Calamity Frontier

Chapter 253 Unlucky No. 4

Chapter 253 Unlucky No. 4

into the night.

Inside the deep small cave.

Moans and gasps came out rhythmically.

The bonfire was burning fiercely. Under the light of the fire, Qiao Yu and the girl of the legionnaire who dared not resist were lingering together.

Unknowingly, the night became darker.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu leaned against the wall, lightly lit a cigarette, and while smoking, Qiao Yu checked many movements through the blood-eyed bats patrolling the outside world.

Even in the middle of the night, Qiao Yu still didn't stop chasing and killing the legionnaires.

At this time, under Qiao Yu's order, the clans of Sky Striker and Demon Vine followed Qiao Yu's instructions and began to continuously advance to the other side of the No. [-] sand table.

Even though these Sky Striker magic vines had already left Qiao Yu's magic support area, they could still persist for more than ten hours before they withered and died.

And such a long time is enough for Sky Striker and Demon Vine to hunt and kill Legionnaires overnight.

After checking for a while, Qiao Yu turned his attention away from the blood-eyed bat.

Afterwards, Qiao Yu looked at the number of his calamity coins.

Calamity Coin: 22516
2 six-point calamity coins.

This is Qiao Yu's harvest during the day, which is extremely rich, and more abundant is yet to come.

"In the next few days, I will kill the soldiers of the regiment one after another, and then slowly inspect the so-called 'temple ruins'. But..." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu frowned slightly.

"There, the data link appeared inexplicably, which is also a bit strange, but what is certain is that this data link creature is very mysterious. It would be great if I could catch one."

Afterwards, Qiao Yu's eyes flicked to the girl lying beside her, curled up in a peaceful and pleasant body.

Immediately Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"Sleep well, this may be the last night of your life."


Suddenly, in the burning flame, a current surged slightly.

"Huh?" Qiao Yu's expression moved slightly, and his eyes stared into the burning bonfire.

In the attribute vision, there is nothing abnormal.

"What happened just now? Are you dazzled?"

After a moment.


The purple electric current shone again, this time it was no longer fleeting, but completely shone.

"Data link." Qiao Yu's eyes froze suddenly.


The purple electric current catapulted towards Qiao Yu and enveloped him.

Qiao Yu, who had been on guard for a long time, moved his feet and dodged to the side.

Qiao Yu's speed is so fast, the purple data link lightning will naturally fail to hit Qiao Yu.

A catapult missed Qiao Yu and instead, the data link catapulted towards the legion soldier girl lying on the ground.


Immediately afterwards, a large number of purple lightnings ejected densely from the bonfire, and then quickly entered the body of the legion girl.Purple lightning flashed, making the entire cave a brilliant purple.

"We can't let this data link completely occupy this body." Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Stretching out his hand, the Baipi True Spirit Blade was instantly caught by Qiao Yu.

With a slight swing, the one-meter-long, palm-wide black crescent knife quickly attacked and killed the legion girl.


The purple lightning of the data link is also very clever, a large bolt of lightning ejected out and directly smashed Qiao Yu's black sword energy into pieces.

"Come again." Seeing this, Qiao Yu suddenly smiled.

brush brush brush --

Immediately, Qiao Yu's blade swung out like lightning, and dense black crescent blade energy swept wildly towards the girl invaded by the purple lightning.

With this dense black crescent knife air blooming.

The purple lightning also quickly burst out strips of purple lightning, trying to smash all the black saber energy.

However, the range of the purple lightning's ejection was obviously a little flustered, and it seemed that it could not resist the dense black saber energy.

Suddenly, the girl's body gathered all the surrounding purple lightning into her body like a long whale sucking water.

After a while, the girl opened her eyes again, and at the same time, a charming smile was drawn at the corners of her eyes.

"Hello, I'm Datalink No. 4." While speaking, Datalink No. [-] smiled like a flower.

Although this Datalink No. 4 has an exceptionally soft and beautiful face, deep in his eyes is a shocking coldness.

"They are not normal evolutionary creatures. Although their faces, language, and shapes are very human-like, and they are also intelligent, they are essentially cold-blooded, ruthless, and murderous without batting an eye." Observing, Qiao Yu gradually got some information about this data link creature.

"Actually..." After looking at the data link No. [-], Qiao Yu said slowly. "I think you should look at your own body first, and then you can laugh. I admire you more."

"Huh?" The data link No. [-] creature immediately looked at its body.

After seeing this, Datalink No. 4 was suddenly stunned.

It can be seen that the data link No. [-] at this time, the left leg was cut off from the thigh root, and the right leg was cut off at the center of the calf.Its left arm and right arm were completely cut off along the shoulder.

Just now, the dense black saber aura filled the past. Qiao Yu didn't intend to kill this data link number four, but to cut off his limbs, and then make him a crippled substitute even if he was replaced.

It can be said that the data link No. 4 at this moment is completely disabled.The purple light permeated the wound, but not the slightest blood flowed out.

"You..." Datalink No. 4 suddenly looked up at Qiao Yu and roared. "You low-level creature, dare to hurt me."

This Data Link No. [-] has a hideous face, and his eyes are even more sinister.

"It seems that you haven't woken up yet. I think it's necessary for me to let you see what reality is."

With a straight body, Qiao Yu came to the side of the data link No. [-] in an instant.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade slashed down ferociously.

At this time, the data link No. [-], which was crippled and almost turned into a human pig, was able to escape Qiao Yu's attack.


The sword flashed by.

A thigh containing the energy of the data link was cut off by Qiao Yu.

At the same time, outside the cave, a purple-gold divine movement suddenly shuttled over.It was that little Zilong.

"Data link, I feel the data link." Xiao Zilong cheered.

"This thing is for you." Qiao Yu lifted his foot and kicked the thigh containing the energy of the data link to the rest of Xiao Zilong.

"Thank you, Brother Qiao." With a cheer, Xiao Zilong immediately began to devour the energy of the data link.

(End of this chapter)

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