Calamity Frontier

Chapter 250 Absorption

Chapter 250 Absorption
boom - boom -

There was a rolling sound like thunder.

For a moment, almost all the participants in the No. [-] sandbox heard the violent explosion.

"What a terrifying power?"

"what happened?"

"The purple thunder is shining? Did that Qiao Yu suffer from a natural barrier?" A guy who cursed Qiao Yu in his heart thought maliciously.

And many masters of legion fighters gathered together to see the place where the purple thunder light erupted.

"Are there other masters of Thunder Mage manipulation?" A legion soldier asked.

"I don't know, but that Qiao Yu is too powerful. Even if he is a mage of the Thunder Manipulation Department, he will not be his opponent." Said the leader of the 12-member team.

"We still follow our plan, and the guys from the Hundreds will give up. If we can, maybe we can kill that Qiao Yu."

"But the ruins of the temple are not a good place." Someone said worriedly.

"In the past one and a half months, it is basically impossible to avoid Qiao Yu's pursuit. The ruins of the temple are our only chance to make a comeback."

"That's the only way to go." The man thought for a while and nodded his head like this.


"There is still such a method." Qiao Yu, who was buried by gravel, mud and bricks, said secretly.

"Data Link No. 9 here does have some strength."

With a thought in his mind, many sharp qi surged out of Qiao Yu's body. With the surge of qi, Qiao Yu's body rose rapidly, and then broke out one by one.Qiao Yu broke through the buried soil layer and came to the surface.

The attribute vision surged, and when he looked around, the data link No. 9 had disappeared.

"Brother Qiao." At this moment, the flying little Zilong quickly landed beside Qiao Yu.

"I feel the 'data link', Brother Qiao, it's nearby." The little Zilong who had just landed called out cheerfully.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly.

"You know 'data link'?" Qiao Yu was a little surprised.

"Of course, in my memory inheritance, the data link is a very precious thing."

"Haha...I already feel where the data link is."

Before Qiao Yu could stop it, the little Zilong's body swayed, and then the whole province's bones shrank rapidly. In less than three seconds, it had already become a thin and half-meter-long form.Then it went directly into the ground along the collapsed cracks on the ground.

Two minutes later, Xiao Zilong came to the ground with the arm of Data Link No. 2 severed by Qiao Yu.

At this time, the arm of Data Link No. 9 was still glowing with purple light from the wound, and the purple solid energy seemed to be completely integrated with the arm.

" link, data link..." Waving his wings, Xiao Zilong was ecstatic.

Afterwards, Xiao Zilong opened his mouth and devoured the data link.As the little Zilong opened his mouth, in the purple thunder light, strips as thick as little fingers were continuously sucked out by the little Zilong like chains.

And Qiao Yu didn't move at all, just silently watching Xiao Zilong's series of movements.

As Xiao Zilong continued to devour the so-called data link.

Qiao Yu suddenly noticed that Xiao Zilong's body had changed.

Strips of thin, but particularly conspicuous "orange" gradually emerged from its body.

And as the data link was gradually devoured, the orange stripes on Xiao Zilong's body became wider and wider.

"This..." This scene made Qiao Yu feel a little dazed.

"You can actually become the Orange Emperor?"

The demon machinery at the purple level is already quite powerful.Although Xiao Zilong has not yet grown up, but now Xiao Zilong already has the strength comparable to ordinary C-level masters.Wait until it fully grows up.At that time, I am afraid that his strength will not be much worse than that of Qiao Yu.

Purple is already so powerful.But now Xiao Zilong can actually develop towards orange.

There is no doubt about the power of the Mechanical Orange Emperor.

If Xiao Zilong could transform into the Orange Emperor, even in his juvenile body, he would be comparable to Qiao Yu at this stage.

Surprised, Qiao Yu's mind was racing, who could be unhappy to have such a powerful pet.

And at this time, Xiao Zilong had already devoured all the data links in that arm.

"It's really comfortable." Xiao Zilong danced and jumped up.

At this time, dark purple and a small amount of orange stripes are displayed at intervals on its body, which is very beautiful.

With a flutter of wings, Xiao Zilong had already appeared on Qiao Yu's shoulder, and his speed was a bit faster than before.

"It's time to tell me what this 'data link' is!" Qiao Yu said with a faint smile.

"of course."

At this time, at the foot of a hidden mountain not too far away from Qiao Yu's unknown.

"Damn, damn, damn." Datalink No. 9 roared, while clenched his fists and bombarded the rocky wall in front of him.

The rock wall was under his fist, and debris from the bombardment was flying.

"My data link, my data link, those guys can swallow my data link, how is this possible, how is it possible."

Datalink No. 9, who realized that his datalink had been swallowed, had an extremely distorted face.

Originally, after the arm was chopped off, Datalink No. 9 was afraid that the other party would snatch the datalink in his severed arm, so he directly exploded 30.00% of the energy to collapse that area.Then he took the opportunity to teleport away and buried his arm in the ruins.After Qiao Yu left, he found his arm again.

After all, his arm can survive for a long time as long as the data link exists.

However, he didn't expect that Qiao Yu would have the ability to deprive and devour the data link.This was really beyond his expectations, after all, in his opinion, he is a product of a high level,
In a strict sense, it is a "high-latitude creature", while Qiao Yu is just a low-latitude creature in the calamity world.It is impossible for him to charge his own "data link".

However, all of this actually happened.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault. You didn't give me the control of my body, which made me unable to exert 100% of my strength. This time you caused me to lose 9% of the data link. This is a permanent loss. You Die for me, die for me." Datalink No. [-], whose face was distorted and wailed into madness, endured the extreme pain of mental tearing, and the pain of schizophrenia, heart-piercing and that Bai Jie's will, Within the body, a hysterical fight broke out.

At this time, Xiao Zilong slowly explained everything about the data link.

"Remember when we first met? The great existence I told you about?"

"Of course I remember, you can't explain them." Qiao Yu nodded slightly. "The existence that cannot be explained is a very terrifying existence."

"Although, I can't directly tell about them, describe them, or even mention them. But I can describe the origin of our race of demonic mechanical creatures from the side, and you can infer some information about them."

"Just now, the thing I devoured is called a data link. This kind of thing is something that cannot be produced in the disaster world."

"This world can't be created?" Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. "interesting."

"Data link, that mysterious existence, they are related. At the same time, it will also involve the ancient inheritance memory of our mechanical demon creature family, there will be many things." Xiao Zilong continued.

"It's not in a hurry, anyway, we have plenty of time, we can talk about it slowly, can't we?" Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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