Calamity Frontier

Chapter 255 Advance

Chapter 255 Advance
Early morning hours.

Qiao Yu stood on a hillside with lush green grass, quietly watching the scenery ahead.

Compared with Qiao Yu's good rest last night, the army soldiers' side was very bad.

Under the pursuit of Sky Striker and Demon Vine, many Legionnaires fled all night.

These free-moving Sky Striker magic vines searched all over the mountains and plains for those legionnaires hiding in every corner. Once they found out, these legionnaires would die without a doubt.

Overnight, Qiao Yu's calamity coins increased by five or six thousand.

I have to say that this mission world is indeed a bumper harvest for Qiao Yu.

at this time!

In the sky, a blood-eyed bat arrived at the No. [-] sand table area after flying for more than ten minutes.

A moment later, under Qiao Yu's manipulation, the blood-eyed bat discovered the location of the Blue Star warriors.

"All dead?"

After the blood-eyed bat flew around, Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly.

Yesterday evening, Qiao Yu remembered the Blue Star warrior's cry for help.

When I sent bats over to take a look today, Qiao Yu found that the entire dark Gothic building complex was full of remains of Blue Star warriors. It can be said that there was basically no living creature alive.

"Yesterday, that guy said that one of their clansmen went crazy and became very powerful."

"No matter how crazy he is, that guy's strength cannot reach the point where he can fight hundreds of people alone."

"It seems..." Qiao Yu thought secretly in his heart. "Nine times out of ten, another data link creature has entered this mission world."

"The golden star is coming, and these inexplicable and ingenious data link creatures happen to appear in this world. Is it a coincidence or premeditated?"

Qiao Yu rubbed his forehead.

"Or, these data links only appear in this mission world, or are they available in all current mission worlds?"

Then Qiao Yu disconnected himself from the blood-eyed bat.

"Don't think too much about it. When this mission world is over and you go back, everything will be clear."

"Continue to kill these legionnaires."

Immediately, Qiao Yu began to summon the Sky Striker Magic Vine, and started a new round of killing.

When Qiao Yu was carrying out his own harvesting process.

Many soldiers of the Centurion Legion were still hiding and escaping in fear.

It's a pity that this No. 200 sand table is only so big, and they don't have the strength to escape to other sand tables across the [-]-meter distance.So what awaits them is only round after round of death harvest.


In a small space called Meru inside a rather weird cave.

There is a fairyland here.

In the quiet pool, a seven-color lotus slowly blooms.

A group of twelve legionnaires sat cross-legged around the edge of the pool.

Everyone has azure blue glare blooming all over their bodies.


In an extremely deep underground cave.

A golden humanoid skeleton was locked here by chains.

"Peng!" a voice.

The stone gate was blasted open.

A Blue Star warrior glanced here.

"Found it." The Blue Star warrior exclaimed hastily.

Several other legion soldiers heard the words and surrounded them one after another.

When seeing this golden skeleton, all the legion soldiers smiled on their faces.


Among the many corners of the entire sand table world.

Within a row of eight corners.

Eight creatures of different shapes are connected with each other through special contact methods.They are all creatures replaced by data link creatures.

"How are you all?" Datalink No. [-] spoke first.

"no problem."

"no problem."

"Yesterday, I killed hundreds of Blue Star Clan fighters. It's not a big problem."

"no problem."

That's what most people's data link creatures say.

"Someone swallowed part of my data link." A voice suddenly sounded.


Several other data link creatures were shocked when they heard this.

They are data link creatures, and in their own words, they are advanced life forms.Basically no one will be able to devour their data link energy.

"No. [-], you really know how to play. The mission has not started yet, you have been swallowed up by others." A guy said in a strange way.

"How was it swallowed?" Data Link No. [-] asked.

"I met a very powerful guy." Wei Wei sorted out her thoughts, and Data Link Nine began to narrate. "That guy's name is Qiao Yu, and he's terrifyingly powerful."

"Joe Yu?"

"In the memory of my Blue Star Clan fighter, Qiao Yu is indeed very powerful, and he is a tricky guy."

"Indeed. This Qiao Yu is really extraordinary. I feel that among us, number one and number two can fight him. The others may not be his opponents."

"That Qiao Yu is really powerful." Datalink No. [-] said so.

"I am not his opponent. During the battle, one of my arms was cut off by him. After I escaped, not long after, I felt the energy of the data link left in that arm. Disappeared."

"The energy of the data link disappears?" Several other data link creatures began to think about it.

"Actually, compared to the loss of No. [-]'s data link, don't you think it's strange that No. [-] is not connected?" At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as this person said it, several other people immediately noticed it.With a group of nine people, Datalink No. [-] actually disappeared.

"As far as our strength is concerned, in this world, basically anyone we meet can escape. Even if we meet Qiao Yu, we should be able to escape with the ability of Data Link No. [-]."

"But the problem is, now on the [-]th, he doesn't contact us."

"It's possible that the transmission is wrong." After thinking about it, Data Link No. [-] said.

"What's wrong?" The others were slightly taken aback.

They data link creatures, in general, are invading creatures.

There is a very small probability of errors. Once errors occur, they may be sent to other mission worlds. If it is worse, they may be directly annihilated.

"Okay, even if No. [-] didn't come in, we can still open those ancient ruins with our joint efforts."

"We have waited too long for the Golden Star Brilliance this time. Once the Golden Star Brilliance is activated, the Legion soldiers will definitely not have time to take care of the 'world model'. At that time, it will be up to our 'Creation Team'."

"Therefore, for this mission, we must get the things in the remains of the ruined temple. In this way, our probability of success will be higher. Although our probability of success is high enough, but , Every higher score is of great benefit to us. We also know that our 'Creation Team' has been hiding for so many years, once we succeed, we will truly become the masters of this world."

"Don't worry, we will be successful this time."

"Okay, now that we're all ready, let's get started!"

(End of this chapter)

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