Calamity Frontier

Chapter 256 Signs

Chapter 256 Signs
When the howling wind howled through the entire mountain forest, Qiao Yu was bathed in the wind, with a handsome and stern face.

Looking at the vast wilderness in front of him, a trace of doubt emerged in Qiao Yu's eyes.

It was around three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

Qiao Yu went through yesterday's day and night, plus today's entire day.From the side of the No. [-] sand table, he directly penetrated to the end of the No. [-] sand table.

After checking with blood-eyed bats, Qiao Yu basically didn't let go of any of the legionnaires he saw.

Moreover, during these two days and one night, Qiao Yu used blood-eyed bats to patrol the entire No. [-] sand table without interruption.The No. [-] sand table is big, but Qiao Yu also has a lot of bats, and now Qiao Yu uses the blood-eyed bats to find the remaining legionnaires.

It stands to reason that Qiao Yu has killed all the legionnaires he can see.

There are more than 900 legion soldiers who have entered the mission world this time.

But at this moment, Qiao Yu remembered that he had killed only more than 400 legionnaires.

At the same time, the number of Qiao Yu's calamity coins is 50796.

Obviously, there are four or five hundred legionnaires who are hiding.

"These guys are pretty smart. They knew they weren't my opponents. They didn't know they used props or found a hiding place, so they hid."

"A game of peek-a-boo." Qiao Yu smiled faintly. "I hope you can hide tighter."

"Huh?" Suddenly, Qiao Yu felt a Sky Striker Vine start to fight.

"These legionnaires are all hidden, and it's a waste of time to search slowly. It's better to break through from inside them." Qiao Yu looked at the battle place of the Sky Striker and Demon Vine.

At this time, in a forest.

"Clang clang clang..."

Wielding the saber, Gu Tianshi struggled to resist the attack of the Sky Striker Demon Vine.

But every time he confronted the Sky Striker Demon Vine here, Gu Tianshi felt that the opponent's rock knife was like a huge wave, fierce and powerful.

"That Qiao Yu is only a C-level, and I am a D-level. His summons are so powerful, damn it." While attacking Gu Tianshi, he cursed in his heart.

The rock knife swung again.


With a loud roar, Gu Tianshi directly displayed a great skill, intending to knock back the Sky Striker Vine with a single blow, and then escaped.

The next moment, the Sky Striker Demon Vine trembled slightly, and the sluggish and obscure feeling of the summoned object disappeared instantly, but was replaced by a natural and smooth feeling of dexterity.

With a slight sideways step, he avoided Gu Tianshi's big skill attack directly and lightly.

"How is this possible?" Seeing that his attack was dodged by the stupid summoner.Gu Tianshi's eyes widened.

The Sky Striker Magic Vine that flashed past was not idle, its body twisted slightly.

Gu Tianshi's calf was hit by the Sky Striker Demon Vine.

A lot of blood gushed out.

With a scream, Gu Tianshi fell to the ground.

Sky Striker's two knives were already clasped around Gu Tianshi's neck, preventing him from making any unusual movements.

After a while, Qiao Yu walked over through the thorny and rocky jungle.

"Joe Yu."

Seeing Qiao Yu at this moment, Gu Tianshi's expression suddenly sank.

"Before I die, I can see Qiao Yu's true face once, and I will die without regret." Gu Tianshi gritted his teeth and said.

"Say, where are all your people?" Qiao Yu asked softly.

"I don't know." Gu Tianshi gritted his teeth.

"Oh?" Qiao Yu smiled slightly when he heard the words.

"You don't tell me that I can come out with a general position."

"According to your previous escape route, you should be there!" Qiao Yu pointed to a towering black stone mountain in front of him and said softly.

"Since you have guessed it, just go, that is, why come here to ask me." Gu Tianshi just said coldly.

"Of course, you have another purpose for escaping there. You should know that the giant beast on the sand table, the 'Ancient Earth Dragon' is there."

"Being hunted down by the Sky Striker Demon Vine, you can't escape. Instead, you might as well provoke this ancient dragon, maybe you still have a chance to escape."

"You discovered all of this." Gu Tianshi's words were still flat.

After listening to Gu Tianshi's words, Qiao Yu's face was as plain as ever.

"Do you know? The first time you answered my question in the affirmative, but the second time, you gave an affirmative answer. Even though I don't know whether your answer is correct or not, but it is inconsistent, I already know that there must be something tricky. That information is enough."

When Qiao Yu said this, Gu Tianshi's expression froze slightly.

"Actually, I don't need to go and see it in person." While speaking, with a wave of his hand, a blood-eyed bat appeared in front of Qiao Yu.

With a thought, the bat flew towards the black mountain more than 2000 meters away.

Looking at the bat that was getting further and further away, Gu Tianshi's face turned ashen.

Of course Gu Tianshi knew that there were people under that black mountain.It is the territory of Xinglong in ancient times. A large group of people in their legion are hiding there. It is dangerous for that group of people to hide there, but if they don't hide there, they will only be chased and killed by Qiao Yu.

But now, his whereabouts have been exposed there.


Then Gu Tianshi was about to speak.

The blade of the Sky Striker magic vine cut off his head directly.

"Sorry, you are no longer useful." Now that the information is in hand, it's time to proceed to the next step.

Manipulating the blood-eyed bat, Qiao Yu followed the forest all the way to the foot of the black mountain.

The black mountain peak is not that kind of sword edge, but an ellipsoidal boulder mountain with some small peaks on it.

The speed of the blood-eyed bat was very fast, and it flew above the black mountain in less than a minute.

At this time, on the other side of Heihei Mountain.

A "Ancient Land Dragon" with withered yellow scales and a length of 600 meters is crawling on the ground, in a deep sleep.

This ancient earth-moving dragon is the sand table behemoth of this sand table.Qiao Yu didn't dare to provoke a monster of this level.

Bloody Eyes jumped up and flew directly above the ground at a height of more than one meter, before submerging into the jungle on the other side of the mountain forest.

"Those legionnaires know that I will hunt them down everywhere. For them, this ancient land of Xinglong is dangerous, but relatively speaking, it is a place to survive. They are very likely to hide in order to survive. Here, if you search carefully, you may find their traces."


When the blood-eyed bat was looking around, the ancient dragon suddenly let out a long breath.

Suddenly, a large mountain forest in front of his breath was burned by the gushing heat wave.

This ancient earth-moving dragon is obviously a fire-type earth-moving dragon.

Accompanied by the breath of this fire-type earth-moving dragon.

The spiritual connection between Qiao Yu and the blood-eyed bat was suddenly broken.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Qiao Yu was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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