Calamity Frontier

Chapter 273 Breakthrough

Chapter 273 Breakthrough
That Deng Ping has extraordinary strength and is a master of swordsmanship, Xiyue already understands this.

However, Xiyue didn't expect that the guy who attacked her sneakily just now and blocked her back with a stunning knife at this time is even more powerful.

"It's a bit difficult to be afraid of death this time." Even though Xiyue was wearing gold equipment at this time, she was also feeling difficult in her heart.

"This kind of master is usually rare to see. At this time, they appeared together. Where did these two freaks come from? They are actually more powerful than the other."


Seeing that the woman wanted to sneak attack him, but was sent back to the original place by Qiao Yu, Deng Ping burst out laughing.


Infinite sword energy flowed up, Deng Ping's heart throbbed.Vaguely, a strong "sword intent" wanted to burst out from the bottom of my heart.

"Opportunity." Deng Ping was slightly pleased.

With a slight movement of his feet, Deng Ping rubbed his body and stood up.Leap directly onto a rock about ten feet high.


Following that mysterious feeling, Deng Ping swung his sword again.

This sword, with a slanted edge, felt like it was about to fall, but the light of the sword was icy cold. Although it had not reached the front of that Xiyue, that Xiyue had already felt the coldness of the sword energy, which was biting to the bone.

Xiyue once again drew the knife with one hand.

This time, Xiyue suddenly found out that this knife could not stop hitting the opponent's sword light.

"How is this possible?" Xiyue was terrified.

Its reaction speed is also extremely fast, and its body moves slightly to avoid the sword.

Xiyue looked at Deng Ping again, only to see that Deng Ping was surrounded by majestic and vigorous sword energy.

An intensifying sword intent came out of it.

"Breakthrough." A word that terrified Xiyue emerged.

"This guy, before he breaks through, his strength is not weaker than mine. If he breaks through, I'm afraid..." Thinking of this, Xiyue no longer cared about hiding her strength.

"If you want to break through in front of me, there is no way."

"The power of the three phases, open." With a low growl, a thick force burst out of Xiyue's body.

"Super mitochondria, turn on." Qiao Yu, who was observing from one side, would let Na Xiyue interrupt Deng Ping's breakthrough.

"If you want to kill Deng Ping, pass me first." Qiao Yu smiled faintly.

Xiyue, who burst out with the power of the three phases, exploded at a speed, like lightning hitting the sky, it was terrifyingly fast.

However, Qiao Yu, who also exploded with super mitochondria, had an even more frightening speed.

This time, Qiao Yu also stopped in front of that Xiyue.


The knife was like a mountain pressing down on the top, slashing towards Xiyue.

"Die to me." With a roar, Xiyue burst out with all her strength, and the power of the three phases was urged to the extreme.

Under the collision of the knife, Xiyue felt a trace of despair.

Xiyue felt her body being hit back again.

And Qiao Yu remained calm.

Looking at that plain smile, Xiyue felt that this very ordinary-looking guy stood between herself and the guy who cast sword energy, like a natural moat that couldn't be crossed.

Xiyue, who fell backwards, was still in the air, and several strokes of sword energy had already strangled her.

Xiyue controlled the power of the three phases, and the short knife in her hand was as fast as lightning, splitting the many sword lights one after another.

When it landed, another seven or eight strokes of sword energy swept over it.

At this time, Deng Ping's sword aura was no longer what it used to be. It never returned. At this time, the sword aura gradually became active, with a little more spirituality. When the sword light deviated, he knew how to turn the sword edge Attack and kill that Xiyue.


Standing on a high place, Deng Ping laughed out loud.

"Thank you Brother Qiao for guarding me. I have finally made a further step above the way of the sword, hahaha..."

The high-spirited Deng Ping said loudly.

"Brother Qiao, don't make a move yet, let's see how I kill this raving guy."

As soon as Deng Ping finished speaking, hundreds of sword qi gathered around him at the same time, and an indescribably terrifying power bloomed at the same time.

This force directly surpassed the AA level, and vaguely touched the S level.

"This..." Seeing that after Deng Ping broke through, he gathered a lot of sword energy and even touched the S rank, Xiyue's face became cloudy for a while.

"If you want to kill me, don't blame me for being dead. If you stop now, I will ignore the past and let you go."

"What nonsense, come up and die." Deng Ping let out a long roar, and his voice rolled away.

Gritting her teeth, Xiyue also knew that the two freaks in front of her were not something that could be dealt with by ordinary means, and it was time to take out the treasures in the box.

With a shake of her right hand, Xiyue held a golden scroll in her hand.

"You guys forced me, you're all going to die." Xiyue roared with a gloomy face.

The next moment, the golden scroll was used by Xiyue.


A surge of power burst out from Xiyue's body, and this power was astonishingly half-step S-level terrifying power.

S rank, in the twilight domain, that is the peak power.

At this moment, in this A-level expert, Xiyue bloomed a terrifying power that only a terrifying S-level expert can master.

"S-level power."

Seeing the terrible destructive power blooming from Xiyue, Qiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"There seems to be the existence of 'the power of the holy source'. Could it be said that the S-level power in this world still has a way to the power of the holy source?"

As Qiao Yu's strength increases, Qiao Yu can feel that the stronger the power in this world, the more invisible it will be suppressed by this world.

The world suppresses more powerful forces, which is a common rule of all worlds.

The world is a container. Since it is a container, it is destined not to accommodate infinitely strong power, and it will inevitably suppress a stronger peak power.

Many masters, after reaching a certain level, just can't advance an inch, because what imprisons them is not their own level, but this world.

Qiao Yu's cell armed route is the peak explosive state.

If there is an ordinary route to reach S rank, then when Qiao Yu breaks out, he will reach a higher level.

From the display of the power of the holy source on this woman, Qiao Yu vaguely felt that this border area of ​​disaster and disaster seemed to have a different route to reach the peak than the world of disaster and disaster.

"I have been able to perfectly grasp the power of the holy source long ago, but the power of the holy source can only be used passively, and it has never been able to explode actively. And this world seems to be able to explode the power of the holy source. This border. Really has many extraordinary things”

"Go to hell." At this time, Xiyue, who had mastered half a step of S-level power, turned her body, and ignored Qiao Yu. The first thing she had to deal with was Deng, a master of swordsmanship who possessed close to S-level power. flat.

Facing Xiyue, who burst out with terrifying power, Deng Ping was not afraid at all.


Deng Ping let out a deep roar, and the hundreds of sword qis suddenly converged, and the terrifying destructive power close to S-level burst out from the ten-meter-long sword qi.


With a thought, the ten-meter-long majestic sword light directly strangled Xiyue who was charging.

Where the sword energy passed, the air was directly torn apart.

That Xiyue, who has mastered S-level power at this time, is not afraid of that terrifying sword energy at all.


Jianmang and Xiyue collided with each other.

 Called again, still updated.

  But don't worry, it's four more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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