Calamity Frontier

Chapter 262 The Domain of Twilight

Chapter 262 The Domain of Twilight
At this time, it was dusk in this disaster frontier.

The setting sun set towards the junction of heaven and earth in the west.

A city of steel clumps and many towering giant trees grow together with each other.

Or an ancient tree grows through a building, the trunk smashes the floors layer by layer, and then penetrates the roof, and the lush branches and leaves penetrate from each floor.The trees are already integrated with the building.

Dozens of ivy with thick roots like buckets climbed up a 300-meter-high floor, and the layers of leaves completely wrapped the entire skyscraper under its body. From a distance, it was a field of ivy The ocean is magnificent.

At this time, this huge research institute named "Dusk Biological Research Institute" was established in this twilight city where civilization and savagery merged to form a combination of modernization and primitive jungle.

Faint Biological Research Institute.

in the hall.

At this time, there were only more than 200 researchers left in the hall.

The number of deaths is more than ten times that number.

This guy Xiao Zilong has the same temperament as Qiao Yu, as long as someone doesn't follow his order, he can just say one word - kill him!

Slaughtering others is Xiao Zilong's favorite way of exercising, because it will allow him to absorb a certain amount of energy and make him grow faster.

More than 200 researchers were all gathered in the hall by Xiao Zilong. All of them held their heads with their hands and squatted on the ground. Who dared to speak and made the slightest movement. Xiao Zilong shot them with bullets and killed a few by mistake. , that's all normal.

The terrified crowd who were killed by Xiao Zilong and a group of Sky Striker and Demon Vine had long been trembling, squatting in place, not daring to move at all.These researchers are very clear that this group of summoned creatures are all inhuman murderers.

In the face of this group of inhuman summons who would kill if they disagreed, everyone was cautious, and they didn't even dare to breathe too hard.

Gradually, footsteps gradually sounded from the depths of the corridor.

In this silent hall, the footsteps were so clear that everyone could hear them.

Soon the sound of footsteps sounded beside many researchers.

However, no one dared to look up.

They knew that that would bring them a fatal disaster.

"I heard that you want to slice me, right?" A voice sounded faintly.

No one dared to answer, the hall was eerily quiet, and even the air was suffocating.Whoever dares to stand out will die without a doubt.

"Okay!" Looking at the crowd who were all squatting on the ground, not daring to speak, they were a little speechless.

"In this case, let's start one by one!"

While speaking, Qiao Yu stretched out his hand to grab it, and Qiao Yu grabbed a delicate female graduate student five meters away with the hands of a wizard.

The wizard's hand, which was two meters in diameter, directly pinched the female graduate student in its palm.

"'s none of my business, it's none of my's none of my business..." The timid female graduate student was twisted to a height of two or three meters, and immediately began to cry miserably.

Qiao Yu grabbed it hard.The female graduate student let out a choked, suppressed and miserable cry from her throat. In despair, she was pinched to death by Qiao Yu.

As soon as she let go, the female graduate student who had been squeezed into a ball and was no longer recognizable as a human fell to the ground, blood splashing all over the surrounding people.

Seeing this, the people around retreated one after another, some of them were timid, already incontinent in fright.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little bit harsh. After all, I've been in a deep sleep for a long time, and I still can't control this power very delicately." Qiao Yu said with a faint smile.

Then, Qiao Yu stretched out his hand to grab it.

A man in his 40s who was relatively close to Qiao Yu was arrested by Qiao Yu again with the hands of a wizard.

With a little force, the man felt that his bones were about to be crushed, and a fear of death enveloped his heart.

The feeling of death and suffocation that hit his face like a mountain made his spirit almost collapse.The fragility of life bloomed in his heart at this moment.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll tell you whatever you ask." The middle-aged man who felt that he was about to be crushed to death shouted hastily.

There are not many people who can face death calmly. Obviously, this middle-aged man is not among them.

"Very good." Qiao Yu nodded slightly. "Then let's start when you find me!"

Now that Qiao Yu has come to this so-called disaster frontier and needs to stay here for a long time, it is very necessary for Qiao Yu to have a complete understanding of this world.

After more than ten heavy breaths, the middle-aged man gradually stabilized his emotions.

"Seven or eight months ago, in the northernmost edge of the Twilight City, a large area of ​​high-dimensional space bloomed. It was a phenomenon that the calamity world collapsed and then fell into the calamity border." The young man began to speak slowly.

"Then our search personnel found you unconscious."

Listening to the man's narration, Qiao Yu was also thinking about it.

"So, have you found anyone else?" Soon, Qiao Yu asked.

"No." The man shook his head.

"Dimensional fall is extremely destructive to the vast majority of life forms. Many life forms are difficult to throw through the dimension, in fact..." The man paused for a while, hesitant to speak Case.

"Continue." Qiao Yu said lightly.

"Actually, according to the strength of your life, you are only at the C level, even if you are a B-level creature, it is difficult to pass through the dimension. But you have passed through the C-level. This makes us feel incredible. So we Only then will I bring you back and study it." After thinking about it, the man finally told the truth.

"Oh? After seven or eight months of research, what have you come up with?"

"The energy in your body is very special. It has the nature of magic power and the nature of true energy, and your special energy body is very powerful. In addition, your physical body is very powerful. It doesn't look like a C-level at all. A living creature is more like the body of a creature close to A-level. Moreover, we also found that you have many special cells in your body that are powerful and extremely capable of dormancy. Those golden cells have a terrifyingly high life intensity. Those cells are high-level The cells of the life form, we speculate that these cells are the key to allowing you to pass through the dimension and launch destruction."

When the researcher in a white robe said it, Qiao Yu knew that he was talking about his cell arm.

"Okay, generally speaking, I have already understood my specific situation, so..." Qiao Yu smiled lightly, "Talk about this place, or this strange area where the steel forest and the rough stone forest merge together, What kind of place is it?"

"Besides, more than half an hour has passed since just now. It stands to reason that the sun in the west should have set in such a long time. However, during this half hour, the sun has not yet set." It didn't move, not even a little bit, it seemed to be anchored and fixed there."

"Is this normal?" Qiao Yu asked lightly.

"That's normal, because this is the 'Twilight Realm', and the sun has been fixed in that position for thousands of years." This man answered relatively easily.

"Oh? Domain of Twilight?"

(End of this chapter)

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