Calamity Frontier

Chapter 268 Absorption

Chapter 268 Absorption
"By the way." While speaking, Deng Ping seemed to think of something.He said again: "I heard them say that in addition to the great influence of talents and occupations on absorbing energy, there is another aspect that has a particularly huge impact on our absorption of energy from heaven and earth."

"Oh? What's that?" Qiao Yu, who had already sat cross-legged and was about to absorb the energy around him, looked over.

"I heard them say that it seems to be a natural perception of heaven and earth." Deng Ping said to himself. "They say that the deeper the understanding of the nature of the world, the faster the efficiency of energy absorption. It is said that there are some terrible guys who can kindly understand nature. The speed at which such guys absorb the energy of the world is terrifying."

"There is still such a situation." Qiao Yu couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

"Of course." Deng Ping nodded, and then Deng Ping looked at Qiao Yu and said. "Brother Qiao, how do you feel about the nature of the world?"

"Is my world naturally understood?" Qiao Yu thought for a while.

"Very average." Then Qiao Yu said.

"Okay!" Shrugged, then Deng Ping closed his eyes and began to absorb the energy.

"Does the world understand?" Qiao Yu's heart was slightly turbulent at this time. "That's what I'm best at."

The next moment, Qiao Yu, who was sitting cross-legged, calmed down, and then his perception blossomed, and he merged with the surrounding world.

As soon as the perception ability was released, Qiao Yu felt the many "energy balls" gathered around him.These energy balls are about the size of a fingernail, and there are quite a few of them.

Earlier, when Qiao Yu was killing these dusk assassins.Qiao Yu had already felt these many energy balls, but Qiao Yu didn't know what the function of these energy balls was. At that time, Qiao Yu thought that the appearance of this kind of energy balls was a phenomenon in this world.Who would have expected that this kind of energy ball can directly absorb and increase the strength of the soul and the strength of genes.

At this time, Qiao Yu's perception was released, and he could clearly feel that Deng Ping's energy balls were continuously floating towards his body one after another as he practiced, and then absorbed by him.Generally speaking, Deng Ping's speed is not too slow.


After exhaling lightly, with a thought, Qiao Yu began to absorb these energy balls in the surrounding world directly according to the method of true energy circulation in "Long Yuan Zhen Dian".

As soon as the mental method was running, Qiao Yu suddenly felt that with the operation of the mental method, a large number of energy balls in the surrounding world slowly flowed towards him.


Qiao Yu couldn't help being overjoyed.

"My talent for using energy is not weak. At the same time, my understanding of the nature of the world, as my physical body has stepped into the subtle realm, now I can almost completely integrate my mind into the surrounding world. Now, I have a deeper understanding of the nature of heaven and earth. The absorption efficiency of this energy ball is naturally extremely high."

After calming down, Qiao Yu absorbed, and a large number of energy balls gathered around Qiao Yu's body.

Almost every second, twenty energy balls were absorbed into Qiao Yu's body.Compared with Deng Ping who only absorbed one or two in two or two seconds, this speed was twenty or thirty times faster.

As these energy balls are absorbed.

The first thing Qiao Yu felt was the gathering of these energies in his body.

At the same time, Qiao Yu also felt that there are many ways to distribute these energies.

Such as strengthening genes, strengthening the soul, and even strengthening one's physical strength, and many other aspects.

"Strengthen the genetic strength first." With a thought, Qiao Yu allocated the energy to the genetic strength.

For Qiao Yu, the strength of this gene must be strengthened first, which can best reflect the direct combat ability.

With the influx of a large number of energy balls, Qiao Yu clearly felt that his gene strength began to increase slightly.

When more than 600 energy balls poured in, Qiao Yu's genetic strength increased a little.

At this time, the surrounding energy balls were much sparser, and at the same time, these energy balls began to gradually disintegrate, and then dissipated in this world.

Qiao Yu, who had stopped practicing, stood up and looked at the surrounding world.

At this time, as always, it was dusk, and the golden sun filled the air.

"Will these energy balls dissipate after a while?" Qiao Yu asked Deng Ping, who had also stopped practicing.

"Of course, after those energy balls appear, they will disintegrate in a few minutes. If there are a lot of them, the disintegration speed will be slower."

Deng Ping explained Qiao Yu's doubts.

"You should have felt it when you absorbed the energy ball just now. This energy has many functions. Not only can it strengthen the strength of genes and soul, but it can also strengthen our physical defenses, enhance our perception, speed, reaction, etc. Waiting for various aspects."

"Indeed." Qiao Yu nodded slightly. "The effect of this energy is indeed very powerful."

Qiao Yu can feel that the energy that kills other creatures and dissipates into the world has a lot to do.

"Energy plays a big role. If we want to grow up, we must hunt these twilight creatures frequently. Hunting, absorbing, hunting, absorbing, this is how we grow at twilight creatures. Fortunately, in the twilight realm, There are not many others, but there are really too many creatures of the dusk to kill."

While listening to Deng Ping's narration, Qiao Yu was also thinking about it.

"The energy here is sufficient. Relatively speaking, what hinders the growth of many people is their absorption speed. For me, the absorption speed is very fast. As long as there is enough time, I will be able to grow up soon. From this point of view , Entering this calamity border, it seems that I am more comfortable than I am in the calamity world."

Thinking of this, Qiao Yu looked at the sunset with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This disaster frontier doesn't seem so boring."

"Okay, it's time for us to move on." Deng Ping jumped to the top of the building more than ten meters high, and then explained after a while.

With a light touch on Qiao Yu's feet, he already flew to the top of the building.

"Your lightness kung fu is not bad." Although Deng Ping's strength is slightly weaker than Qiao Yu's, his vision is very vicious. Qiao Yu's lightness jumps forward, and he can tell that Qiao Yu's lightness kung fu is extraordinary.

"It's barely okay. You know, I'm in the calamity world. I have a lot of enemies. The speed is faster, and I can kill some people."

"Since you are good at lightness kung fu, it's easy to handle."

Afterwards, Deng Ping pointed to the endless mountains in the distance on the side, saying so.

"There is the Blackthorn Mountain Range, and the Blackthorn Fortress is on the other side of the Blackthorn Mountain Range. If the two of us drive a car, we need to go around a lot. Although it takes a lot of time, it is safe, but now the car is gone. We Just go straight through the Blackthorn Mountains! It might be dangerous for me alone, but with Brother Qiao here, I think it should be safe."


Qiao Yu nodded slightly upon hearing this.

With a vertical movement of his figure, Deng Ping flew away in a light and fluttering manner.

Qiao Yu stepped a little, and jumped directly to keep up.

The two performed lightness kung fu one after the other, and the speed was faster than that of the hundred-yard car.

(End of this chapter)

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