Calamity Frontier

Chapter 246 Hunting

Chapter 246 Hunting
"Finally arrived."

After going back and forth for more than three hours, Qiao Yu finally came to the edge of the floating island on the No. [-] sand table.

And about 200 meters away from here is the No. [-] sand table.

The distance between the sand table floating islands is also relatively far, more than 200 meters, and it is really difficult for people without any means to cross the distance of 200 meters.

If you accidentally fall down, there will be an abyss below, and you will definitely die.

But for Qiao Yu, the distance of 200 meters is not a problem at all.

With a gesture, Xiao Zilong appeared beside Qiao Yu.

"It's finally out. I'm in the pet space. I'm dying of anxiety." After coming out, the little Zilong flapping its wings and flying in the air shouted loudly.

The current little Zilong has a body length of two meters seven or eight, which is close to the level of three meters.The further it grows, the slower its growth will naturally be.

"Transform into a propulsion form, send me to the opposite side, and then I will let you move freely in that sand table area." Qiao Yu ordered.

"Wow! Free activities." Xiao Zilong's eyes lit up when he heard Qiao Yu say this.

The next moment, Xiao Zilong turned into a thruster and tied it around Qiao Yu's waist.

"Get ready." Qiao Yu's Kamikaze Walk was already surging.

"It's ready." Xiao Zilong responded loudly.


With a roar, Qiao Yu unleashed Kamikaze Step and burst out.


At the same time, Xiao Zilong also erupted with the most powerful thrust.

Qiao Yu only felt that he was flying towards the No. [-] sand table like a missile.

In less than two seconds, Qiao Yu flew over the distance of more than 200 meters.Then it safely fell into the No. [-] sandbox.

"Okay, you can move around, but don't run too far. Let me know if you encounter danger. And, if you encounter those legion soldiers, you will kill them without mercy."

"Okay, I understand." Reverting to the form of a mechanical flying dragon, Xiao Zilong flapped his wings and spun directly into the sky.

"Soldiers of the Legion, I'm here, Master Zi." Xiao Zilong flew into the sky and smiled recklessly.

Watching Xiao Zilong fly into the forest ahead.

Qiao Yu then withdrew his gaze.

At this stage, Xiao Zilong is already very powerful.Even if it is a C-level legionnaire, it is difficult to kill Xiao Zilong with powerful means, and Xiao Zilong's combat effectiveness is already very strong.

That's why Qiao Yu let Xiao Zilong out.

Reach out.

One after another, the blood-eyed bats flew into the sky.

The blood-eyed bat summoned by Mo Zhenqi is a little tougher than before in terms of body structure and aura.

Then Qiao Yu began to summon Sky Striker and Demon Vine.

Soon, a two-meter-tall man with a tough wooden helmet on his head and a wooden battle armor on his body, and Sky Striker with a sharp rock knife appeared beside Qiao Yuse.

The Sky Striker Vine summoned by Level [-] is much better in appearance than the one summoned by Level [-] skills.

What's more, Qiao Yu's magic power has evolved into magic energy, so naturally the power of this summoned object has also increased.

Soon, Sky Striker and Demon Vine were summoned by Qiao Yu one after another.

Then, Qiao Yu numbered the Gorefiend Bat and Sky Striker Vine.

A Sky Striker Vine followed a blood-eyed bat, so that it could gradually advance along the corner of the No. [-] sand table.

"Set off."

With a thought, the mighty Sky Striker Demon Vine and the blood-eyed bat's summoning army began to advance in the direction of the No. [-] sand table.

Soon, Qiao Yu found a seven-member team.

This seven-member team is obviously the weak ones in the hundred-member group, the low-level Starry Sky Clan who specialize in going through the mission world to earn Calamity God Coins.

These seven people, under the attack of the Sky Striker and the Demon Vine, had no room to resist at all.

Accompanied by the attack and pursuit of the Sky Striker Demon Vine, in less than a minute, the seven people were all killed by the Sky Striker Demon Vine's butcher knife.

After killing these seven people, Qiao Yu began to check his income.

"18 o'clock, 16 o'clock, 15 o'clock, 18 o'clock..."

"The value of these guys isn't that high!" Qiao Yu secretly said after looking at the gains from killing the seven legionaries with his Sky Striker and Demon Vine.

"Although this is a C-level mission world, this guy is pitifully weak. It's not bad that one person can contribute more than 100 calamity coins to me. There are more than 900 people in this mission world. Not to mention too many, I If you can kill half of the people, that is also a profit of [-] to [-] God of Calamity Coins."

Thinking of this, Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"Continue to advance and slaughter."

As Qiao Yu summoned the army to advance, many hiding legion soldiers were continuously discovered by Qiao Yu.

A battle line more than 3000 meters long and densely covered with more than 50 Sky Striker vines, with an average of one Sky Striker vine every 60 meters, coupled with the inspection of the blood-eyed bats in the sky, those legionnaires had nowhere to escape.

Once those legionnaires were discovered by Qiao Yu, they would definitely be hit by the Sky Striker and Demon Vine crazily.

Under the butcher's knife, no one is spared.

Of course, occasionally you will meet one or two legion fighters with good strength. Once you meet such legion fighters, Qiao Yu will immediately come to him with a spiritual connection.

The current Level [-] Sky Striker Vine, with Qiao Yu's arrival, even if it is a C-level legionnaire, unless it is extremely powerful, it is no match for the Sky Striker Vine at all.

Just like that, Qiao Yu pushed forward savagely all the way, leaving no living things behind.

While Qiao Yu was advancing all the way, Xiao Zilong also started his own path of seeking and slaughtering.

Perhaps he was still a little weak against the stronger legionnaires, but against the weaker Hundreds, that kid dragon would definitely kill one when he saw one, and kill one pair when he saw two.

When Qiao Yu slaughtered all the way.

The legionnaires were completely blown away.

At the beginning, a few legion soldiers died suddenly, and many people didn't take it seriously.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of the legion began to die one after another, and when everyone watched the current number of survivors begin to decline steadily, they finally felt something was wrong.

But at this time, everyone thought it was the Blue Star Clan fighters chasing and killing them, so they were not afraid.

After all, on the part of their legion fighters, in order to guard against the practice of the Blue Star fighters, every time they enter the mission world, there will be three to four main battle teams to protect them.

The strength of these three or four members of the main battle team is comparable to the top existence in the same level.

For masters of this level of strength, those Blue Stars are no match for them at all.

Therefore, if the Blue Star Clan dares to enter the mission world and use their authority to kill the Blue Star Clan, maybe they can kill some members of the Centuries, but when the Blue Star Clan faces the main fighters of their legion, they will definitely kill them. It is certain death, there is no doubt about it.Therefore, in the face of the pursuit of the Blue Star Clan fighters, the Centuries participants on the Legion side were not worried.

It wasn't until a legion soldier sent the holographic image before his death that everyone suddenly woke up and realized that the people who killed their legion soldiers were not those from the Blue Star Clan.

Instead, the hand of the demigod - Qiao Yu.

When I found out it was Qiao Yu.

The entire Legion Warrior channel exploded immediately.

Shouting, cursing, calling for help, crying, roaring, roaring, all kinds of emotions erupted in the form of text, or video, or voice in the communication channel of everyone.

The hand of the demigod - Qiao Yu.

This name is a very popular name in the disaster castle, in the starry sky magic city, and even in the entire world of disaster missions during this period of time.

There is no other reason, just because of one word - strong!

Almost abnormally powerful, at the same stage, almost invincible.

According to all the information, those who fought with Qiao Yu were either defeated or died.

In the first few mission worlds, legion soldiers dared to stop Qiao Yu.

But after Qiao Yu beheaded many legion soldiers and disaster fighters who stood in front of him.

The legionnaires have already retreated directly.

You know, in the world of disaster missions, legion fighters dare to fight against many disaster fighters, dare to fight against the blue star clan with higher authority, and even dare to fight against the terrifying powerful forces such as the abyss, the ladder, the sacred tree, and the brood. .


On the way to confront Qiao Yu, the legionnaire flinched.

In the history of legion warfare throughout the ages, there are very few such people.

And Qiao Yu is one of them.

However, that's not just the point, the point is...

This guy named Qiao Yu seems to have only one way of treating others.That is - kill!

If one had to add one point before killing, it would be rape first and then kill.

What this guy did was so simple, barbaric, rude, and unreasonable.

However, no one can do anything to him.

Qiao Yu is such an existence that is hated by countless people, abused by countless people, and hated by countless people, but he still does his own way, lives freely, and makes people gnash their teeth.

And now this guy, he is about to kill him.In other words, he was already on his way to kill Blood Path.

For everyone, what is more terrifying than death is that they really experience the process of waiting for death to come at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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