Calamity Frontier

Chapter 239 Tavern

Chapter 239 Tavern
Inside the tavern, even though it was overcrowded at this time, it was exceptionally quiet.

The calamity mage in the brown robe spoke with his ups and downs, like a storyteller, expressively and emotionally.


"In very ancient times, it was a very strange phenomenon in the starry sky in the calamity world."

"At the same time, its essence is the glorious tide of the starry sky."

"What is this brilliant tide in the starry sky?" someone asked.

"The brilliant tide of the starry sky, if you really ask me, I don't know. You just need to know that this is a phenomenon that will only appear in the calamity world for hundreds of years."

"The tide of starry sky erupts once every hundreds of years. At that time, the stars in the sky will bloom with brilliance, magnificent and dazzling, just like daytime. This is the 'Starlight'."

"And this meteor shower is the prelude to the 'Xingyao'. After the meteor shower, at least ten days and half a month, and as many as one or two months later, the Xingyao will strike."

"When the stars were shining, the starry sky magic city was the one that was hit the hardest."

"Starry Sky Demon City?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help tensing their nerves.

Starry Sky Demon City, that is the place where the legion soldiers are, and that is the core place of many authorities.And this core place of authority will suffer a blow when the stars are blooming.

"As we all know, starry sky demons stand above the void and have a layer of 'starry sky barrier', because of the existence of this starry sky barrier,"

"We disaster fighters simply cannot enter the Starry Sky Demon City."

"Whether it's the abyss, the ladder, or the mother's nest, the sacred tree. Everyone knows that through some special mission worlds, by opening the door of the relevant passage, you can reach these places, and even enter the S-level mission world. We can directly enter to the world of these mighty beings."

"However, the Starry Sky Demon is different. The Starry Sky Barrier is eternal like a rock guarding the Starry Sky Demon City, allowing the soldiers of the legions to survive and multiply there safely. Multiply to millions, even tens of millions."

"Even though we know that the starry sky demons are above the starry sky, none of us can enter, not only us, but even the abyss, brood, ladder, sacred tree, and their masters cannot enter it. "

"So, Legionnaires, aren't they invincible?" someone asked.

"Invincible? Isn't it?" the Calamity Mage asked back.

"From a certain point of view, Legionnaires will stand invincible forever. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are invincible."

"However, this so-called invincible position is not eternal."

"Could it be that Xingyao is an opportunity to bring down those legionnaires?" Suddenly, someone with a brighter head asked.

Bring down the Legionnaires?
Suddenly, many people's hearts trembled.

In the calamity world, the legionnaires are like the "sons" of the calamity world.

Not only can you have the right to choose independently, but you can also enter those mission worlds with extremely low danger.

The most irritating thing is that those legionnaires still have enough time to improve themselves. They can play steadily and make their strength strong enough before going through one mission world after another.With such a steady fight, their strength will become stronger and stronger.

The most frustrating thing is that those legionnaires, if they feel tired, they can't enter the calamity world at all. In the Starry Sky Demon City, they can live well.

For the disaster fighters, the disaster world is like hell, but for the legion fighters, this place is simply heaven.

But now, many calamity fighters heard that this "Xingyao" could actually bring down the soldiers of the legion, and all of them immediately felt that this was incredible.

The calamity mage in the brown robe nodded cautiously.

"That's right, when Xingyao is shining, it's such a good day when you can overthrow legionary soldiers and dominate the disaster world."

The many disaster fighters around, hearing that there was such a good chance, immediately held their breath.

" simply unbelievable."

A disaster warrior said in disbelief.

It's incredible that the rare opportunity that has been seen for hundreds of years has been met by everyone.

"Everyone." The calamity mage's voice raised a little again.

"Don't forget, what I just said was just ordinary Xingyao."

"During normal Xingyao, the impact of the star tide can greatly weaken the star barrier that guards the starry sky magic capital. It can allow C-level and even D-level masters to enter it."

"But, this time, don't forget. That's the Golden Star."

"When the golden star shines, the starry sky barrier of the Starry Sky Demon City will be completely broken away. At that time, the entire Starry Sky Demon City will be completely an undefended fortress. Let alone E-level, even if it is a first-timer F-level newcomers in the mission world can be teleported to the Starry Sky Demon City through the teleportation array, and then attack the Starry Sky Demon City, massacre the soldiers of the legion. At that time, there will definitely be a sea of ​​people attacking the legion side."

"At that time, not only our calamity warriors will go in, but the warriors in the abyss, the sacred tree, the ladder, and the mother's nest, they will all enter the Starry Sky Demon City from all directions, and join hands to slaughter the legion warriors."

"Kill the demon capital, slaughter the army!" Suddenly someone raised his arms and shouted.

"Kill the demon capital, slaughter the legion!" Others also roared so loudly.

It's a pity that just after a few roars, the angry voices of these heroes were directly interrupted by a voice.

"A bunch of rubbish, I'm afraid I haven't woken up from my dream!"

"Huh?" Qiao Yu looked over with a slight look.

Many other people also looked over.

I saw a man in a suit and leather shoes sitting in a corner.

"It turned out to be the lackey of the Legionnaire." A disaster warrior holding a wooden barrel wine glass laughed. "When we kill all those legionnaires, then we will kill you lackeys."

"The soldiers of the legion are powerful, how can you clowns who jump on the bridge can destroy them, just go up and die." The man in the suit and leather shoes sneered.

"Legion's trash lackey, go away, you are not welcome here." Speaking of that during World War II, a glass of wine was poured over.

Naturally, the drink couldn't hurt the man in the suit and leather shoes, but this action made the man's face turn red.

"Go away, bastard, go and lick your master's stinky feet, maybe after a while, you won't be able to lick them if you want to."

"Trash, go away, you are not welcome here."

"Hurry up and get out."

Many people cursed immediately.

The man in the suit and leather shoes stood up angrily.Then his eyes flicked slightly to Qiao Yu's side.Then it seemed a little guilty, and then quickly averted his eyes, and then left in despair.

"Oh? Someone watching me?" Qiao Yu thought secretly.

"It's a pity, what can you do with me now?" Qiao Yu secretly said.

(End of this chapter)

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