Chapter 252
Seeing this, the two immediately became cautious.

"You're not Karl, who are you?" a Blue Star clan shouted sharply.

"Who am I? Didn't I say it? I am data link number 6. You attacked me just now. So in order to repay your attack, I decided to kill you."

The voice fell.


Thunder and lightning broke out suddenly.

The thunder and lightning that erupted were so swift and violent, and the lightning that gathered together directly condensed into a piece of sharp sharpness.



Two crisp piercing sounds sounded.

The hearts and bodies of the two blue heart group soldiers who hadn't moved yet froze suddenly.

At this time, the chests of the two of them have been completely pierced by the lightning of the data link No. 6, leaving a bloody hole the size of a bowl.

Both of them fell headfirst by force.

At this time, there was a sound of clattering footsteps.

"There was a sound of fighting here just now?"

"is it here?"

"It's here, I heard it too."

The two Blue Star warriors just fell down.Seven or eight Blue Star warriors had already appeared around the corner of the wall.

It happened that this group of people saw the data link No. 6 and killed the other two people.

"Hello, I am Datalink No. 6." Facing many people, Datalink No. 6 explained softly: "We are the real masters of this world, and you are just moths of this world. The era of clean-up has arrived. And the beginning of clean-up starts from you.”

"You have to remember, I am called Datalink No. 6. I am the creator of your death."

After the voice fell, Datalink No. 6 moved, and its figure was as fast as lightning.Lei Guang galloped even faster.

In an instant, two more Blue Stars died in his hands.

"Attention everyone, the place where I sent the signal has a powerful enemy, please help, ask for support." Seeing that the enemy is so powerful, a Blue Star tribe immediately sent a message in their Blue Star tribe's guild channel.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

All the Blue Stars looked at the origin of the signal at the same time.


"Kill it."

"Go and have a look."

At this time, the Blue Star Clan has a large number of people, so many people are really not afraid of powerful enemies appearing.

For a while, many Blue Star Clan fighters surrounded the past one after another.

At the same time, under a mountain peak.

A hidden place.

"Run, run."

"Be careful……"

"help me."


The Sky Striker Demon Vine stabbed a fleeing legionary soldier to death, then threw off the legionary soldier and chased the other legionary soldiers in front of him.

Participants of this panicked group of Legionnaire Centuries.With the patrol of blood-eyed bats in the sky and the extremely fast-moving Sky Striker Vine on the ground, there was no possibility of escape.

However, when they encounter danger, they will eventually flee in panic, which is their instinct.

Qiao Yu, who was walking behind Sky Striker Vine, walked along, through the vision of Sky Striker Vine, Qiao Yu savored the panicked looks of these prey, Qiao Yu liked to enjoy this feeling very much.

At the same time, Qiao Yu was also looking for female legionnaires who were more in line with his taste.

In the forest, three or four girls in white clothes ran quickly.

The reason was that there was a terrifying Sky Striker Vine chasing them after them.


With a scream, the fifteen- or sixteen-year-old girl, who was not tall enough to be a baby, had glutinous eyes, sprained her feet, her complexion hurt, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Help me." The girl asked for help to her fleeing companion with a frightened face.

However, her best friend in front took a look at her, and then resolutely turned around and ran away.

"Don't leave me, okay, uh...I don't want to die." The weak girl who had pain in her feet and was abandoned by her teammates cried helplessly.

"What's wrong with you?" A soft voice sounded behind the girl.

The girl looked back with tears on her cheeks.What catches the eye is a young man in casual clothes, although he is not handsome, he is very stylish and sunny.

"That Qiao Yu's summoner is about to kill him, woo go!" the girl cried, crying.

"I sprained my ankle, I can't escape, woo woo woo..." At this point, the girl cried even harder.

This crying took four to five minutes for the girl to stop.

The girl who stopped crying looked around with her crying red eyes, but as expected, the murderous and terrifying Sky Striker Vine didn't come after her.

"Why don't you run away? Maybe those Mu Fujiko monsters are about to kill them. They are the summoned objects of Qiao Yu. I heard from them that the summoned objects are very powerful." The girl looked at the girl with tears on her face. said the young man.

"Trust me, those wooden vine summons will not come to kill me."

"Why?" The girl who was naturally silly and cute asked blankly.

"Because I am Qiao Yu!"

Qiao Yu.

Looking at the young man in front of her, the startled girl stopped crying.

Qiao Yu.

The girl knew many deeds of this calamity warrior. After all, the name Qiao Yu was in the Starry Sky Demon City. During this period of time, there was an uproar, and it was hard to know.

Qiao Yu stretched out his hand and pinched the cheeks of this sticky girl.

"Don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you." On Qiao Yu's face, there was a harmless smile.

"Really?" The girl looked at Qiao Yu with her big eyes.

"Of course, as we all know, I am the person who keeps my promises the most." Qiao Yu said seriously.

"But they said, you're black..." The girl didn't dare to say anything more.

"Okay, it's getting dark, and it's time to rest. I believe this will be a wonderful night."

The girl trembled when she heard what Qiao Yu said, but her cowardly temperament made her dare not refute at all.

"Drip drip..."

At this moment, a call request rang.

Qiao Yu's expression moved slightly, without thinking, Qiao Yu knew that those Blue Star warriors used their authority items to call him.

"Help, please, hurry up and come to us."

As soon as Qiao Yu connected, there was a crackling roar like firecrackers.

"Is there a legion soldier chasing you?" Qiao Yu's expression moved slightly.

It is difficult for those legionnaires to protect themselves now, and they will go after the Blue Star Clan fighters?
"It's not a legionary soldier. It's a guy from our Blue Star Clan who went crazy. He became extremely powerful and killed anyone he saw. Where are you, come and support us." The Blue Star Clan soldier roared wildly.

"Be careful, hide here, hide here." When talking to Qiao Yu, the commander of the Blue Star Clan was still directing the battle, and the battle seemed extremely fierce.

"You guys are crazy, what do I care about?" Qiao Yu said lightly.

"We have an agreement, you have to protect us." The Blue Star warrior continued to growl.

"Okay!" Qiao Yu laughed. "Then you hold on for 24 hours first, and I'll be there later."

"24 hours?" The Blue Star warrior asked strangely.

"Oh? Is it too short? Then 48 hours."

"We can't last for half an hour." The Blue Star warrior roared at Qiao Yu.

"Oh? That's even better, you go with peace of mind. When you die, send me a video of the enemy, and I will avenge you." Immediately, Qiao Yu cut off the call.

"I'll fuck your mother." Seeing Qiao Yu hang up their call, the Blue Star warrior scolded his mother directly
At this time, the commander of the Blue Star Warrior was in the dark Gothic building complex.

That data link No. 6 has already entered the stage of mass killing.

The remains of their Blue Star warriors are everywhere, and the corpses of their Blue Star warriors are everywhere, filled with blood.

"Kill!" With a roar, the commander of the Blue Star Warrior rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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