Calamity Frontier

Chapter 251 Discovery

Chapter 251 Discovery
"In my inherited memory, the data link is the core substance that constructs the 'mechanical factors' of our demonic mechanical creature family."

"Demonic mechanical creatures, from the most basic ordinary gray and white, to green, then to blue, and my current purple. They all require core energy transformation."

"The metamorphosis of the core energy, you should also know that it is very difficult, otherwise, we demon mechanical creatures would not have such a little purple demon mechanical creature."

"However, the path from purple to orange demonic mechanical creature and energy transformation is basically blocked." Xiao Zilong explained slowly.

"Could it be that the mechanical factor you mentioned just now is the core of your demonic mechanical creatures transforming from purple to orange?" Qiao Yu asked with a slight expression.

"Yes!" Xiao Zilong laughed.

"In the inheritance memory, the mechanical factor is the key to our demonic mechanical creature family transforming into an orange demonic mechanical creature. The mechanical factor is constructed through a data link."

Hearing this, Qiao Yu looked slightly solemn.

With the gradual understanding of this world, Qiao Yu also gradually noticed many extraordinary things.

The entire calamity world and all mission worlds exist objectively.It's not the kind of time when entering, the Lord God of Calamity builds a mission world, and when everyone leaves, the disaster mission world will disappear.

Many of the mission worlds that Qiao Yu entered were real, but the God of Calamity used the timeline to adjust many mission worlds to designated locations, and then let the Calamity Warriors enter them.

It's like restarting one mission world after another, and then specially designing many missions in it, and throwing disaster fighters into it, let them complete their training and fight in it.

But now, Xiao Zilong just followed Qiao Yu from a mission world.But now they are connected with a certain mysterious existence.

This made Qiao Yu very suspicious.

Was this world not divided like this before, but rather, this world was a huge whole at the beginning.So there are many connections between them.

"Is there any more information about this world in your inheritance memory?" Qiao Yu asked Xiao Zilong.

"Not really." Xiao Zilong shook his head. "According to my memory, I only know that the origin of our demonic mechanical creatures is related to this 'data link'."

"It's really related." Qiao Yu nodded secretly.

"So is this data link related to the great existence you mentioned?" Qiao Yu continued to ask.

"En!" Xiao Zilong's answer was affirmative.

"It seems." Qiao Yu laughed. "It seems that it is very necessary for us to catch that guy and extract a little more data link from him, so that you can become stronger, and at the same time, you can know more about the existence of those mysterious guys."

"If I can get enough data links, I can completely transform into orange." Speaking of this, Xiao Zilong became excited.

"The connection between the strange data link creature and the little purple dragon." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The No. 9 creature of the data link entered this mission world with a purpose that is not simple. Compared with him, he will not hide in a corner and dare not come out."

"I'll kill all the legionnaires here first, and then slowly search for him. I'm not in a hurry." Qiao Yu said secretly.

"Continue to advance." With a thought, the blood-eyed bats and Sky Striker Vine that had stayed in place moved again.

With the advance of the Sky Striker Demon Vine again, a new round of slaughter began.

The scattered Legionnaires, with the advance of Sky Striker and Demon Vine, they have no resistance at all.And the speed at which they escaped was not as fast as that of Sky Striker and Demon Vine.

With the pursuit, Qiao Yu's divine coins began to increase significantly, and those legionnaires who claimed to be superior were completely lambs waiting to be slaughtered in Qiao Yu's hands at this moment.

When Qiao Yu was harvesting.

Sandbox No. [-].

In a dark Gothic style building complex.

About 300 fighters of the Blue Star clan are hiding here.

Compared with the many legion fighters in the Starry Sky Demon City, although the Blue Star Clan fighters do not have hundreds of thousands or millions of fighters at every turn.But there are many.

Among the C-level ranks, there are quite a few fighters from the Blue Star clan.

This time, cooperate with Qiao Yu.

The main force of the Blue Star Clan was far away from Qiao Yu, and there was no benefit for the Calamity Warriors to kill their Blue Star Clan fighters.

Therefore, as long as they hide here safely.Complete the task, you can get a lot of money.

The basic mission income, plus the world settlement, in general, although not a lot, but this is a free income.And the accumulation of points in the mission world will not be high.Basically, it can be said that the reward of the mission world this time is to pick it up for nothing.

Relatively speaking, there are still quite a few Blue Star warriors who have entered the mission world this time.

At this time in a corner of the black Gothic style building.

Three Blue Star Warriors are playing a card game called "Game of the Gods" together.

"Qinggang Sword Master, triple strike..."

A Blue Star warrior threw out the card in his hand.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt flashed on a card.


The three Blue Star warriors were startled when they saw the purple lightning flashing.

"what happened?"

The three of them hadn't reacted yet.


Suddenly, the purple lightning shot directly towards the Blue Star Clan beside him.


The Blue Star warrior fell to the ground with a scream.

And the lightning ejected from the card quickly entangled towards the Blue Star Warrior like a python.

Moreover, these lightnings also penetrated into the body of the Blue Star Clan along the mouth, eyes, nose, and ears.

The reaction of these two Blue Star Clan fighters was not slow, they sensed the strangeness of the thunder and lightning, and quickly used their skills to attack the thunder and lightning.

A fireball and a heavy stick skill hit the shining lightning.

The thunder and lightning was just a slight sway, but it was endured as if nothing had happened.

"What kind of weird thing is this lightning?"

Seeing that the attack had no effect, the two Blue Star warriors were stunned.

And just a few breaths.


There was a muffled sound of restraint, and the thunder and lightning all submerged into the body of the Blue Star Warrior.


"How are you, Carl?"

The two looked at the soldier named Karl one after another.

Suddenly, this Blue Star warrior named Karl slowly opened his eyes.

"Hi, I'm Datalink 6, nice to meet you." Datalink 6 smiled softly.

(End of this chapter)

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