipi True Spirit Blade, even though it will not increase the attributes of Baipi True Spirit Blade, the basic power of Baipi True Spirit Blade will definitely rise to the gold level.If it is incorporated enough, it can even be comparable to dark gold equipment.

Compared with the existence of Qiao Yu's level, the requirements for equipment are less for attributes, and the requirements for equipment's power are more.

Ever since, Qiao Yu said with a smile on his face.

"I believe that your Blue Star Clan will definitely rise up in the future, and you will definitely trample those legion soldiers under your feet. But now, we should have a good discussion about our cooperation. I think this will be more realistic."

Hearing what Qiao Yu said, the Blue Star warrior suddenly smiled.

"Of course." The Blue Star warrior nodded.

"First of all, let's talk about the specific mode of our cooperation." Qiao Yu looked at the Blue Star warrior and said seriously.

"The mode of our cooperation is very simple." After the Blue Star warrior thought for a while, he suddenly looked around and found that many people around were listening.

"I think we should change places and discuss our cooperation plan."

"That's not necessary." Qiao Yu smiled lightly, and then Qiao Yu snapped his fingers lightly.

Then a gray-white light curtain emerged, completely isolating the small table where the two were sitting and other people.

"Our conversation now is absolutely safe."

The "hidden curtain" of this kind of tavern is a system function of Calamity Castle, and no one can spy on it.

"Okay!" The Blue Star warrior nodded.

"Our cooperation plan is very simple." The Blue Stars began to talk about it seriously.

"Your Excellency is very powerful, we all know it well."

Hearing what the other party said, Qiao Yu nodded slightly.The strength of the individual is the basis for the Blue Star Clan, a privileged class, to cooperate with Qiao Yu.If Qiao Yu's strength is mediocre, I'm afraid the Blue Star Clan wouldn't give Qiao Yu a second look.

Strength is the foundation of survival in this world, and only with strong strength can one be able to do whatever one wants.

"Of course." Now that they are cooperating, Qiao Yu has to exaggerate his own strength, so that he can have more chips for cooperation.

"To tell you the truth, in the mission world, after seeing me, those legionnaires ran faster than rabbits. Even when they heard Qiao Yu's name, there was panic. Those legionnaires ran so fast that I In the last mission world, not too many legion soldiers were killed at all."

Having said that, Qiao Yu sighed deeply.

"Hey! Those legionnaires ran away when they saw me, what a headache!"

(End of this chapter)

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