Calamity Frontier

Chapter 245 Provocation

Chapter 245 Provocation
In front of Qiao Yu's eyes was a mountain peak with a height of 600 meters.

But if you look carefully, you will find that this mountain is not a simple mountain.

This mountain peak is the back of a giant beast, the black tortoise.This prehistoric monster is a full kilometer long.

But at this very moment, the giant beast, the black tortoise, was curled up on the ground, as if sleeping.

Accompanied by the breath of this prehistoric giant turtle, the back of the 600-meter-high rises and falls rhythmically.The air flowed in and out of his breath, and the wind howled, and those tens of meters high trees were directly destroyed by his breath.

However, this is not the most important place.

The most important thing is the life intensity of this prehistoric beast.


This six-digit number is the life embodiment of this giant beast, the black turtle.

A life strength of 12 is simply not something that can be killed by ordinary means.

"A magnificent and vast beast." Qiao Yu secretly marveled.

"If you truthfully kill this sand table behemoth, you will complete the task and get a piece of 'power of the behemoth'. At the same time, if you kill this terrifying creature with 10,000+ life strength, it will inevitably burst out top-level gold, or a dark gold level against the sky Baby. Things of this level are good things that S-ranks and even venerables long for."

"But..." Looking at the giant beast, Qiao Yu shook his head.

Even if a monster of this level stood there for Qiao Yu to kill, Qiao Yu at this stage might not be able to kill it.

After staring at it for a while, Qiao Yu planned to bypass this giant sand table beast and rush to the No. [-] sand table.

It is unrealistic to kill this giant sand table beast, but Qiao Yu is very good at killing legion soldiers.

"Joe Yu?"

When Qiao Yu was about to jump down the hill suddenly, an abrupt voice sounded from the right side of Qiao Yu.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu looked to the right.

What caught my eye was a Blue Star warrior in armor.

"Aren't you in the No. [-] sandbox?" Qiao Yu turned his head and looked over.

"I am the main fighter among our Blue Star Clan fighters. Naturally, I don't need to be with those ordinary C-rank fighters to avoid the pursuit of those legion fighters. My task is to kill those legion fighters."

Hearing this, Qiao Yu's heart skipped a beat.

"In other words, are you going to compete with me for the benefits of killing those legionnaires?" Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"There are nine hundred legionnaires who have entered the mission world this time, and you can't kill them all by yourself. Besides..." The Blue Star tribe seemed to be a bit tougher when he said this for some reason.

"Besides, you have to know that you can enter this mission world, but our Blue Star Clan brought you in. Also, don't forget that there was an agreement between you and our Blue Star Clan, you are not allowed to Kill our Blue Star Clan fighters at will."

"Oh!" Qiao Yu smiled slightly after hearing this. "So, you've made up your mind that you're going to compete with me, Qiao Yu, for income?"

"The income is right there, everyone can get it according to their own ability, it's not a robbery." The Blue Star Clan seemed to sense something wrong with the atmosphere, so they argued.

"I think." Qiao Yu said slowly as he walked towards the Blue Star warrior. "You don't know much about my Qiao Yu's style of doing things. I think it is necessary to let you know who I am, Qiao Yu."

"What do you want to do? You want to break the contract?" The Blue Star warrior suddenly unsheathed his sword and pointed at Qiao Yu.

"Break the contract?" Qiao Yu grinned. "I think you misunderstood. The treaty, which is no different from waste paper, never bound me at all. Why would you break the contract?"

"Besides, in the contract, there is no such thing as that I am not allowed to kill you Blue Star Clan fighters. What you said just now is completely provocative to me. Now I feel that it is necessary to send you to see God. "

As soon as the words fell, Qiao Yu shot suddenly.

Stretching out his hand and grabbing it, the rich demonic energy exploded into a huge black palm with a diameter of two meters, just like the hand of a mage. stronger.Qiao Yu called it the hand of a wizard.

With just one claw, Qiao Yu directly pinched this C-level Blue Star warrior in his hands.

"Explode me." The Blue Star warrior who was pinched by Qiao Yu's wizard's hand suddenly sensed the great danger, and he roared directly.

At the same time, above his body, a wave of azure blue energy burst out, and this azure blue power exploded.

"Death to me."

Qiao Yu's heart moved, and he directly urged the wizard's hand.

"No, you can't kill me, you can't kill me, there is an agreement between you and our Blue Star Clan..."


The roaring Blue Star warrior was directly crushed by Qiao Yu, and for a while, the surroundings were filled with blood.

"Can't kill?" Qiao Yu sneered.

"The power of the wizard's hand is really good. The special energy 'Magic Qi' is really powerful."

Immediately, Qiao Yu turned his body, circled the giant sand table beast, and rushed towards the No. [-] sand table.

In a hidden place not far from this hillside.

A six-member team of Blue Star warriors was using a special prop to fully capture this scene.

After Qiao Yu left, several people started a small discussion.

"Qiao Yu still killed that guy."

"That idiot has always had his eyes above his head, so it's normal for him to die at the hands of someone like Qiao Yu."

"The method Qiao Yu used seems to be special energy. I didn't expect that Qiao Yu would have mastered the method of special energy so quickly."

"This guy's strength is much stronger than the previous mission world."

"Don't worry, let him be strong. No matter how strong he is, he won't be able to escape the hands of our Blue Star Clan in the end." A tall Blue Star Clan warrior said so firmly.

"That's right, our Blue Star Clan's plan, even if Qiao Yu has wings, he won't be able to escape."

Another Blue Star warrior also nodded slightly.


The figure quickly shuttled through the woods, and at the same time Qiao Yu also opened his own small map.

Check your detailed location as you move forward.

"The area of ​​each sand table of this giant sand table beast is not small. Except for the terrifying sand table giant beast, some other things are not too dangerous."

"But..." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"But Lie, he said that there are temple relics in this world. That thing seems to be the remains of the last era. If you can find the temple relics, you can go in and check it out. Maybe you can find some good things. "

"Of course, if you don't have that luck, it goes without saying that you can't touch it."

"Although, the difficulty of this task world task is not very high, but." Wanting to hit here, Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sharp light emerged.

"Those Legionnaires, those Blue Star Clan, and even the power hidden in the depths of this world are not easy to mess with. I also need to be careful."

"However, in general, it is the right choice to kill those legion fighters first and get the benefits first."

With this in mind, Qiao Yu's speed became a little faster.

(End of this chapter)

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