Calamity Frontier

Chapter 261 close up

Chapter 261 close up
Da da da……

Intensive gunshots erupted quickly.

The more than 20 human warriors armed with guns and wearing defensive armor rushed over from the side of the research institute, and they were the first to receive the frenzied shooting of Xiao Zilong.

puff puff...


Under the intensive bullet shooting, the more than 20 people who rushed over in the first round were directly shot and killed by Xiao Zilong.

Today's little Zilong, first of all, is close to three meters in length, and is no longer the weak juvenile body that was bullied casually back then.

Moreover, the current little Zilong, with the evolution, can already be said to be half of the "Mechanical Orange Emperor" life form.

The combination of the two made the current Xiao Zilong extremely powerful.

What's more, Xiao Zilong is also a special thermal weapon creature, and all of its thermal weapons have special effects. Under the attack, the ordinary bullets are more terrifying than the bullets of Qiao Yu's Devil's Fang.

Da da da……

After a round of shooting, the entire corridor was strewn with corpses, the walls were pitted, and debris from the walls were scattered everywhere.The ceiling at the top of the corridor dropped a lot, and the lights began to flicker.

When Xiao Zilong attacked the guards of these research institutes, Qiao Yu was not idle. Using the vision sharing with Xiao Zilong, Qiao Yu also checked the strength level and life form of the guards of these research institutes.

"It's a human creature, and its life strength is relatively high. These guards, logically speaking, should be relatively weak guys in this disaster border, but the life strength of these guys is as high as more than 20 points, or even [-] points." point."

"In addition, these guards have energy defense armor on them, which is similar to bulletproof props. Unfortunately, Xiao Zilong's bullets have the ability to ignore defensive props, and they will be shot and killed directly. If these guys encounter other Creatures, their energy armor can still withstand it for a while, but what they encountered was a little purple dragon who was half-step Orange Emperor. They are unlucky."

"Not weak physical quality, energy defense armor, and their firearms are also energy firearms."

"In general, the defense capability of this research institute is quite good. If ordinary C-level disaster fighters fall here, they will really be sliced ​​by them."

While Qiao Yu was thinking, more than 60 guards with guns in the second round had already attacked.

"Be careful, the summoned creature of the mechanical series is very powerful. It is suspected to be a high-level mechanical creature. The bullet has an armor-piercing effect. The normal charge has little effect. Use energy to pulse the hornets and try to blast a wave."

When this round of guards came to the corner of the wall, an order from a senior commander in the command post came from the commander's headset.

"Received." The team commander responded immediately.

"Energy Pulse Hornet." The team commander shouted immediately.

Immediately, a heavily armed guard opened a milky-white metal box, and after opening it, two rows of khaki-colored wasps the size of ten thumbs came into view.

It's just that the tail belly of this khaki wasp is a highly dense energy pulse substance.

With the activation of the fully armed guards, the ten wasps were activated one by one with the flashing green energy lights.

At this moment, a strange voice came.

"What is this, it looks very interesting."

Many guards here were shocked when they heard this.

They raised their heads brazenly, and saw the cunning little Zilong pass through the ceiling, the gap above, and came to the top of their heads silently.

At this time, while Xiao Zilong was looking at them, a miniature missile was leisurely ejected from the missile launch cavity on the left side of his body.It happened to envelop the group of energy pulse wasps.


An indescribable explosion sound was transmitted suddenly.

Qiao Yu, who was inside the laboratory, felt the house suddenly shake violently.

Then, along with the shock wave, the flames rushed along the passage to the corridor on Qiao Yu's side.

With Qiao Yu's quick eyes and quick hands, a "wizard's hand" pushed the metal door shut, and then a raging flame shock wave passed through Qiao Yu's door.

"What's the situation?" Qiao Yu frowned, and asked Xiao Zilong through a spiritual connection.

"That group of guys, they have high-tech weapons, that kind of thumb-sized wasps, their power is terrifying. Each of them has the energy intensity of five tons of TNT."

"However, I smashed all the ten things with one bullet, and then I sent all the dozens of guards to the west, hahaha..." Xiao Zilong, a fanatical fighter, is keen on this kind of surging The outbreak of hot weapons.

"Are you OK?"

"Woo... the baptism of flames and shock waves will only make my skeleton harder. I like this kind of shock feeling, this is the hymn of our demonic mechanical life. Only by enduring such a baptism of war can I grow faster " Not only was Xiao Zilong not injured, but he seemed to become even more fanatical amidst the explosion.

"But I still got some injuries, I want to kill them all." Xiao Zilong flapped his wings and roared.

"Those non-combatants who don't resist, don't kill them first, kill all those combatants who resist. I still have a lot of questions to ask them later. After all, I am not familiar with this so-called disaster frontier. "

"Calamity frontier? What the hell?" Xiao Zilong asked.

"I don't know what the hell it is, that's why I asked them. Therefore, you can't kill them all."

"Well, you summon the Sky Striker Vine, and then, give me the command, and I will gather everyone together."

"Very good." Qiao Yu nodded, while recovering his body, he began to summon the Sky Striker Vine.

Although Xiao Zilong commanded Sky Striker and Demon Vine to not fight like Qiao Yu, it was like a god.

But these ordinary commands, plus the Sky Striker Demon Vine's high manoeuvrability, therefore, Xiao Zilong's command is quite smooth.

Soon, more than 30 Sky Striker Vines had been summoned by Qiao Yu.As soon as the command of each summoned Sky Striker Vine was handed over to Xiao Zilong, the Sky Striker Vine rushed out in a hurry, looking like it was desperately looking for someone.

When Qiao Yu summoned the Sky Striker Vine, the sound of fighting outside continued, and Qiao Yu didn't need to know that it was Xiao Zilong killing those ordinary guards.

When Xiao Zilong dispatched fifty Sky Striker magic vines, Qiao Yu stopped calling, but began to concentrate on burning the magic qi to dispel his negative state.

Before I knew it, more than ten minutes had passed.

In the dark room, Qiao Yu leisurely opened his eyes.

An invisible dark hostility erupted.

Slightly squeezed the palm of his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

"Finally recovered to the peak state." Then Qiao Yu looked outside, "Then, from this research institute, we will gradually explore this disaster frontier."

As soon as he moved his steps, Qiao Yu walked towards the hall of the research institute named "Twilight Institute of Biology".

Because, during this period of time, Xiao Zilong has already manipulated many Sky Striker and Demon Vine creatures, driving many scientific researchers into the hall.

In the process of advancing, Qiao Yu also released many blood-eyed bats. With these blood-eyed bats, Qiao Yu can easily check the research institute and many surrounding situations.

"It's a very good laboratory, and at the same time, this disaster frontier is also a rather interesting place."

After a slight inspection, Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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