Calamity Frontier

Chapter 240 Strengthening

Chapter 240 Strengthening
Gold star shine.

When Qiao Yu walked out of the tavern again, at this time, above the sky.

The dense golden meteor shower has disappeared, but there are still sparse golden meteor showers hitting the sky.

"After half a month or a month or two after the golden meteor shower, it will be the legendary golden star." Walking on the lonely small street, Qiao Yu thought to himself.

"I need to improve my strength as soon as possible, and at the same time, in the next few days, I will enter the hidden world once, and then massacre those legion fighters to obtain massive resources to improve myself."

"In this way, we will be able to kill more legion soldiers in one fell swoop during Xingyao's time.

After returning to the hotel, Qiao Yu directly started his own road of strengthening.

"The first is the basic strengthening of my body strength."

Qiao Yu opened the page of gene strength and soul strength enhancement.

Now Qiao Yu's genetic strength and soul strength are based on the standard [-] points.

"My cell armament can explode initially, but my physical body is still too weak. First of all, I need to make my physical body stronger. At the same time, the strength of my soul must also be increased at the same time. Otherwise, the manipulation is not strong enough. Difficult to control cell arming."

"Okay, let's start strengthening!"

Genes and souls are upgraded between 51-100 points, and the price is [-] God of Calamity Coins per point.

For an increase between 101-150 points, the price is [-] Calamity Coins.

For a boost between 151 and 200, the price is fifty points.

Qiao Yu spent 5200 points of calamity coins.

Both the strength of the soul and the strength of the body have been raised to the level of 150 points.

The dual-attribute strength of 150 points is already at the C-level level, and it is already very strong.

"Then there is the fusion and transformation of my Abyss Demon Pool."

Qiao Yu didn't forget the powerful divine skill that he obtained through "Lie"'s hand.

Take the divine grade exercise "Longyuan Zhendian" in your hand.

At this time, information emerged in Qiao Yu's disaster log.

Calamity Log: "Longyuan Zhendian" can be fused with the abyss magic pool to form a special energy pool.Need to consume 3000 Calamity Coins.

"Three thousand points of calamity coins, really dark." Qiao Yu couldn't help but slander in his heart when he saw that his fusion with this divine skill required three thousand points of calamity coins.

"Confirm the fusion."

Three thousand calamity coins were deducted, and at the same time, the "Dragon Yuan Canon" in Qiao Yu's hand also disappeared.

At the same time, a message prompt appears in the disaster log.

Calamity log: The current "Longyuan Zhendian" divine practice method is integrated with the second-level abyss magic pool, countdown, 10, 9, 8...

Disaster log: The integration is complete, please check it.

Magic Element Pool (Level [-])

Introduction: After the fusion of some mysterious power, the terrifying power that was born has the characteristics of abyssal magic power, and at the same time has the characteristics of divine qi.From rigidity to yang, from softness to yin, the special energy born after fusion.

Effect [-] (magic pool): Provides rare special and powerful energy, which can continuously recover by itself, and can speed up the energy recovery effect through mental operation.

Effect [-] (true qi): The inner breath circulates continuously, through practice, one can continuously improve one's own purity.At the same time, it can continuously improve its own capacity.

"The devil's true energy has finally come out."

After watching the introduction of the so-called Moyuanchi, a smile bloomed on Qiao Yu's face.

After the abyssal magic pool and true qi are fused with each other, what will bloom must be - devil true qi.

The biggest characteristic of the special energy of Mozhen Qi is that it can be continuously improved through one's own cultivation.

The practice effect of Shenpin Kung Fu is very good.

As long as Qiao Yu persists in practicing continuously, and as long as there is enough time, this magic pool may be upgraded to the third level by Qiao Yu himself.Even upgrade to level four.

You must know that to upgrade the Moyuan Pool to the third level, it needs [-] disaster god coins.Upgrading to Level [-] requires [-] God of Calamity Coins.

For Qiao Yu, these calamity coins can be transformed with time.

"Devil Qi." Qiao Yu's palm turned into a knife, and his mind moved.


Under the movement, the devil's true energy directly turned into a gang, condensed on the palm of the hand, and turned into a palm knife, and the blade was very sharp.

"Originally, if I wanted to use the magic power to condense sword qi, I needed to step into the subtle realm thoroughly. But now, once I have magic true qi, I can directly condense sword qi."

"As soon as the saber energy comes out, I will have the means of medium-range attacks. The silver equipment's saber energy is vertical and horizontal, and I feel terrible when I think about it."

Then Qiao Yu looked at his calamity coin.

A total of 14646 calamity coins.

Strengthening gene strength and soul strength consumes 5200 points, and then fuses into a magic element pool, which consumes 3000 points.

Now Qiao Yu only has 6446 Calamity Coins left.

Originally, Qiao Yu also wanted to use the Calamity Coin to strengthen his Hundred True Spirit Blade to level five, and then use "Mirage Gold" to strengthen it to level six.But looking at the price, Qiao Yu gave up immediately.

Although Baipi True Spirit Blade has washed part of its energy to upgrade itself, Qiao Yu still needs 4256 points of calamity coins to upgrade Baipi True Spirit Blade to Silver Level [-]. This price is really a bit high. Think about it Fan Qiaoyu still gave up.

"Strengthen skills and other equipment first, and wait until later to see how much the Blue Star Clan can bring over. If there is enough, then strengthen the Hundred True Spirit Blades."

His eyes glanced at the remaining 6446 God of Calamity Coins.

Then Qiao Yu looked at his equipment.

Weapon, Baipi True Spirit Blade, Silver Level [-].

Necklace, Spirit Turtle Necklace, Silver Level [-].

Ring, Bronze Ring, Bronze Class One.

Boots, Gale Boots, Bronze Level [-].

Headgear, Xumi headgear, bronze level three.

Armor, calamity rebound armor, bronze level three.

"In terms of equipment, weapons and armor are more important, and the others are harmless. Basically, bronze equipment of my height and two pieces of silver are more than enough in the C-level mission world."

Then Qiao Yu opened his skill bar.

Skill: Magic Armor Vine, Level: Level [-] (Exclusive)

Lightness skill: kamikaze step, level: level six (excellent)
Skill: Blood Eye Bat, Level: Level [-] (Normal)
Skill: Rampage Sky Striker Magic Vine, Level: Level [-] (Exclusive)

Skill: Super Mitochondria, Level: Level [-] (Exclusive)

"This magic armor phantom vine, after the level is raised, has the functions of concealment, stealth, and transformation. It should also be upgraded."

"Spending [-] Calamity God Coins can just upgrade it to level four. The magic armor magic vine at level four is already quite powerful."

"My mutated Sky Striker Vine is even more powerful. Now my soul strength is 162, and my wizard profession can make the summoned plants permanent. The effect of summoning auxiliary flow can also be reflected at this time It's out. This Sky Striker Vine will be very powerful when it's upgraded to level four."

The improvement of skills, especially the improvement of exclusive skills, every time one level is improved, the effect is a qualitative leap.

From the first level to the fourth level, these are three large-span improvements.The effect is absolutely extraordinary.

Soon, the Magic Illusion Vine and the runaway Sky Striker Magic Vine were upgraded to level four.

Skill: Magic Armor Vine
Level: Level [-] (Exclusive)

Introduction: This is a kind of abyss magic vine that parasitizes on the host. It can help the host to camouflage, improve the host's defense, and allow the host to survive better in the abyss.

Effect 10 (Basic): Defense +10, Camouflage +10, Breath +[-].

Effect [-] (Concealment): Able to hide for a short time.

Effect [-] (Exclusive): Capable of powerful and tough deformation.

The fourth-level exclusive Sky Striker Magic Vine, the effect is already very good.This ability to transform can transform Qiao Yu into a pair of wings behind him. Although he can't fly, he can glide for a long time. Coupled with Qiao Yu's lightness skill, the effect is even better.

Ability: Rampage Sky Striker Vine
Level: Level [-] (Exclusive)

Introduction: Can you believe it?After painstakingly practicing on the sword technique, he has grown legs.But he doesn't seem to be satisfied with growing legs, and now he is still working hard to practice sword skills, who knows what else he will grow.

Effect [-] (Basic): Summon a Sky Striker Vine that can not only walk, but also run fast, and has excellent sword skills.

Effect 30 (Haste): Base speed +[-]%.

Effect 30 (Sword Technique): Basic knife technique power +[-]%.

The effect of Sky Striker Magic Vine has also been improved a lot, but the level [-] exclusive skill itself is very powerful.

With the price increase of 2600 points of Calamity Coins and the price increase of 3200 points of Sky Striker Magic Vine, only 6446 of Qiao Yu's 646 points of Calamity Coins remained.

"Keep this calamity coin as a spare." Looking at the few remaining calamity coins, Qiao Yu thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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