Calamity Frontier

Chapter 269 Difficult Journey

Chapter 269 Difficult Journey
In the golden light of the setting sun, the two of them moved forward rapidly one after the other.

Occasionally, the two will encounter some dusk creatures on the road, such as jungle tigers, barbarian warriors, skeleton warriors and so on.

When encountering these creatures, the two of them naturally wouldn't hunt and kill each other politely. While absorbing energy, they also took a break.

Along the way, Qiao Yu absorbed a lot of energy balls, and his genetic strength increased by several points.

Qiao Yu could feel that in this disaster frontier, his growth rate seemed to be faster than before.

Before you know it, several hours have passed.

With the light of dusk, the two stopped on a rather wide ledge in the Blackthorn Mountains, chatting without saying a word while eating.

"Brother Qiao, can you tell me, were you this good at playing disaster games before?"

"Almost, even sometimes, it will grow faster than it is now. After all, you have to know that death in the disaster world is not real death. So many times, my buddy and I, the two of us Many times, they are very bold. For example, going into the abyss alone, or exploring some places that must die, or to control something that is difficult for us to control. Although many times it is a direct death, but you have to know.”

"Occasionally there will be one or two opportunities, and we can succeed, so in a short period of time, I can rise up. However, in this disaster world, it is not possible to do that. After all, opportunities are only For once, it’s better to be cautious.”

"Indeed." Deng Ping nodded. "To be able to grow up steadily, one still needs to grow steadily."

"Then what's your buddy's name? To be able to cooperate with someone like Brother Qiao, he must be a magnificent existence."

"Haha..." Hearing this, Qiao Yu smiled. "That guy's name is Hu Wei'an, and I usually call him 'Brother An'."

"However, if you think he is some kind of bullshit and peerless guy, then you are wrong. That guy is a dead house. According to legend, he is the kind of god who sits in an Internet cafe for a month. I often go to To help him, before I died, I paid him the rent for more than half a year."

"But that guy is indeed loyal enough, unfortunately..." Qiao Yu sighed at this point. "Now the two realms are separated."

"Let's rest for a while, and we'll set off." Immediately, Qiao Yu said lightly.

"En." Deng Ping nodded, and immediately began to practice sitting cross-legged.


Qiao Yu, who was lying on the rock wall, looked at the many tall jungle buildings in front of him bathed in the light of dusk, and his heart was slightly turbulent.

Fighting all the way in this calamity world, Qiao Yu has not forgotten the deepest purpose in his heart.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Qiao Yu's heart skipped a beat. "Is it still coming?"

Since I knew it, the Twilight Institute of Biology might send enemies to hunt it down.Along the way, while Qiao Yu was moving forward, there would be a blood-eyed bat behind him every once in a while.

Just now, Qiao Yu felt a blood-eyed bat sense an unusually powerful creature following his path.

"Deng Ping." Qiao Yu's expression moved slightly, and he stood up.

"What's the matter, Joe?"

"We should go."

Deng Ping realized something, stood up and stared in the direction Qiao Yu was looking at.

"Have you come after me?"


"What strength?"

"I don't know, but it must be extremely strong."

"Do you want us to fight with them?"

"Don't worry, they are still far away from us. Let's move on and slow down a bit, so that we can maintain plenty of energy. And those chasing us, chasing all the way, will consume more energy. Wait until they When we are about to catch up with us, we will wait for work." After thinking about it, Qiao Yu said.

"Well!" Yes.

Immediately, the two performed lightness kung fu one after another, and rushed along the steep mountain wall to the top of the mountain.

The lightness kung fu of both of them is very powerful, and it is not a problem to fly over the eaves and walls.

Very far away at this time.

In the mountains and forests with dense thorns, jagged rocks and rugged roads.

Hyena and Tian'er walked through it in a bit of a state of embarrassment.

The clothes of the two of them were all tattered by the thorns in the mountain forest, and even a lot of mud was splashed on their bodies.

Compared with Qiao Yu and Deng Ping's Qinggong Yuye who easily passed through the forest, the speed of the two without Qinggong in this complex mountain forest terrain was not fast.Sometimes various complex terrains also give them a headache.

Therefore, in the city with tall buildings and jungles, the speed of the two of them was extremely fast. At that time, when they entered the forest, the speed of the two of them obviously slowed down.

"That damned experimental subject, when I catch him, he must be skinned and cramped." Tian'er, who was walking hard in the forest, said angrily.

"Then you have to catch them first. Those two guys are very fast. You also saw that there are basically no traces of them in this mountain forest, but I can smell their scent." The hyena said lightly. Said: "Obviously those two guys have lightness kung fu. Neither of us have it. It's still a question whether we can catch up with them in this mountain forest!"

"Then we don't rest, and continue to chase. Those two guys will definitely run for a while and rest for a while. If we persevere, we will definitely be able to catch up."

Hearing what Tianer said, the hyena frowned.

"That way, when we catch up with them, I'm afraid we will consume a lot of physical strength and energy."

"Hmph, are we still afraid of two C-grade trash? I can crush two C-grade trash with one hand."

"Okay." Jian Tianer was in a bad mood at this moment, and the hyena couldn't refute again.

Knowing that there are pursuers behind, Qiao Yu and Deng Ping, the two of them did not take the usual path, and they relied on lightness kung fu.Specially go to those who choose those difficult roads to advance.

On one side is a flat mountain forest, on the other side is a muddy swamp.The two chose the swamp, and used their lightness skills to gallop across the swamp.

On one side is a smooth ridge, on the other side is a cliff mountain, and there is a rushing river below.The two of them wanted to fly across the river.

One side is a gentle basin, one side is a steep cliff.The two of them still rely on their lightness kung fu and descend gracefully.

For the two of them, they have light skills, and wherever they walk, it is like walking on flat ground.

However, for the hyenas and Tianears who were chasing after them, this was a fucking disaster.

In the muddy swamp, Tian Er's thigh was bitten by a giant crocodile hiding in a puddle.When crossing the great river, the hyena accidentally fell into the rushing water of the river and drank a lot of water.Descending down the steep cliff, both of them fell hard enough.

"When I catch them, I will explode their asses." At this moment, Tian Er was hysterical with anger.

The hyena on the side also said with a gloomy face: "Count me in then."

(End of this chapter)

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