Calamity Frontier

Chapter 270 The Dark Forest

Chapter 270 The Dark Forest
"Two interesting guys."

In a jungle at the foot of a mountain, Qiao Yu used the blood-eyed bat to see two guys circling in the gravel plaster far away, and couldn't help but chuckled.

"Brother Qiao is the best. He purposely turned a few more times in the pile of broken rocks, and then flew more than 200 meters into the air. He directly cut off the pursuit route of those two guys." Deng Ping beside him laughed.

"This is just the time to trap those two guys for a while. Soon they will understand that this is a small trap. When they find out, they will be able to easily find our follow-up traces once they expand the search area." Qiao Yu Said lightly.

"Then let's move on. It's not far from the Blackthorn Fortress, and there's still half the distance. Once we reach the Blackthorn Fortress, these two guys won't dare to chase after them."

"Oh, why?" Qiao Yu asked a little puzzled.

"Of course it's because the owner of the Blackthorn Fortress and Dr. Scalpel are at odds. I heard that the owner of Blackthorn Fortress almost died at the hands of Dr. Scalpel two or three times. The two are deadly enemies. "

"It turns out that this is the case, so the Blackthorn Fortress is also S-rank."


"From this point of view, this Dr. Scalpel should be a very powerful existence in the S-class, otherwise he would not have nearly killed the Black Thorn Castle owner many times."

"Of course. Doctor Scalpel, there are many research institutes in the Twilight Realm, while the Lord Blackthorn has only one fortress. The strength of the two can still tell the difference between each other. Looking at the entire Twilight Realm, Dr. Scalpel is also very Great existence."

"So that's the case." Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

"Then who is the most powerful guy in our Twilight Realm?" Then Qiao Yu asked again.

"Needless to say, it is naturally the 'Lord of the Twilight', which is a top SSS-level powerhouse. The stronghold established by ordinary S-level powerhouses is also afraid of the beast tide. However, the 'Twilight City of the Twilight Lord' 'There is no twilight creature at the fundamental level who dares to attack. In the past, there was an S-level twilight creature commanding an army to attack."

"But the Twilight Lord flew directly into the army of Twilight Creatures by himself, and killed the top S-rank Twilight Creature with a single palm. Since then, no Twilight Creature has dared to attack the Twilight Lord's Twilight Creature." It's a secluded city."

"SSS-level powerhouses are really powerful." Qiao Yu still understands this very well.

"Let's go!" said Deng Ping who stood up at this time.

"Actually." Qiao Yu said leisurely. "I have a bold plan that allows us to kill these two guys easily."

"Oh?" Deng Ping's expression changed upon hearing this.

After all, the opponent is an AA-level powerhouse, and it is not easy to fight the opponent, and Deng Ping is not willing to fight the opponent.At this moment, Qiao Yu said that there was a good way to kill these two guys, and Deng Ping naturally didn't mind making up the knife.

"The plan is this..."

Qiao Yu slowly talked about it.

"Is what you said true?" Deng Ping's expression was greatly disturbed.

"Of course it's true." Qiao Yu nodded cautiously.

"This plan is simply too insidious, hehe...I like it." Deng Ping smiled knowingly.


"These two bastards. The two of them actually played with us." The angry Tian Er punched out.

In front of him, a huge boulder with a diameter of three meters was directly shattered by his punch.

It took nearly half an hour for the two of them to realize that this huge desert stone plate turned out to be a trap, and it made them spend so long here like idiots for nothing, which made Tian Er's anger almost reach its peak.

"I want to explode them for an hour, no, it's two hours of chrysanthemum." Clenching his fists, the angry Tian Er shouted from the bottom of his heart.

"Hurry up, they're going in this direction." The hyena said quickly after a slight inspection and found their traces.

The angry Tian'er caught up without hesitation.

"They didn't use lightness skills to fly away. They were walking forward at a breakneck speed. It seems that their energy should be used up." After chasing for a while, the hyena suddenly found that these two guys were walking on the ground all the way.

Hearing this, Tianer was overjoyed, "Speed ​​up, I can't wait to catch up with those two guys."

"Yeah!" Nodding, the hyena sped up.

After a quick pursuit, the hyena soon came to the riverside along the scent trail.

When it came to the river, the hyena cut it here and sniffed the air vigorously with its black nose.

"What's wrong?" Tian Er asked.

"I smelled a very special smell, it should be some kind of wooden summoning object, with the smell of the abyss."

"What about them?"

"Go upstream along the river."

"Then let's chase after it."

"Yeah!" The hyena nodded.

Afterwards, the two followed the river and chased them up the road.

It was very fast to follow the two of them all the way, but within ten minutes, the two came to the entrance of a quiet and dark forest.

I saw that this piece of dark dense forest was 30 meters high, but those intricate vines and shrubs were entangled with each other on top of the 20-meter-high tree tops, forming a dark and silent forest between each other.

And the aura of Li Gan and Deng Ping penetrated into it along the jungle of this dark jungle.

Stand at the entrance of this Mirkwood.

Both the hyena and Tianer stopped.

"This..." Both of them narrowed their eyes slightly.

Both of them knew very well that this dark forest was the nest of shadow hornets.

As for the shadow wasp, that is a very terrifying creature.

The scary thing about the Shadow Hornets is not how powerful they are, but their numbers.

That's not hundreds or thousands, it's millions, tens of millions.

With such a large number, once they are trapped, not to mention their AA-level powerhouses, even S-level powerhouses will die.

"Is it going in?" the hyena asked.

"It goes without saying, of course it's going in." Tian Er said harshly. "Let's be careful, don't go too deep, just don't provoke those shadow hornets."

After thinking about it, the hyena nodded.

Their ears are AA-level formers, as long as they don't go too deep, it's not a big problem to escape.

With a movement, the two carefully followed the passage and entered it.

The dark nest of the shadow wasp is quite intricate, but fortunately there is the aura left in front, and the two of them can't chase after it.

When they went two to 300 meters cautiously, they saw more than 20 withered yellow beehives, the size of a truck, and those fist-sized shadow hornets buzzing over their heads. fly away.

However, the two were not hunted down by those shadow hornets because of their concealed aura.

"I feel that they are ahead." The hyena whispered.

"Well, once we find them, the two of us will catch them with thunder and run out."

"it is good."

Walking around a corner and seeing the scene in front of him clearly, the hyena and Tian'er were immediately dismayed.

only see...

The two Sky Striker Vines were wearing Qiao Yu's and Deng Ping's clothes, standing there staring at them, and they were holding a total of four grenades in their hands.

At this time, the pull tab of the grenade was leisurely pulled open, and the grenade was thrown at the two of them at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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