Calamity Frontier

Chapter 248 Data Link

Chapter 248 Data Link

Pressure, huge and terrifying pressure.

Bai Jie felt that his head was about to explode under the pressure.

Weak, aggrieved, humiliated, angry, sad, powerless.

Many emotions were bred in Bai Jie's chest.

At this moment, Bai Jie wanted to become stronger than ever before.


Suddenly, Bai Jie roared angrily.

"I am going to kill you."

Suddenly, a force surged out of his body, and the saber slashed towards Gao Qianqiu fiercely.

However, the gap in strength cannot be smoothed out with anger.

Gao Qianqiu stepped back and easily avoided the blow.

Then Gao Qianqiu made a move.

As a battle spear soul master, Gao Qianqiu has too many means to kill this weak chicken Baijie.

With a wave of his hand, a 1.5-meter-long rock spear, about the thickness of a wrist, with unusually sharp ends, appeared beside Gao Qianqiu.

go with!
Gao Qianqiu waved lightly.

call out--

The rock spear was ejected suddenly.


The spear directly pierced through Bai Jie's chest.

"Uh uh..."

The severe pain almost made Bai Jie faint.

Looking at the rocky spear on his chest, he looked at the large amount of blood that was constantly flowing out and had stained the surrounding ground red.

Bai Jie felt that death was coming.

His angry god tried to pull out the battle spear, but the battle spear was like a rock, and his strength was continuously withdrawn from his arm bit by bit.


"Weakness deserves to die."

Bai Jie felt death, and at the same time, he seemed to touch the truth of this world.

"In this dark world, only being strong is the only criterion. I didn't understand this truth until now, it was too late."

Immediately, closing his eyes, Bai Jie was ready to face the darkness, to face death, and entered into the deep sleep of death forever.

It seems that all of this should end like this.


In a leisurely manner, beside the dying Bai Jie, there was a very ordinary ceramic earthen jar, and there was a trace of purple light in the middle of it.


Suddenly, a purple arc was ejected lightly, and that purple arc was ejected and submerged into Bai Jie's body.

Bai Jie was unmoved.

Followed by the second strand, the third strand, and the fourth strand.

A moment later, densely packed, hundreds of thousands of purple arcs rushed out of the basketball-sized ceramic crock and poured into Bai Jie's body.


Gao Qianqiu, who discovered this abnormal situation, turned around with a face full of disbelief.

"what's the situation?"

Instinctively, Gao Qianqiu found that something was wrong, and with a wave of his hand, five rock spears appeared around his body.

"Go." He waved.

These five rock spears tore through the air and rushed towards the purple electric current at the same time.


The purple arc suddenly ejected.

clack clack...

These five rock spears shattered directly and then turned into shattered stones, falling down.

"This..." For a moment, Gao Qianqiu's eyes widened. "how is this possible."


In an instant, the many electric arcs gathered together and all entered Bai Jie's body.

The whole cave seemed to be quiet all of a sudden.

Then, Bai Jie opened his eyes.

But at this moment, Bai Jie's eyes were filled with a flash of purple lightning.

Standing up slowly, the original huge wound on Bai Jie's chest gradually healed as he stood up.

After standing up, Bai Jie still looked at his right hand. He slowly raised his right arm and moved it slightly. The movements were very unfamiliar and stiff, as if it was difficult for him to adapt.

"Although the new body is weak, but..." Bai Jie explained in a low voice.

"It is indeed a body of flesh and blood. This feeling is really wonderful, hahaha..." Bai Jie laughed loudly. "I'm finally back."

"Bai Jie, stop playing tricks."

With such a strange situation happening in front of him, Gao Qianqiu also became vigilant at this moment.

"Bai Jie?" Bai Jie raised his head and looked at Gao Qianqiu.

"Oh! By the way, Bai Jie is indeed the previous name of this body. But..." Bai Jie grinned. "I have a better name."

"A better name?"

"Yes, my new name is Datalink No. 9." Bai Jie said with a smile.

"Data Link No. 9?"

"Of course, but as witnesses of my new name, you can die with peace of mind." Datalink No. 9 raised his arm suddenly after the welcome.His arm waved lightly.


The purple thunder light surged directly.

That Gao Qianqiu originally wanted to resist, but in an instant, the thunder came rushing in, and Gao Qianqiu let out a scream, and was directly knocked away.

Datalink No. 9's subordinates didn't stop at all, and while waving their hands, the raging thunder surged towards Gao Qianqiu.

After the three thunderbolts passed, Gao Qianqiu was chopped to death by the terrifying thunderbolt power, and his whole body was turned into coke.

"Weak strength." Seeing the legionnaire who was hacked to death by him, Datalink No. 9 shook his head and said lightly.

Then Datalink No. 9 looked at the woman who was holding the clothes covering her body.

"Bai Jie, don't kill me, okay? I know I was wrong, and I will never dare again." Seeing "Bai Jie" looking over, Bai Yu trembled all over, and hurriedly cried and begged for mercy.

At this time, Datalink No. 9 frowned slightly.

"What a stubborn idea." Datalink No. 9 rubbed his forehead.

"Okay, I'll help you kill her, and as a deal, you completely give up this body and let me take full control. After all, if I don't enter your body, you will die. For you, this It's a lucrative deal."

"Oh? Did you also kill this Gao Qianqiu and this Bai Yu's family? Yes!" Datalink No. 9 then nodded.

"If possible, I will help you kill them all, that's it, so let go! Accept the baptism of dark death safely!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Feeling that Bai Jie's mind was dying gradually, Datalink No. 9 laughed with satisfaction.

As soon as he raised his hand, a flash of thunder was about to burst out.

Datalink No. 9 wants to kill this slut named Bai Yu in one blow.

However, at this moment, a cold light suddenly burst out behind Datalink No. 9.

This knife, with a dark silvery brilliance, controls the extremely thick trajectory of the blade.

At the same time, this knife, the black blade glow bloomed, containing indescribable terrifying and destructive power.

The most frightening thing was that this knife came too abruptly, too fiercely, and unstoppably.

Although it was just a simple slash, Datalink No. 9 felt that the slash was——the waves, the waves, and the sky, it was terrifyingly strong.

(End of this chapter)

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