Calamity Frontier

Chapter 237 Negotiations

Chapter 237 Negotiations
Hearing this, that Blue Star Clan warrior felt a slight palpitation in his heart, which also made him very envious.

Legionnaires, in the entire calamity world, are basically the existence of sweeping everywhere, and they basically run away when they see legionnaires.

Although the Blue Star Clan has many high-level authorities, the fighters in the clan are rarely able to maneuver freely in the world of disaster missions.Even stronger ones are rare.

After all, those legionnaires are too powerful, almost as soon as they entered the mission world, they were chased and killed by those legionnary soldiers.

In front of Qiao Yu, those legionnaires had no choice but to run away, which shows how powerful this Qiao Yu is.

There are very few people like Qiao Yu who are not afraid of legion soldiers in the disaster world.

"Your Excellency's strength is indeed admirable." The Blue Star warrior also nodded slightly.

The Blue Star Clan fighters know that the current "dangerous species" are people of this level.

There are seven people in total.

Three of them have reached A level or above.

At this level, their Blue Star Clan is not qualified to join at all. After all, their Blue Star Clan's peak combat power has long been chased and intercepted by legion fighters, and they have been killed and injured.

There are currently two people whose strength has reached C-level.

One is the hand of the demigod——Qiao Yu, and the other is the real blood demon.

These two people, they both checked with permission props.

Previously, Qiao Yu's level was at DD level.Its risk assessment has reached the level AA of terror.

And the danger evaluation of the blood demon real person at the DD level barely reached the B level.

It can be said that the two people are not at the same level at all.

The strength of this Qiao Yu was beyond their imagination.

And this is only DD level, but now, this Qiao Yu has already entered C level.

And the opponent's strength will be further improved, and the threat level of AA level will be further improved, that is, it will be S level.It is unprecedented to be able to burst out the terrifying strength of S-level from C-level.

The Blue Star Clan discovered this. They discovered that Qiao Yu's thighs are extremely thick.

So, here they are.Here come the fragments of those black spears.

After bragging, the Blue Star warrior gradually brought the topic back on track.

"Whenever the soldiers of our Blue Star Clan enter the world of calamity, those legionnaires will frantically hunt down us. And your Excellency has terrifying strength, those legionnaires dare not approach you at all."

"The mode of our cooperation is that the fighters of our Blue Star Clan will accompany you into the world of disaster missions. I have already said it before. Our Blue Star Clan has higher authority, so our Blue Star Clan fighters can clearly understand I know where you are. Then our Blue Star Clan fighters will follow you and complete their own tasks. But you can rest assured that if there is no unexpected situation, our Blue Star Clan fighters will never disturb you If they dare to disturb you, you can just kill them."

"It can be said that after you enter the mission world, you don't need to care about our Blue Star Clan at all. You can just do your own thing."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Qiao Yu frowned. "This is a good form of cooperation."

If the other party had too many demands and had to bring these Blue Star Clans by himself, Qiao Yu was not interested in reaching such a cooperation.

If it is such a straightforward form of cooperation, then Qiao Yu should think carefully about it.

After all, Qiao Yu likes this kind of cooperation the most.

"Since I said that I don't need to take care of you Blue Star Clan, then when I need to make a move, it should be..."

"When the legionnaires attacked." The Blue Star warrior said with authenticity.

"Those Legionnaires will definitely send enemies to chase us down. Our Blue Star Clan fighters gather together and have a certain resistance to the charge of those Legionnaires. However, after a long fight, our Blue Star Clan Soldiers are definitely not opponents. Therefore, you will need to take action at that time."

Qiao Yu listened to the words of the Blue Star warrior, and began to think about it.

After a while, Qiao Yu laughed. "Very good, those legionnaires, I will kill as many as they come. I am afraid that those legionnaires will not dare to come."

After careful consideration, Qiao Yu found out that this form of cooperation is very wonderful.

These Blue Star Clan fighters can be used to attract those legion fighters, and these Blue Star Clan fighters can be used as cover.

The combination of the two is fantastic.

"The way of cooperation is very good, I like it." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

"Then let's talk about my reward!" Qiao Yu said.

"To show the sincerity of our Blue Star Clan."

Said the Blue Star Warrior certified. "We are willing to give Your Excellency a fragment of the Black Nirvana Spear first, and after each mission world ends, we will give Your Excellency two fragments of the Black Nirvana Battle Spear again."

"Oh?" Qiao Yu chuckled. "Is this the sincerity of your Blue Star Clan?"

"Of course." The Blue Star warrior nodded.

"I didn't feel your sincerity, but what I felt was the huge humiliation you had done to me, Qiao Yu." Qiao Yu turned cold, and immediately waved his hand and said. "If this is your sincerity, then this cooperation will be over."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Yu got up and wanted to leave.

When the Blue Star warrior heard this, his expression changed immediately.

"Your Excellency Qiao Yu, wait a minute." He said quickly and stopped Qiao Yu.

Immediately he said in a calm tone. "If you think this is a little less, we can increase the speed a little bit. Those fragments of the Black Nirvana Spear are valuable after all, and we don't have many there."

"First of all, you need to know..." Qiao Yu said slowly.

At the same time, Qiao Yu's tone was full of indescribable confidence and contemptuous aura. "I, Qiao Yu, in this calamity world, as long as there is a mission world where I am, the legionnaires will definitely run away. It's not that I, Qiao Yu, boast that the next mission world will be C-level, and those legionnaires don't have it at all." Have the guts to stand in front of me, Qiao Yu. You Blue Star Clan fighters, follow me, it is completely safe to complete the task. Although I don’t know how many people from your Blue Star Clan will come in, I guess there will be three Four hundred, five or six hundred! With so many people completing the mission, what do you think is the profit? How could there be hundreds of thousands, or even millions! Just these two fragments of the Black Nirvana Spear Send me away, do you really think that I, Qiao Yu, are beggars? Will you do voluntary labor for free?"

Speaking of this, Qiao Yu was extremely indignant.

The Blue Star warrior was even extremely embarrassed.

"To show the sincerity of my cooperation, Qiao Yu."

Qiao Yu said solemnly.

"First take out [-] God of Calamity Coins, and then take out five fragments of the Black Nirvana Spear, and after each mission world is over, you must take another [-] God of Calamity Coins, plus five Black Nirvana Spears, Otherwise, don’t talk about it.”

After hearing Qiao Yu's words, the Blue Star warrior trembled all over, and his eyes went black for a while.

"You are more than a lion with a big mouth, you can eat people without spitting out bones." The Blue Star warrior roared in his heart.

He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Your Excellency Qiao Yu, I have written down your request. As for whether it can be decided, it is not up to me to decide. I will bring your request to you. Go back, the elders will weigh it."

"Okay." Qiao Yu nodded. "Wait for the good news."

Immediately, the Blue Star warrior stood up and said goodbye.

(End of this chapter)

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