Calamity Frontier

Chapter 247 Discovery

Chapter 247 Discovery
"A bunch of idiots, a bunch of rubbish, when I go back, I will absolutely sue you, I will sue you, I will kill you." Bai Jie, who was hiding in the cave, was furious when he saw that the channel of the Legion was locked and everyone was unable to speak and communicate. scolded.

At the beginning, Bai Jie knew that it was Qiao Yu who was chasing him, so he was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, they began to curse in the Legion channel.

Not only him, but also the other 900 people in the hundred-member group.

For a while, the legion channel almost exploded.

Then, the group of legionnaires who managed the channel simply closed the channel, making it impossible for everyone to speak.

Apparently, when the group of legionnaires knew that their opponent was Qiao Yu, they seemed to have the intention of giving up on everyone, which made Bai Jie's heart burst into an indescribable anger.

"A group of idiots who only know how to fight, won't that make Qiao Yu unable to find Bei?" Bai Jie slandered from the bottom of his heart.

"There is enough food in my space package, I just need to find a safe place, hide in it, and spend this month and a half." After being angry, Bai Jie gradually calmed down.

Looking across the surrounding mountains and wasteland, Bai Jie soon found a rather hidden place that seemed more suitable for hiding.

When he came to this towering pinnacle forest, Bai Jie discovered that this place seemed to be the location of a rather ancient ruins.

It's normal for the mission world to have such ancient ruins, and Bai Jie didn't find it strange.

In Bai Jie's opinion, this ancient ruins should be very old.Because these black stone towers, seven or eight meters high, or even twelve or thirteen meters high, have been entangled by dense vines.

There are many black stone towers that have not even been able to withstand the erosion of the years and have collapsed and dilapidated.

"There's a cave here." After looking around, Bai Jie found a rather hidden entrance to a small cave.

With a thought, Bai Jie walked into the small cave.

Entering the cave, what surprised Bai Jie was that the corners and edges on both sides of the cave were filled with ceramic jars the size of basketballs.

Bai Jie picked up the two and stared at them carefully, but he didn't find anything strange about them.

Immediately, Baiji continued to deepen.

Going deeper for about [-] meters again, the eyes suddenly opened up, and at the same time.There was a rustling sound, as if someone was laughing.

"Huh?" Bai Jie's face changed slightly.

In the calamity world, all kinds of abnormal events emerge one after another, and if you are not careful, you will fall.

With a flip of his hand, Bai Jie used an invisibility item, and then Bai Jie entered an invisibility state.

Then, Bai Jie continued to follow the voice.

After advancing another 70 meters, Bai Jie could already hear the sound coming from ahead clearly.

The voice was impressively like the sound of laughter and moaning between men and women in a field battle.

"These guys are really interesting. They are still fighting in the field at this time. Don't they know that we are being hunted down by murderous monsters?"

Anyway, at this moment, Bai Jie is in an invisible state, so he is not afraid that the men and women in the field will find him.

So he walked over cautiously.

When I crossed the corner and saw a bunch of naked men and women entangled with each other.

Bai Jie froze in place suddenly.

At this time, the heroine among the male and female protagonists in the field battle was unexpectedly Bai Jie's girlfriend Bai Yu.

And the leading actor is his good friend, his best friend—Gao Qianqiu.

Looking at this woman who betrayed herself, and the so-called good friend who had been cuckolded for a long time without knowing it.

In an instant, many gossips and gossips from other people in the past flooded Bai Jie's mind at the same time.

In an instant, Bai Jie understood, he understood thoroughly.

"You couple of dogs." Bai Jie, whose eyes were red with anger and passion, roared at the two of them like a ferocious beast that would prey on someone.

A roar directly interrupted Bai Jie's invisible state.

"Go to hell with me." Bai Jie, who drew out his short knife, rushed over fiercely.

However, it has not waited for that Bai Jie to cut Gao Qianqiu.

That Gao Qianqiu had already thrown a kick and hit Bai Jie's chest.

The angry Bai Jie didn't consider the huge gap in strength between the two sides at all.

He, Bai Jie, is a member of the ordinary hundred-member regiment, and his strength is weak.

As for Gao Qianqiu, that is a standard C-level master, but a powerful fighter close to the main battle level.

"Peng!" a voice.

Bai Jie flew upside down, and then slammed into a stone wall five meters away.When he fell down, Bai Jie only felt the pain, the pain was so painful that his own skeleton was about to fall apart.

Gritting his teeth hard, Bai Jie stood up with all his might.

However, at this time, a sweeping leg swept over.


Bai Jie felt his left arm shatter instantly, and at the same time, the heart-piercing pain exploded.


Bai Jie who fell on the ground wailed in pain.

"Trash is trash." The handsome Gao Qianqiu stepped on Bai Jie's face and sneered.

"This world depends on strength after all. So what if I play with your girlfriend, you, a guy whose strength is not much different from a weak chicken, what can you do, you can only watch Laozi play around in front of you, And you have nothing to do." Gao Qianqiu laughed.

"Returning the Hundreds is obviously a bunch of waste garbage waiting to die. Returning the Hundreds will really put gold on your face. Without our legionnaires protecting you, I don't know how many disaster-reporting warriors have killed. I'm back."

"I really don't know, what's the use of the Legionnaires raising your trash. I might as well tell you one more thing."

Speaking of this, Gao Qianqiu laughed.

"Even if I don't kill you now, when Xingyao comes, you will still be used as cannon fodder to be killed by the forces attacking the Starry Sky Demon City."

Hearing Gao Qianqiu's words, Bai Jie's eyes suddenly widened.

"Fuck you..." Before Bai Jie could utter a word, Gao Qianqiu suddenly exerted force on his feet, and Bai Jie felt that his skull was about to be crushed, so naturally he couldn't say the following words.

"This world is so cruel. In peacetime, what kind of freedom, rights, better living environment, and more salary do you want? Hehehe...the Legion naturally indulges you. And..." Gao Qianqiu said in a low voice.

"And once the war comes, you will all become cannon fodder, be sent to the front line, and become discarded products. Does it feel very cruel, bloody, and barbaric?"

"Yes, this world is the coldness, cruelty and darkness of this book!" Gao Qianqiu laughed coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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