Calamity Frontier

Chapter 266 Dusk Assassin

Chapter 266 Dusk Assassin
The vehicle Qiao Yu was driving quickly disappeared into the golden light of dusk.

After almost three or four hours.

In the Twilight Institute of Biology, a teleportation array in a corner deep underground lighted up leisurely.



Accompanied by two bright lights emerged.

The light dissipated, and two men in white doctor robes emerged.

Afterwards, the two doctors opened the door of the secret room expressionlessly, and then stepped into the corridor.

At this time, in the corridor, the corpses were lying here and there, and many corpses were beaten to pieces, filled with blood.However, the two doctors turned a blind eye to all this and walked directly outside the institute.

After a while, the two of them arrived at the backyard of the research institute.

At this time, the position where the two were standing was the position of the car that Qiao Yu was driving.

Among them, the slightly shorter doctor with a black nose sniffed slightly in the air.Only then did he speak slowly and methodically: "Experiment No. 116 ran away in a car."

"The direction ahead is..."

Speaking of this, the black-nosed doctor pointed in one direction. "This direction."

Another white-robed man with pointed elf ears spoke slowly. "There should be the location of 'Blackthorn Fortress'."


"The No. 116 experiment question, the 'golden cells' in the body are very strange. They have the pattern of advanced life forms, but they are not perfect. The advanced life forms are the essence of life that all S-level powerhouses are chasing. The No. 116 The experimental question was supposed to be a slice experiment to see what the holographic structure of its body is like, but I didn't expect that this experimental question would actually wake up at a critical moment."

"I didn't expect that this guy who is only C-level is so powerful. The defensive measures here are no problem against more than a dozen C-level masters, but this guy destroyed all the defensive measures here by himself. It is really a terrible guy."

"So what if you wake up, and what if you are strong." The other person smiled faintly.

"You hyena, I'm Tianer, both of us are AA-level powerhouses. Could it be that the experimental question can be overturned in the hands of the two of us. This time, Dr. Scalpel personally ordered that we must grasp this The experimental subject, catching that little C-level experimental subject is more than enough." The man with the long ears called Tian Er said with a smile.

"That's right." The man with the hyena nose nodded.

"Let's go!" the hyena man said. "Catch that guy early, and go back early. After all, after a while, the twilight beast swarm is about to break out. Once caught in the twilight beast swarm, let alone our AA-level strong, even S-level The strong will also perish in it."

After finishing speaking, the man named Hyena stretched out his hand to a black car beside him.


This black car opened them directly.

then hum...

Suddenly, the vehicle started by itself.

"You are getting more and more proficient in using the mechanical power of Shengyuan. You can actually start this vehicle with a light tap." Tianer laughed when he saw this scene.

"How is your power of the holy source?" Sitting in the cab, the hyena asked.

"I'm still a bit unfamiliar with the spiritual connection of creatures, or I don't have a deep understanding of the nature of the world. If I can understand it deeper, I will be more proficient in grasping the power of the holy source."

"Well, it's already very good. We can all survive the process of awakening the power of the holy source, which is equivalent to having tickets for S-level powerhouses. If we continue to practice, sooner or later, we will be able to become S-level powerhouses." By."

"Haha, of course."

Immediately, the vehicle started to follow Qiao Yu's previous direction, pursuing all the way.


On the wide and dilapidated road.

Qiao Yu drove the truck along the way. Although the road was rough, it was quite safe.

"What is that towering wall over there?" As he moved forward, Qiao Yu saw a huge, extremely dark wall that was more than [-] meters high on his west side.The wall stretches forward along the road, with almost no end in sight.It looks magnificent.

"Regional barriers." Deng Ping responded, looking around. "Our side is the Realm of Twilight, and next door is the Realm of Mist."

"Our realm of twilight is the eternal sun, and the realm of mist is the eternal fog?"

"Yes!" Deng Ping nodded.

"The Twilight Realm where we are located has a very, very large area. We are very close to the 'Blackthorn Fortress' on the map, but we still have to drive for a day or two. In the Twilight Realm, a large area , are occupied by those twilight creatures. Relatively speaking, this huge twilight domain has many and terrifying powerful creatures."

While speaking, Deng Ping looked around cautiously.

"Qiao Yu." Suddenly, Deng Ping said in a low voice.

"what happened?"

"I feel something is wrong."

"Oh?" Qiao Yu smiled lightly. "Did you just feel it?"

Hearing this, Deng Ping's heart froze slightly.He knew that Qiao Yu's perception was very powerful, after all, Qiao Yu was a wizard.But he didn't want to fight. Qiao Yu, who was chatting with himself while driving, could clearly feel the enemies around him.

"There seem to be quite a few enemies around us."

"It doesn't seem like, there are indeed many enemies. And these enemies are in an invisible state, and some guys are showing their bodies." Blood-eyed bats hovered high in the sky, and Qiao Yu was naturally able to spot those dusk creatures in this area.

"What do those guys look like?" Deng Ping frowned slightly.

"Wearing black leather armor, with a hunched body, there are many exoskeleton armors, and these exoskeleton armors are all withered and yellow in color. Well, it is very similar to the sun at dusk."

"It's the Twilight Assassin." Listening to Qiao Yu's explanation, Deng Ping said in a low voice. "We're being targeted by them."

"There are quite a few of them, there are 30 to [-] people, and they are still increasing."

"Then later, there will be a tough battle. These Twilight Assassins all have more than [-] life strengths, and they are extremely strong in displaying their own skills. Ordinary C-level survivors are not their opponents. These are like beasts. Once the Twilight Assassins kill survivors, they will cook the bones and skin together."

"It's really as ferocious as a wild beast."

"In the Twilight Realm, this Twilight Assassin is quite polite."

"Then we still have to thank them?"

"That's unnecessary."

"Then later, we have to teach them a lesson."

"Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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