Calamity Frontier

Chapter 260 Hospital

Chapter 260 Hospital
"Those Blue Star Clans have very high authority. I wonder why they have higher authority than legion soldiers. It turns out that they are the executors of the God of Calamity." Qiao Yu said.

"That makes sense."

"Those Legionnaires and the Blue Star Clan are high-authority owners of each other. But in fact, they are genuine competitors to each other. To execute the orders of the disaster gods, they must have obtained enough Benefits, in order to obtain more benefits. That's why legion fighters will compete with those Blue Star Clan."

"It's a pity that the Blue Star Clan didn't fight against the legion fighters during the competition, so they fell into such a miserable situation, being chased and killed by the legion fighters everywhere, but relying on higher authority than the legion fighters, they can still survive."

"If the Legion Warriors failed at the beginning, I am afraid that the Blue Star Clan will occupy the Starry Sky Demon Capital now. Once the Blue Star Clan with higher authority occupies the Starry Sky Demon City, I am afraid it will be more terrifying than the Legion Warriors."

"Of course." Lie nodded slightly. "It can be seen from the fact that the soldiers of the legion are desperately suppressing the fighters of the Blue Star clan."

"As the executors of the Calamity God's orders, the legionnaires will definitely send a large number of legionary main fighters to deal with those data link creatures."

"But now, the problem is a little different."

Lie, after saying that, Qiao Yu understood.

Now, the golden star is about to strike.

The four major forces, including Abyss and Sky Ladder, have all joined forces to deal with legion fighters in various mission worlds.

As a result, those legionnaires dare not enter the world of disaster missions on a large scale now.

The current legionnaires, they just gathered their forces back.Gathered in the starry sky magic capital, and carried out many defensive attacks.Get ready for the upcoming star show.

In this way, naturally no one will enter the mission world to deal with the many data link creatures.So this also gave the "creation group" an opportunity to take advantage of.

"That is to say, this time, the so-called creation team invested a lot of data link creatures at one time, and then wiped out many mission worlds, turning it into a 'disaster frontier'?"

"Yes, many mission worlds have been involved in the disaster frontier and become part of the disaster frontier."

"As far as I know, there are many disaster fighters like you who have been pulled into the border of disaster with the mission world."

"I'm in the border of disaster and disaster now?" Qiao Yu couldn't help but move slightly.

"Of course." Lie said so.

"When you are in the calamity world and you are not obliterated, you will not die, but if you leave the calamity world and enter the calamity border, then you will be obliterated by the disaster god."

"This..." Qiao Yu was stunned. "Eradicated?"

"In a sense, in the calamity world, you are indeed dead. In the calamity world ruled by the Lord God of Calamity, there is no such person as you anymore."

"Of course, this is just your death in name, but you are actually still alive in the disaster border."

"Leaving the world of disaster missions and entering the border world of disasters, this is still in the world." Qiao Yu said lightly.

"However, the calamity frontier will not forcibly restrict your access to the mission world like the disaster mission world controlled by the God of Calamity, and there will be no obliteration."

"That means, this disaster frontier is a very good place?"

"On the contrary, it's worse than the world of disaster missions."

"This world is the edge. That is to say, after the disaster mission world is broken, all projections will flow through here, and then die."

"The frontier is a place between life and death."

"The calamity frontier is a terrifying area where reality and nothingness coexist, where life and death dance together during a terrifying disaster."

"You can also understand it as an area that is forever heading towards the twilight of death."

"It sounds like it looks pretty good." Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"When you feel it, you won't say that." Lie said lightly. "Just now, I told you that if you can't wake up again, you won't wake up forever."

"Do you know why?"


"Because, in a day or two, you will be sliced ​​into pieces."

"Sliced?" Qiao Yu couldn't help but stare.

"The Calamity Frontier is a very chaotic and strange world, and there are many things that I can't finish talking about in a short while."

"You get out of danger first, and if you know a safe place, I will contact you then."

"Okay." Qiao Yu nodded.

"The disaster frontier is not easy, so you have to be careful."

Immediately, Qiao Yu gradually felt that his vision gradually became blurred, and at the same time, Lie's voice gradually became blurred.

Then Qiao Yu felt himself falling into a drowsy slumber.


After an unknown amount of time, Qiao Yu gradually woke up.

"Breathe... breathe... breathe... breathe..."

After waking up, Qiao Yu felt a weak breathing.

At the same time, Qiao Yu also felt his own body.

But at this time, Qiao Yu felt that his body was very tired and weak, and he didn't need any strength to move.

Sensing this situation, Qiao Yu was not too surprised.

"Properties Panel."

With a thought, Qiao Yu called out his attribute panel.

Current status: Qi and blood loss, strong anesthesia, slight muscle atrophy, suppression of foreign energy.

These four states made Qiao Yu's body almost unable to move.

"Devil Qi." With a thought in Qiao Yu's mind, Qiao Yu suddenly felt that the thick Demon Qi in his body was still surging with his mental manipulation as in the past.


With Qiao Yu's manipulation.

With a bang, the black flames of Qiao Yu's body burst into flames.

As the magic energy burned in Qiao Yu's body, Qiao Yu felt the strength gradually emerge from his body.Those negative states began to be continuously burned by Qiao Yu.

When a black flame burst out from Qiao Yu's body,
The monitoring personnel in the monitoring room immediately discovered the abnormal state here.

"Attention guards, attention guards, laboratory Z45, subject 116, has an abnormal state." The surveillance personnel immediately sounded the alarm.


At the same time, sirens sounded throughout the huge laboratory.

When the alarm sounded, many safety doors were closed.

At the same time, a large number of guards rushed towards the Z45 laboratory with energy guns in their hands.

The speed of these guards is very fast, obviously they are not ordinary humans.

At the same time, Qiao Yu has regained some strength.

With the burning of Mozhen Qi, Qiao Yu is gradually clearing away those negative states.It won't be long before Qiao Yu will be able to return to his peak state.

At this time, Qiao Yu also opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was the built-in dome light on the roof.Three white metal walls, one side is black glass in a researcher-like laboratory.At this time, Qiao Yu was lying and tied to a single bed.

With a wave, Xiao Zilong had already appeared beside Qiao Yu.

"Where is this place?" Little Zilong asked loudly when he saw the situation here.

"In a weird laboratory research institute. And..." Qiao Yu's gaze swept over the warning light that was constantly flashing and making harsh sounds, and continued. "Obviously those people in this Experimental Research Institute have discovered my abnormal state. They are probably rushing over. You guard the door and kill everyone." Qiao Yu ordered.

"Don't worry, anyone who dares to come will die."

With a vertical movement, the nearly three-meter-long little Zilong directly shattered the bulletproof glass door.

At this time, the guards in this weird research institute had rushed over.

Da da da……

The dense bullets shot directly at the many guards who were rushing towards the side of the corridor.

The battle started instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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