Chapter 272

Breathing in the darkness, Qiao Yu slowly opened his eyes.

At the same time, a trace of doubt appeared in the depths of Qiao Yu's eyes, and after a while, this trace of doubt became sharper.

"Deng Ping." Qiao Yu called softly.

"Huh?" Deng Ping, who was practicing, opened his eyes.

"Someone is here." Qiao Yu said softly. "A very good guy."

Just now, Qiao Yu felt the visual inspection of the blood-eyed bat, and saw a very powerful existence. At least Qiao Yu could not see any attributes of the opponent with the attribute vision of the blood-eyed bat.

Through the teleportation array, "Xiyue" who was quietly teleported here quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests.

Xiyue, who has a gold suit and has A-level strength, and the Twilight Realm, as long as they don't encounter S-level creatures, they can basically be said to be rampant. The number of S-level creatures is not too much.Therefore, she is fast.

Along the rugged foothills, Xiyue proceeded cautiously, and after a while, Xiyue had already arrived at the entrance of the cave.

"This time in the twilight domain, the twilight beast tide is about to erupt, and there should be a lot of good things emerging from the cracks in the abyss. I hope we can catch some good things this time." Xiyue thought as she was moving forward.

After observing slightly, Xiyue's expression moved. "Why do you feel something is wrong?"

Immediately, Xiyue shook her head slightly and stepped into the cave with one step.

When this girl who was only eighteen or nineteen years old, Xiyue, had just stepped into the cave.


With a soft moan, it surged out leisurely, and a dark silver knife light pierced the darkness, leisurely swinging towards her chest.

"It's silver equipment, the power of this knife is not too strong."

Xiyue, who has A-level strength and has a golden suit, judged it in an instant.

With a flip of his hand, the short sword "渃智" equipped with the fifth-level gold equipment directly smashed up.


The two blades collided instantly.

"Cut off your equipment with one knife, and then kill you." Xiyue, who had a strong killing heart, thought so.

"Huh?" However, the moment they collided together, Xiyue's zero color changed slightly.

Xiyue only felt an extremely strong force surging out.

Unable to suppress the surging force, Xiyue's body floated leisurely towards the entrance of the cave.

"Golden equipment?"

"Golden equipment."

In the dark cave, there was a cry of surprise, a low cry, and two sounds at the same time.

"Even if you still have winks, but since you have discovered this small crack in the black abyss, I will reluctantly send you to hell, and the secrets here must not be leaked." smile.

"Oh? Send me to hell?" A playful smile came out.

Immediately, under Xiyue's gaze.

A man with an ordinary face, holding a silver-gray saber, and a faint black flame burning all over his body came out of the cave.Another man with a long sword on his back also came out of it.

"A-level master." Qiao Yu's gaze flicked over the woman. "At the same time, there is an extremely powerful equipment, which is not very easy to deal with."

"Is it up to you or me?" Deng Ping asked.

After several days of continuous absorption and practice, Deng Ping, who was not far from a B-level master, naturally reached the B-level level very easily.At the same time, as a master of swordsmanship, Deng Ping's ability of invisible sword energy also became terrifying under the breeding of this massive energy.

And Qiao Yu, after these days of practice, has also stepped into the B-level level.

Qiao Yu's genetic strength has reached more than 230 levels, and his soul strength has also reached two hundred and one.

A genetic strength of [-] is the threshold for a B-rank powerhouse.

Qiao Yu, who has basically stepped into the B-level level, is naturally stronger than before.

"This woman, she sounded equipment, so scary, and nine times out of ten, she was someone from a powerful force, but... she should be killed or killed." Qiao Yu didn't have the habit of letting people go.

"Don't waste time. It's not long before the twilight beast horde broke out. Let's go together, kill this woman, and then we leave quickly." Qiao Yu said so quickly.

"Kill me?" The woman glanced at Qiao Yu and Deng Ping, "Just you two B-level guys."

"It's not a try, how do you know we can't kill you." Deng Ping said with a long roar.

Immediately, his steps suddenly moved, and a strong sword energy strangled towards the woman.

The sword aura in this hand was swift and swift, and there was a faint sound of thunder in it. Obviously, Deng Ping's attainments in the way of swords were already extremely deep.After all, he is a strong man who only practiced the way of swordsmanship. Compared with Qiao Yu's comprehensive practice in many aspects, his practice in the way of swordsmanship has improved rapidly.

The sword energy came out thinly, and that Xiyue's expression froze slightly.

"I didn't see it, but he turned out to be a master of swordsmanship." Xiyue, who had sliced ​​through with a sword, said secretly.

There are many people who use swords in the Twilight Realm, and even in the entire border of disasters, but there are very few who can truly master the way of the sword, use the sword energy to attack the enemy wantonly, and at the same time comprehend the true meaning of the sword light.

And the B-level human with a sword in front of him is obviously a master who has mastered the way of the sword.

It is very common for such masters to fight across stages.

A sword swung out, and Deng Ping's sword energy erupted endlessly from behind, just like the waves of a great river, endlessly.

In every breath, Deng Ping can almost display more than 20 sword qi, these sword qi are either fierce, or weird, or cold, or tricky, and they are perfectly equipped with each other to form the invisible sword qi. The potential is perfectly displayed.

That Xiyue was holding the golden equipment "渃晶" was not weak either, as much as the majestic sword energy came from the blade, it strangled as much with the blade.

The escaping sword energy swept and exploded, cutting all the surrounding mountains, rocks, vegetation, and trees to pieces.Deng Ping's sword energy was indeed terrifyingly ferocious.

"Hahaha... Not bad, come again." Deng Ping, who had brought out the invisible sword energy, laughed loudly at this moment.

The powerful sword energy erupted, and Deng Ping felt more and more at this time that he could control the invisible sword energy at will. The terrifying power was not displayed, and Deng Ping felt that the terrifying mysterious realm was being gradually released as he fought.


The majestic sword energy was accompanied by Deng Ping's laughter, and its power was further improved.Every breath can burst out more than 30 sword qi, and at the same time the power of the sword qi can also be increased by [-] to [-]%.

As a result, the pressure on Na Xiyue suddenly increased by more than double.

"I can't let him suppress me like this anymore, long-term rules will lose."

With such thoughts in mind, Xiyue already made a movement with a single step.


With a coquettish voice, Xiyue moved her body, and crossed the offensive range of the strong sword energy from the side, intending to cut into the vicinity of Deng Ping's figure from the side.

Xiyue, who looked like she was welcoming, moved around to avoid all these sword qi.

Leisurely, a knife suddenly swept over.


The knife came really suddenly, and even Xiyue didn't notice it.

Fortunately, she was wearing gold equipment after all, so Xiyue's reaction was also extremely fast, and she directly drew her with a backhand.

"Dang." With a sound, Xiyue's figure was unexpectedly swung back by the knife.

"There's another one that's even more powerful." Xiyue's heart sank as she glanced slightly away from Qiao Yu who had thrown the knife.

(End of this chapter)

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