Chapter 275
The burning attribute flames extended from the attribute furnace.

With Qiao Yu's manipulation, a large piece of metal was burned and melted quickly, and then these metals with a little non-destructive property, under the control of Qiao Yu's wizard's hand, merged into the damaged part of the black fortress's defensive layer.

This small defensive fortress is a very good place, but it is a bit dilapidated, and many places have been broken, which has caused its defensive capabilities to be much worse than before, so no one will choose it as a stronghold.

Qiao Yu has the ability to melt these special metals and reshape these metals. Naturally, he can easily build the defense layer here perfectly.

After more than an hour.

The entire three-dimensional fortress of about 20 meters by 20 meters was built by Qiao Yu.

This defensive layer, the first layer of defense is surrounded by solid metal walls, about [-] centimeters thick, with only a few exits, and the Sky Striker and Demon Vine will stick to these exits.

The second layer is a fortress layer in the middle area with only two exits and a wall thickness of half a meter.

When Sky Striker and Demon Vine cannot defend the first floor, Qiao Yu and Deng Ping need to guard the second floor.

On the third floor, the thickness of the metal wall is a full meter.This is the final core area.There is only one passage wide for one person, which is the last shelter of the two.

This small fort residence can be described as extremely defensive.But thinking about the twilight creatures like mountains and seas, one can understand that no matter what the defense is here, it's not important.

The flames of the attribute melting furnace were blazing, and Qiao Yu released the little Zilong and many Sky Striker vines on the side. Xiao Zilong led many Sky Striker vines to collect scattered metals around, and brought them to Qiao Yu. Come here, Qiao Yu can smelt it and strengthen the defense of his stronghold.

At this time, not only Qiao Yu was strengthening his defense stronghold.

Many other fortress strongholds of various sizes, many fighters in the border world are strengthening their fortress strongholds.Let yourself survive as much as possible in this battle.Of course, many frontier fighters have experienced countless times of similar twilight beast swarms, and they have long been very proficient in the survival methods and ingenuity in the twilight beast swarm.

Qiao Yu's stronghold is only a relatively small stronghold, and some large strongholds are all forts of 50 meters by 50 meters.

After all, this "Blackthorn Fortress" is known as a fortress.Naturally, everyone who comes here is able to build a fortress and then defend their own fortress.

Many fortresses have been renovated at this time.Many fighters in the border have different means, and at this time, repairing these fortresses is not a problem.

Through the observation of the blood-eyed bat, Qiao Yu could see that in the master area, there were probably more than 100 people in the fortress busy.

The elite area has four or five forts.

As for the general area, that's more.There are nearly a thousand forts.Moreover, the normal area not only has small forts, but also very dense forts. At the same time, there are a lot of border fighters in each fort.

Obviously these border fighters are not very strong, they know how to use the means of the team to survive the catastrophe of the twilight beast horde.

"Brother Joe."

Little Zilong flew over with a team of Sky Striker Vine.

Everyone who came back from Sky Striker and Demon Vine carried a lot of scrap metal.

"The metal is almost ready, and there is no need to collect more metal. I heard many people talking about it, saying that the twilight beast tide will erupt within a dozen hours or as short as a few hours. The duration of the eruption, or Three to five days, maybe more than ten days if it is long."

"This will be a tough battle." At this time, Deng Ping came out from inside the fortress and said.

"The spring of life is ready?" Qiao Yu looked over.

"Well, the range covers the entire fortress, and the recovery effect is not bad. It is enough for your many summons to recover during the battle. If you are directly seriously injured and killed, there is no way to recover."

"It's great if it has a recovery effect." Qiao Yu nodded.

There is a constant small spring of restorative water that keeps the many Sky Striker vines fighting.

"I hope that by then, your Sky Striker and Demon Vine will be able to make great contributions." Deng Ping said.

"Don't worry, my Sky Striker Vine is not something that ordinary creatures can provoke." Qiao Yu said with a smile, Qiao Yu's current Sky Striker Vine is indeed not something that ordinary experts can provoke.After all, it is already a C-level summoner.

"It's a pity that there is no place to spend God of Calamity Coins to strengthen it. If there is, it will allow me to improve my overall strength." Qiao Yu said.

Qiao Yu has not forgotten that he still has more than 5 calamity coins on him. With so many calamity coins, Qiao Yu's strength can easily reach the A-level level.

When he heard what Qiao Yu said, Deng Ping's expression moved slightly.

"I heard that it's at the top." Deng Ping pointed to the huge black fortress at the top of the giant mammoth skeleton, which was the area where the owner of Castle Blackthorn was located.

"There seems to be a 'Lighthouse Store' in the owner of Castle Blackthorn. It is said that many powerful props can be purchased there, and you can also use that store to strengthen yourself."

"Oh." Hearing this, Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly.

"However, it is said that only by serving the Lord of the Black Thorn Castle can we use the Lighthouse Store to strengthen ourselves." Deng Ping said.

"Serve for the Lord of the Black Thorn Castle?" Hearing this, Qiao Yu couldn't help thinking secretly.

"Senior Lie doesn't know when he will be able to find me. Now, I can't roam around in a large area. It would be a good way to seek refuge with the Lord of Blackthorn Castle temporarily. After all, the Lord of Castle Blackthorn is an S-rank The ability of masters is still extremely deterrent."

After thinking for a while, Qiao Yu spoke.

"We were hunted down by Doctor Scalpel before. Although we got rid of the pursuit of those two guys, Doctor Doctor Scalpel will definitely not let us go lightly. Maybe that Doctor Doctor Scalpel will come after us sometime. , it would be a good idea for us to join the Lord of the Black Thorn Castle for the time being."

"Indeed." Deng Ping nodded slightly.

"However, we have to show certain strength before we take effect, otherwise others may not be willing to take us." Qiao Yu said.

"That's true, after all, that's an S-level master."


At this time, in a rather wide and large black fortress in the master area.

A young man of eighteen or nineteen rushed in hastily.

"Big brother, big brother, I have made a major discovery." The young man shouted loudly and hastily while running.

"What big discovery?" Several other people in the six-member team looked at the young man who was rushing in.

"Look what this is."

As he said that, the young man flipped his hand, and a three-dimensional image appeared on his palm.

"Orange demon mechanical creature?"

The other five people were overjoyed when they saw the three-dimensional image that emerged.

At this time, the image that emerged in the young man's hand was a demonic mechanical creature in the form of a half-step orange emperor—Xiao Zilong.

(End of this chapter)

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