Calamity Frontier

Chapter 267 Energy Ball

Chapter 267 Energy Ball

"not good."

Suddenly, Qiao Yu sensed a hint of danger.


An explosion directly stirred and bloomed.A tall building on the left ahead collapsed.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Qiao Yu slammed on the brakes, but it was already a bit late.The collapsing building was about to crush the vehicle into pieces.

"go out."

With a loud roar, Deng Ping jumped out of the window directly with his sword in one.

And Qiao Yu was even more violent. With a wizard's hand, he slapped the entire front of the car away, and then jumped out with a sudden burst of strength.

The two landed safely, while the truck plunged into the ruins of the collapsed building ahead and was buried.





As soon as the two of them landed one after another, high and low roars rang out around them.But there was no trace of the Twilight Assassin.

"Be careful, those twilight assassins are all invisible, they only show up when they attack, these guys' attacks are very powerful, be careful, many masters died in their hands." Deng Ping watched vigilantly. Said quickly around.

The Twilight Assassin, in the Twilight Realm, is a very tricky creature. Many survivors would rather face the powerful lord creature than these weird and tricky guys with strong stealth ability.


Qiao Yu glanced quickly across his eyes, and at the same time, the magic energy surged, but Qiao Yu didn't see the traces of those dusk assassins.

"Having the ability to block attribute vision, this is a good counter talent."

The creatures living in this wilderness have always been the survival of the fittest. Those Twilight Assassins who did not have the ability to counter stealth have been slaughtered long ago, and those who can survive and reproduce are those with the ability to counter stealth assassin.

Relatively speaking, the wilderness here is really a more real world.

"Although..." Looking around, Qiao Yu said slowly in his heart. "I can't see you, but that doesn't mean I don't know where you are."

With a thought, Qiao Yu let his perceptual ability bloom in all directions.

In an instant, the Twilight Assassins around one after another bloomed in Qiao Yu's perception.

Nowadays, Qiao Yu, whose perception ability has gradually become stronger, can still perceive those hidden creatures even without looking with his eyes.

With a light touch on the foot, the kamikaze step moved leisurely, and Qiao Yu's figure flew to one side like a gust of wind.

Baipi True Spirit Blade slashed down brazenly.


The Twilight Assassin was not slow to react, raising the Twilight Bone Blade in his hand to resist Qiao Yu's saber.


On Qiao Yu's Hundred True Spirit Blade, a black blade suddenly bloomed.


The Twilight Bone Blade in the Twilight Assassin's hand was cut off directly by Qiao Yu's saber. The Silver Level [-] equipment was combined with fragments of the "Black Nirvana Spear" and Qiao Yu's sharp blade.

The Baipi True Spirit Blade at this time can be called the sharp blade of a magic weapon.

Cutting off the Twilight Bone Blade with one stroke, the Baipi True Spirit Blade went down, and then killed the terrified Twilight Assassin with one stroke.

After beheading the Twilight Assassin with one blow, Qiao Yu's figure was like a gust of wind, killing the following Twilight Assassin.

With a single swing, a 1.5-meter-long saber aura condensed on the blade at this time. Wherever this sharp saber aura passed, it killed four Twilight Assassins with just one blow.

The sword in Qiao Yu's hand was like a black wave, surging wildly.

Where the blade swept, those dusk assassins were either killed or injured.


Many Twilight Assassins around saw how fierce Qiao Yu was, and they didn't even have the slightest fear. Instead, they swarmed up even more ferociously. Even some Twilight Assassins who were besieging Deng Ping came to attack Qiao Yu.

However, Qiao Yu is not so easy to be attacked by these guys.


A Twilight Assassin with a particularly dexterous speed jumped straight to Qiao Yu's side.

The Twilight Bone Blade in his hand pierced through Qiao Yu's back brazenly.


The Twilight Bone Blade in the hands of the Twilight Assassin landed on Qiao Yu's back, and a layer of black aura blocked the assassin's blow.Although the Twilight Assassin's attack was not weak, it only penetrated one-third of Qiao Yu's protective energy.

The magic power of the abyss has evolved into a special energy--mozhen qi. Qiao Yu naturally also possesses the powerful ability of cloth qi into a shirt, which is only possessed by true qi.

Cloth qi into a shirt, which is the so-called body-protecting qi.

Now that Qiao Yu has achieved a small amount of body protection, he can easily resist the attacks of these dusk assassins.

Seeing that his attack was actually blocked by this human's defense ability, the Twilight Assassin couldn't help being slightly startled.

The next moment, Qiao Yu's saber had already swept across.

"Not good." The Twilight Assassin, who was not weak in intelligence, was startled.

But it's already a bit late.

Qiao Yu's saber swept across and killed the Twilight Assassin directly.

After killing the Twilight Assassin, Qiao Yu didn't stop at all, and continued to chase and kill the Twilight Assassins around him.

After another round of Qiao Yu's sword swept across, there were not many Twilight Assassins around.

With the continuous slash of the three knives, he slashed down.

The four or five Twilight Assassins surrounding Qiao Yu have all been beheaded by Qiao Yu.

"Amazing, Brother Qiao, long time no see, your strength is simply terrifying." Deng Ping, who had killed the two Twilight Assassins beside him, laughed.

"Your strength is not weak, the sword light is bright, and you have the sword energy to protect your body. You can attack or defend as you like." Qiao Yu also said lightly.

During the battle just now, Qiao Yu naturally observed Deng Ping's battle situation.

Today's Deng Ping is much stronger than before.

"Okay, Brother Qiao, the battle is over, let's start absorbing energy and improving our strength." At this time, Deng Ping walked to the side of the small steps and sat up cross-legged and said.

"Absorb energy to improve strength?" Qiao Yu couldn't help being startled when he heard this.

"Of course, in this calamity border, you can only get a small amount of calamity god coins by killing those powerful lord creatures. It is unrealistic to want calamity god coins to improve your strength."

"It is not possible to use Calamity Coins to improve strength here, but there is a better way to improve. This better way to improve is, after killing these twilight creatures, the energy left by these twilight creatures. These energies dissipate in the air At this time, feeling these energies and then absorbing them can slightly increase our soul strength and genetic strength."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Qiao Yu's expression was greatly moved. "It's a good way to absorb energy and improve your strength."

"How efficient is this promotion method?" Qiao Yu asked after Wei Wei thought about it.

"It mainly depends on the individual's talent. The better the talent, the faster the absorption will be. At the same time, it also depends on the profession. My profession is a swordsman, and the absorption efficiency of energy is naturally relatively low, so my absorption efficiency is very average. But... ..." Deng Ping laughed at this point.

"Brother Qiao, your profession is a wizard. A wizard is a profession that is relatively close to nature. It absorbs energy, which is a natural advantage."

Hearing this, Qiao Yu laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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